You're arguing exactly what they argue; when you play them, 1 game a year, you win. It's a moot point because it won't happen, but does Maryville walk into the playoffs as a 1 seed and home field advantage all 3-4 rounds if they were in these other regions? That's what changes things. As an outsider I look at it and wonder if Maryville would be in the title game EVERY YEAR. Can you beat 3 of them in a row on their field?
Y'all Maryville folks are a testy bunch.
Poor Fella ... did someone from Murvil Kick sand in your face and Steal your Girl ? I love seeing grown men get all Butt hurt over a High School Football team that routinely beats teams with much more Talent ... We need to fire our head recruiter , how Many D1's did we have last year ?