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  • I want to learn why others think they way they do.

    Votes: 48 42.9%
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    Votes: 13 11.6%
  • I enjoy defending my views.

    Votes: 20 17.9%
  • I enjoy arguing.

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    Votes: 35 31.3%
  • This is the worst poll ever in the history of VN; even worse than you last poll which held the recor

    Votes: 31 27.7%

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For me.... I enjoy coming here and acting like I can’t in everyday life..... it’s a form of relaxation😁.... and I like a lot of you guys

After ready what you just posted in gramps (why you were pistol whipped, etc), I'm calling BS on that.
Quite frankly this is my only source to get news these days since the legacy media and most of social media is gawd awful.
You realize the news you get on here comes from social media, right? Like the dude that posts direct tweets from "Trump's War Room" daily. I don't trust a damn thing on here, and you shouldn't either.
Why do I go to the football forum? To see the dichotomy and hypocrisy in action.

The SEC is not a training ground, we should hire an experienced coach, some say. But, it’s not realistic, nor is it reality.

Last time around, in the presidential election, people rejected the more qualified candidate, in favor of someone who had never held political office.

Now, half the country thinks it’s okay to say 250,000 dead Americans ....is what it is? It’s okay for a President to prolong the inevitable and not help us transition to the next administration?

So yeah, not to put things in the most basic form, but I come here to figure out what others think, why that is so and whether it makes sense to me.
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I hate all TV commercials at this time of year w/the yearly enrollment health insurance plans.
I generally hate all TV commercials bc they show them over & over & over again & again ......good lord.
Hang on until after I think, December 7. That's when open enrollment ends.

Then you can get bombarded by all the Christmas chopper/dicer/sham wow etc. BS.

Did I tell you that I am tired of seeing Namath on tv every 5 minutes pitching some medicare insurance scam?

Uh huh. I rarely watch TV unless it's with my wife, and we generally watch movies, so I don't see a lot of commercials except during football games. I was amazed Namath is still doing commercials, but I guess a guy has to make a living.
I hate all TV commercials at this time of year w/the yearly enrollment health insurance plans.
I generally hate all TV commercials bc they show them over & over & over again & again ......good lord.

Somebody explained one day that organizations like AARP, veterans' groups, etc really make their money from selling insurance. I thought that was a little nutty and cynical, but the more you pay attention the more it seems that just might be the case.
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