Why Everyone Should Be an Anarchist



What's it gonna cost?
Mar 11, 2009
Though there are countless reasons, IMO, most people just shut off and look at you glossy eyed when you explain how anarchy is preferable. I learned to just tell people that without government there may be less order (debatable), but there is no way this happens:


This Is the Number of Innocent People Murdered by Governments. Are You Anti-State Yet? - Reason.com
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Between drowning, malaria, cholera, etc... How many people died from water in the 20th century? Should we get rid of water, or just learn to swim and keep it clean?

Your stat is a better argument for armed citizens than against the existence of water... I mean government.
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Anarchy is a untenable on a anything but a very small scale with a ton of resources.
Between drowning, malaria, cholera, etc... How many people died from water in the 20th century? Should we get rid of water, or just learn to swim and keep it clean?

Your stat is a better argument for armed citizens than against the existence of water... I mean government.

So government is as essential to life as water? I can pretty much guarantee water didn't kill 262 million and it kept everyone alive.

We have proven we can learn to swim and keep water clean. Government will never stop murdering.
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What's the working definition of anarchy that we're assuming here in this thread? Many different types of anarchy outside of the punk kid with the "A" circled on his skateboard.
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I searched for a local anarchy group to join. Couldnt find one with any structure or leadership.
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Nope,i'm not a leftist person. Even if I was the fact that Anarchists sided with Communists in the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Civil War would have turned me off to them. I myself would have sided with Franco and the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War had I been around in 1936-1939.
What's the working definition of anarchy that we're assuming here in this thread? Many different types of anarchy outside of the punk kid with the "A" circled on his skateboard.

I like the idea of no national governments, but I'm not opposed to communities (HOAs) and cities offering the level of government that the people demand. Maybe just roads in some places. Maybe private security firms in others. People would have choices, though. They could live in a city in complete anarchy or a neighborhood where people are fined for having a boat in their driveway.
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Nope,i'm not a leftist person. Even if I was the fact that Anarchists sided with Communists in the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Civil War would have turned me off to them. I myself would have sided with Franco and the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War had I been around in 1936-1939.

Wtf? What does this have anything to do with the merit of anarchy?
I searched for a local anarchy group to join. Couldnt find one with any structure or leadership.

That's kind of the point, but if you need a leader to guide you through life, then anarchy isn't for you.
I like the idea of no national governments, but I'm not opposed to communities (HOAs) and cities offering the level of government that the people demand. Maybe just roads in some places. Maybe private security firms in others. People would have choices, though. They could live in a city in complete anarchy or a neighborhood where people are fined for having a boat in their driveway.

In other words, you prefer tribal society.
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Nope,i'm not a leftist person. Even if I was the fact that Anarchists sided with Communists in the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Civil War would have turned me off to them. I myself would have sided with Franco and the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War had I been around in 1936-1939.

If they sided with communists then they aren't really anarchists, now are they? As someone mentioned before, they are just the punks with the A on their shirt.

I'm an anarcho-capitalist. Markets and technology result in order without central leadership.
This doesn't sound like what I'm talking about at all.

Tribalism is the state of being organized in, or advocating for, a tribe or tribes. In terms of conformity, tribalism may also refer in popular cultural terms to a way of thinking or behaving in which people are more loyal to their tribe than to their friends, their country, or any other social group.

Tribalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Romans =/= government. Government didn't invent wine or medicine. Without government there would water, roads, education, etc. I believe that transportation and education would be better without government. Government resists innovation. They've invested too much in our educational structure nor do they have an incentive to pursue something better.
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Romans =/= government. Government didn't invent wine or medicine. Without government there would water, roads, education, etc. I believe that transportation and education would be better without government. Government resists innovation. They've invested too much in our educational structure nor do they have an incentive to pursue something better.

You're not much for history, I see-- beyond meme statistics. The Roman government invented and built their road systems to expand their empire and move their troops. They developed and built their fresh water systems, in large part to keep their soldiers healthy for battle, as well as trying to negate diseases in their cities.

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