Why didn't we buy the Oregon game out?

What happens next year when we go to Norman Oklahoma and receive another highly publicized ooc buttwhoopin? I'm not saying we should buy the game out, I'm just pointing out that our current scheduling philosophy is crazy. We should be thanking tOSU that they pulled out of our scheduled series.
you guys are amazing... Buy out oregon?? You must be kidding.

We are in the SEC, we play, Georgia, USC, Florida and Bama every year. Are we going to buy those games out too? Heck, why don't we go ahead and switch to the ACC so that we can play Duke, Wake Forest, Maryland and Boston College instead..

sheesh people, a loss is a loss, let's move on... Gonna have lots of them this year and if you are on the edge of the ledge over this one, you'll surely be jumping in the next 6 weeks.
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