The guy tells the truth... then he backs away from it after the slightest bit of pressure. I'm so sick and tired of people giving out appologies like this because there is no sincerity behind it and secondly, there is no need to appologize for telling the truth.
When I confronted my own congressman and he tried to lie to my face and I caught him on it, had this reply; "You can't speak the truth in Washington D C for fear of being crucified in the media."
can't say anything bad about the people affected by Katrina. I believe it's a rule or something
It's a rule that you can't use words that might be construed as a slur unless perhaps you are talking about gringo whitey rednecks.
It's where we are as a culture now. It's frustrating to see clear indications that the US is being inundated with people who do not believe in the foundation that made this country what it is and is being gradually weakened from the inside-out.
I just hope China doesn't pull the leash around our necks in my lifetime.
Standing in the dock at Southampton,
Trying to get to Holland or France.
The man in the mac said, "You've got to go back".
You know they didn't even give us a chance.
Christ you know it ain't easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They're gonna crucify me.
Finally made the plane into Paris,
Honeymooning down by the Seine.
Peter Brown called to say,
"You can make it O.K.,
You can get married in Gibraltar, near Spain".
Christ you know it ain't easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They're gonna crucify me.
Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton,
Talking in our beds for a week.
The newspaper said, "Say what you doing in bed?"
I said, "We're only trying to get us some peace".
Christ you know it ain't easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They're gonna crucify me.
Saving up your money for a rainy day,
Giving all your clothes to charity.
Last night the wife said,
"Oh boy, when you're dead
You don't take nothing with you
But your soul - think!"
Made a lightning trip to Vienna,
eating chocolate cake in a bag.
The newspaper said, "She's gone to his head,
They look just like two gurus in drag".
Christ you know it ain't easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They're gonna crucify me.
Caught the early plane back to London.
Fifty acorns tied in a sack.
The men from the press said, "We wish you success,
It's good to have the both of you back".
Christ you know it ain't easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They're gonna crucify me.
The way things are going
They're gonna crucify me.
Start some more threads dedicated to me, I love it.
Well, it's fair game to blame the entire global meltdown soley on white people. That's just "stating the facts." Making any other sweeping generalizations against blacks, yellows, reds (sticking with colors... for equality sake) is outright racism and intolerance.
It's mind numbingly asinine.
And here you had me believing you were so sane you had no interest in reality.
Hamas invented hummus.
Mexicans and OTMs invented refried beans.
Only the ingredients have been changed to protect th guilty.
Just my 2 cents to this Katrina thing. I was involved with rescue operations in katrina while I was in the Navy. We took about 9 H60 birds down there to help evacuate people who were stranded. Never in my life would I think that we would be getting shot at from people on the ground. There were 3 birds including mine that took small arms fire from individuals on the ground. Not saying that all NOLA residents were like this, but the few that were involved with this gave me a bad taste in my mouth for the whole situation.
Someone may have substituted humus for hummus in your c rations.
Wouldn't have surprised me one bit.
The last time I was there i was visiting a friend who had callen NO home for 37 years.
Late one night he wanted to jump in the car and drive over to Algiers.
We crossed the bridge and drove into a neighborhood that looked like no man's land in a war zone, the streets were completely deserted.
The only car I saw on the street was a NO police car, he flashed his blue lights at me and then drove off in the opposite direction.
That's when I had my friend hand me my pistol out of the glove compartment.
We pulled up an parked in front of a high rise that I was told was a public housing unit.
For a pretty good while gang members (NOI affiliated) that controled it were firing high powered rifles at people coming accorss the bridge, commuting home from work.
Finally one car was hit that killed a young white woman and her unborn child.
That was the last shot ever fired.
As my friend related the story, a NO police sgt of Irish descent had had enough and borrowed an armored personel carrier with a cannon on top from the National Guard and pulled it up in front of the building and then went to the door and called for a meeting with the gang leader about the sniping at whitey.
The thug just scoffed at him and said that thing wasn't big enough to hold enough people to take the building, how many men does it have in it?
The guy said two men, but it was full of ammunition.
The sgt told him that wasn't how it was going to go down, what was going to happen when the next shot was fired was that he was going to call in every swat team in New Orleans and have them evacuate the the women and children from the building and then he was going to give his men the command to open fire until every round was gone and by that time there wouldn't be two bricks on top of another.
It wasn't stereotyping in the classic sense - it was an observation about 2 specific events and how the general response varied.
Stereotyping would say that NO would always do this or any city with the population characteristics of NO would do this, etc.
Applying your rule, no one can ever make a comparison in generalized terms.
You guys confusing me with this liberal nuance stuff.
How about a little claification of terms??
OK, when you say 'stereotype,' you mean using both hands instead of the one finger hunt and peck, right??
Now when you say 'generalized rule', isn't that what happens after a military coup??
Or as Barry would say, a military corpse.
Understanding terms is sort of a core issue in all communication, don't we agree??