Why is isn't anybody talking about...

It's called delayed gratification.

What is more important long term, putting in the system and finding out which pieces you already have and what you need to recruit for or playing to your current strengths in order to reach a minor bowl and placate the few who don't get it?

too complicated for simpleminded fans. They think a coach that wins championships should come in and install an entirely new system and hand it over to an 18 yr old that just got his first taste of college life a few weeks ago, or change what got him to where he is and go I form with 2 TE's to appease Worley's limited skills.

It was an ass whipping by a severely undermanned and outtalented team that is also starting from scratch with a new staff and system, but it has to be turned into a bunch of drama instead of taking it and moving on.
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The scheme we're running? We run a hurry up spread option attack without a running qb. Could u imagine Peyton Manning running chip Kellys offense? * It's ludicrous. I understand that's what butch wants to do longterm, but Imo when needn't maximize the talent we have.

When Butch get HIS QB in there then We'll see a different result...But right now all he has are these guys so just support them and quit acting so surprised.
No, I don't necessarily agree. That's why I posted . . .

I understand the play action component being there no matter what. The ability of the QB to run makes it more potent. It becomes more than just a backside defensive end staying home. It turns into a serious threat that a defense has to account for on every play. Linebackers start spying, coverages are manipulated etc.

The ability of the Oregon QB to run made Saturday miserable. I think we both can agree on that?
This is the only real problem I have with Coach Jones...

Tennessee is I formation football. Or even singleback, two TE football. Power.

We seem to be running a horribly soft offense right now..
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Why isn't anybody talking about taking that beating in the last game and then giving one in our next game? This team can be good. Am I mad? Well yeah, but I am also supportive to the maximum. Our players CAN beat the teams fans are giving up on. I say don't give up, get a good win!
It's called delayed gratification.

What is more important long term, putting in the system and finding out which pieces you already have and what you need to recruit for or playing to your current strengths in order to reach a minor bowl and placate the few who don't get it?

It didn't work too well for Sal!!
This is the only real problem I have with Coach Jones...

Tennessee is I formation football. Or even singleback, two TE football. Power.

We seem to be running a horribly soft offense right now..

That wasn't Tennessee but rather the schemes those particular coaches chose to run. Give this time. CBJ needs the right players and he is recruiting them as we type.
It seems everyone is running this stuff these days. I'm still a traditionalist. I like I formation, 3 yards and a cloud of dust, sprinkle in a little play action.. It is what it is. The personnel just doesn't fit it right now, but i understand why he runs it. They will need to improve it over the course of this year or it's going to be a hard sell to recruits.. It's one thing to run it because it's your system, you still have to prove it works. Oregon was a bad match up.. Everyone knew it. Tennessee needed to sustain drives and they just didn't do it, so it got out of hand. I think most knew that would be the case if it went that way..
This is the only real problem I have with Coach Jones...

Tennessee is I formation football. Or even singleback, two TE football. Power.

We seem to be running a horribly soft offense right now..

Wrong. The head coach derermines what offense we run. Not "tradition" genious.
The thing is, he doesn't have to run it. He just has to keep the backside end thinking that he COULD if he wanted to. He could also have the same affect on the defense by pulling the ball out and completing a pass. It's just play action no matter what he does with it.

The most effective Read-Option QB's are dual threat QB's. No, a QB doesn't HAVE to be able to run in order to run said offense, but it certainly makes it more effective when he's a legit running threat.
The most effective Read-Option QB's are dual threat QB's. No, a QB doesn't HAVE to be able to run in order to run said offense, but it certainly makes it more effective when he's a legit running threat.
Certainly gives you more OPTIONS... Read option means exactly that. We have no option other than to handing it to the runningback..
Do we have a chance for an upset this year, yes but not the oregon ducks, the number two team in the nation, that is bound to play in the national championship game and has not a scoring drive that takes longer than 2:30 minutes . Its taking more than a few years to get that program where its going. Coach Butch will be okay. Why not give him a chance to breath and regroup. Matter of fact how ab all you guys that think hes incapable already, fire him and bring back dooley. Lets shoot for a upset thats not a championship team.
This is the only real problem I have with Coach Jones...

Tennessee is I formation football. Or even singleback, two TE football. Power.

We seem to be running a horribly soft offense right now..

This is what I took away from Saturday's game.

We still have no offensive identity. I felt that way for three years under the Chaney "draw plays in the dirt for Bray and co" offense.

I've got faith in Butch though. I want to believe that what we are seeing is the "brick-by-brick" approach to building a (new) offensive identity at Tennessee.
^^^That being said, Worley's main problem at the moment is not his lack of running ability. It's his inability to be accurate with anything longer than a screen pass, and even then it's still a crap shoot.

Can't wait 'til Butch gets his personnel to run this offense the way it's supposed to be run.

It's always darkest before the dawn. Cheesey I know, but it's true. We gotta give Butch every bit as much time as we gave DoubleDouche.
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I agree. I could not believe that we emptied the backfield on third and 3.5 when we had been getting three to five yards a carry early in the game.

I'm all for Butch - he will get us there. However, the staff could have given the team a gameplan that utilized our strengths against ORE's weaknesses and ate up clock.

The gameplan ( offensively) played into the Ducks' hands.

Our one hope was grind it out and eat up clock. ...And even when we did run, we were running the sideways read-option which helped their smaller East-West type DLs.

Blindly sticking to a system at all costs is a mistake. We all know what we have QB wise and WR wise ... I still believe that by primarily running straight at them , we would have marched down the field consistently and eaten clock thereby minimizing their # of possessions.
At least Butch hasn't came out and said he doesn't know what to do, like Dooley did when we couldn't run the football.

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