Without question, Florida dropping annual games with Miami a number of years back sucked. But equally without question, the issue is now one of the most overblown and exaggerated claims of avoidance that ever was. The economics of scheduling repeated home and away games year in and year out don't add up. The Gators would lose money if they took one of these new non-conference freebies and played the game on the road every two years. It cannot be done. Not to mention the idiocy of playing both of the best teams from one conference that is not your own (i.e. would UT play Ohio state AND Michigan, or Cal AND Southern Cal, in the same year?).
Honestly, I hated it when the Gators dropped Miami, but now that its done, it is the single most aggravating thing to have to listen to because, if you know what you are talking about, it just does not make sense to put it in place again.