Why didn't we buy the Oregon game out?



Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
Doesn't matter now, and I like the idea Butch doesn't back down and all that, but with our schedule, I have one question--WHY?

For the past 20 years, UF has typically been the 3rd game season-ending letdown. I know we won a title in that time, but historically week 3 is where we lose people to injury, and either get blown out barely lose at the end.

With the team (especially the QB) we have and the schedule as it is already insane--why do you play that game yesterday?

The fanbase didn't need the embarrassment, the depth takes another hit(s), and morale gets thrown way out the window before FLA week.

Love what Butch is doing all-around, but don't get it.
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Schedules are made years in advance. Yes we could have bought the game out.

Yesterday could be a blessing in disguise. Yes, I am a glass half full fan. CBJ now sees the horses needed for winning big time college games.
Schedules are made years in advance. Yes we could have bought the game out.

Yesterday could be a blessing in disguise. Yes, I am a glass half full fan. CBJ now sees the horses needed for winning big time college games.

He's seen that since spring practice.
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These games definitely aren't much fun to watch when they're that severely outclassed. They did come here though.. I would have been fine moving the date a few years.. I'm not sure they need to be scheduling these type of teams at this time.. There was a time when you thought we had a shot at these teams..That time isn't now..
Can you imagine the hell that would have been raised here if they had bought their way out of this game? It was a near meltdown when we got out of the UNC game.
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Should have bought out Oregon game instead of UNC game. UNC game was winnable, Oregon was not.
Buy outs are very expensive. We might of had enough had Hammy not bought out North Carolina in 2011. Either way, I'm glad we didn't buy out. Our team needed to see where they stand against superior talent, recognize it, and grow and progress from there on.
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Buy outs are very expensive. We might of had enough had Hammy not bought out North Carolina in 2011. Either way, I'm glad we didn't buy out. Our team needed to see where they stand against superior talent, recognize it, and grow and progress from there on.

You don't get better by playing weak competition. If nothing else, yesterday was great practice against a skilled football team. This game will actually make us better this next weekend.
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Wins and losses mean nothing if they don't come from real competition. If we want to be one of the elite teams, then we have to play the elite teams.
You don't get better by playing weak competition. If nothing else, yesterday was great practice against a skilled football team. This game will actually make us better this next weekend.

*This is what I'm *really hoping. Hoping that opportunity is capitalized on by both the coaches, & the players.
So does this start the countdown of whining...cue Woody Allen voice...towards next year's Oklahoma game? :cray:
Pussy way out..it's over..let it go
Not really. Not when you consider that this team has been going through a lot of turmoil the past 5yrs or so, and because of Hamilton's catastrophic hiring decisions (choosing Kiffin instead of Gary Patterson, and Dooley over Sumlin), we can't seem to get out of rebuilding mode. You don't schedule one of the top 5 teams in the country, year in and year out, while you are going through this kind of turmoil. The SEC schedule will be brutal enough.

We should have bought it out at the same time we bought the UNC game. When these players are trying to heal up, the coaches aren't trying to "tough it out" by making them play. Likewise, a program has no business trying to make their schedule load heavier than necessary while trying to recover.
If nothing else the pure speed of oregon will make some of our upcoming opponents look slower we wont play a faster team than them all year.
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I thought UT was one of the All-time great college programs and Oregon was some newcomer...at least that was the consensus before yesterday.

UT should not have backed out of that game, period. It sucked, move on.

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