Why I decided to sit home and not vote for McCain



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Because the GOP refused to put a true conservative on the ballot. All of this crap they fed us... McCain, Rudy, Huckabee, Romney... blah blah blah.

Meanwhile, the only guy that was right there speaking the truth and warning us about our socialist leaders and weakening currency and economy is isolated and marginalized.

Maybe they can get it right in 2012 and put a real conservative on the ticket, for once...
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Because the GOP refused to put a true conservative on the ballot. All of this crap they fed us... McCain, Rudy, Huckabee, Romney... blah blah blah.

Meanwhile, the only guy that was right there speaking the truth and warning us about our socialist leaders and weakening currency and economy is isolated and marginalized.

Maybe they can get it right in 2012 and put a real conservative on the ticket, for once...

Ron Paul said all the right things concerning the economy....too bad he was a little loony with just about everything else.
Obama will be a good think for America


Truth is, both of these guys were going to lean this country closer to socialism.

I'm glad the GOP got their heads handed to them. Maybe they will actually run on conservative principles in 2012 and leave the appeasement of moderates to the leftists...

Truth is, both of these guys were going to lean this country closer to socialism.

I'm glad the GOP got their heads handed to them. Maybe they will actually run on conservative principles in 2012 and leave the appeasement of moderates to the leftists...

My guess would be if the republicans start appealing to the base again they could pick up a couple of seats in the midterm elections. If they could do this without selling terrorism fears and theocracies, I might even vote for some.
McCain wasn't conservative enough for you? Who did you want? Mussolini has been dead for what, over 60 years?
Barry Goldwater is dead too, but someone along those lines would have been great. Ironically, he was from Arizona, also.

Truth is, both of these guys were going to lean this country closer to socialism.

I'm glad the GOP got their heads handed to them. Maybe they will actually run on conservative principles in 2012 and leave the appeasement of moderates to the leftists...

Hopefully, not with Palin as their leader.
What happened to that group of guys that came into Washington in 1994 and gave us the Contract with America? Where are they at? You couldn't find any of those guys with a GPS system...
Ron Paul said all the right things concerning the economy....too bad he was a little loony with just about everything else.

Exactly what was he a little loony on about "everything else"? Great way to generalize his stances and try to marginalize him.
Because the GOP refused to put a true conservative on the ballot. All of this crap they fed us... McCain, Rudy, Huckabee, Romney... blah blah blah.

Meanwhile, the only guy that was right there speaking the truth and warning us about our socialist leaders and weakening currency and economy is isolated and marginalized.

Maybe they can get it right in 2012 and put a real conservative on the ticket, for once...
I hope you are happy with Obama.

By sitting at home, you helped elect him.
Because the GOP refused to put a true conservative on the ballot. All of this crap they fed us... McCain, Rudy, Huckabee, Romney... blah blah blah.

Meanwhile, the only guy that was right there speaking the truth and warning us about our socialist leaders and weakening currency and economy is isolated and marginalized.

Maybe they can get it right in 2012 and put a real conservative on the ticket, for once...

I have often disagreed with your posts, but your apathy in the electoral process speaks volumes about your character. Your lack of character is certainly a disappointment.
If mccain had let Rove run his campaign my guess is he would now be president. McCain screwed this sucker up big time. Sometimes you have to make a deal with the devil.
Exactly what was he a little loony on about "everything else"? Great way to generalize his stances and try to marginalize him.

Close all foreign military bases? Get rid of the CIA? Repeal the 16th amendment? These aren't loony to you?

And for the sake of not marginalizing...while you are on your high ground about it...let me quote my entire phrase:

"just about everything else"
Close all foreign military bases? Get rid of the CIA? Repeal the 16th amendment? These aren't loony to you?

And for the sake of not marginalizing...while you are on your high ground about it...let me quote my entire phrase:

"just about everything else"

My bad, read past "just about" and I apologize.

Closing foreign military bases - yes to the ones we don't need, we currently have more than 700 bases scattered around the world in 63 different countries. This costs us upwards of 300 billion dollars a year. I think it would be prudent to examine closely the ones we need and the ones we don't need (do we really need a base in Japan?)

CIA - I think we need an organization such as this, might be time for an overhaul. No different than us scrapping the OSS in favor of the CIA. I think Ron's objection to it is that we don't need to be interfering in other country's affairs, which is basically what the CIA does.

Repeal the 16th admendment - absolutely, we did just fine without an income tax for our first 137 years. We should come up with a way that all taxes are visible to our citizens. When I hear someone talk about "take home pay" I'm pretty sure they don't have a clue how much they pay in taxes per year. The system is too complicated when the IRS itself can't even answer questions.

Ron's ideas may seem loony, but just like any other candidate, not all of them would get through. Do you truly think that McCain was the best guy to put up against Obama when the majority of the country was screaming for change?
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McCain wasn't conservative enough for you? Who did you want? Mussolini has been dead for what, over 60 years?

you're not one of those Ramsey Clark-type idiots who equates American conservatism with Italian fascism are you? Your post would indicate that you are.
Closing foreign military bases - yes to the ones we don't need, we currently have more than 700 bases scattered around the world in 63 different countries. This costs us upwards of 300 billion dollars a year.
do what? do have any idea of the size of the entire DOD budget?

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