Why isn"t Lane Kiffen fined/reprimanded?

There is TV video of Lane throwing his visor at Tn fans in the stands at Neyland Saturday night, on exiting the stadium. This is just as dangerous as Vol fans throwing empty Dasani water bottles on to the field. If someone up there was not paying attention, the edge of the visor could strike someone's eye and damage it. Lane in previous games has thrown his clipboard way into the air with no one knowing where it will land. That is dangerous too. He is a representative of Ole Miss and is sending the message that tossing stuff is ok. Why has he not been reprimanded and fined by the SEC commissioner, say $10k. Lane, from now on you are only allowed to throw your visor or clipboard directly to the ground. See, it is all a matter of wording and perspective. Am with the group of fans who do not condone or believe anyone should throw things in the stadium, especially a head coach who is setting an example for the fans. Be considerate of your fellow fans. Of course it is ok to throw a football on the field of play. GO VOLS!!!
Oh, get real....
There is TV video of Lane throwing his visor at Tn fans in the stands at Neyland Saturday night, on exiting the stadium. This is just as dangerous as Vol fans throwing empty Dasani water bottles on to the field. If someone up there was not paying attention, the edge of the visor could strike someone's eye and damage it. Lane in previous games has thrown his clipboard way into the air with no one knowing where it will land. That is dangerous too. He is a representative of Ole Miss and is sending the message that tossing stuff is ok. Why has he not been reprimanded and fined by the SEC commissioner, say $10k. Lane, from now on you are only allowed to throw your visor or clipboard directly to the ground. See, it is all a matter of wording and perspective. Am with the group of fans who do not condone or believe anyone should throw things in the stadium, especially a head coach who is setting an example for the fans. Be considerate of your fellow fans. Of course it is ok to throw a football on the field of play. GO VOLS!!!
Visor vs golf balls!!! Hmmm 🤔🤔🤔

In your defense though, at least it wasn't empty whiskey bottles being tossed from the stands like Arky fans used to do back in the day.
There is TV video of Lane throwing his visor at Tn fans in the stands at Neyland Saturday night, on exiting the stadium. This is just as dangerous as Vol fans throwing empty Dasani water bottles on to the field. If someone up there was not paying attention, the edge of the visor could strike someone's eye and damage it. Lane in previous games has thrown his clipboard way into the air with no one knowing where it will land. That is dangerous too. He is a representative of Ole Miss and is sending the message that tossing stuff is ok. Why has he not been reprimanded and fined by the SEC commissioner, say $10k. Lane, from now on you are only allowed to throw your visor or clipboard directly to the ground. See, it is all a matter of wording and perspective. Am with the group of fans who do not condone or believe anyone should throw things in the stadium, especially a head coach who is setting an example for the fans. Be considerate of your fellow fans. Of course it is ok to throw a football on the field of play. GO VOLS!!!

It was a trade. Did you not see his post-game?? We haven't had this much fun with an opposing coach since Spurrier. No bubble wrap at the game please.
Good grief man. So throwing a visor is the same as throwing a golf ball? The TN fans were WRONG. Not Kiffin. It doesn’t matter what he said or did. But doesn’t matter what the refs did or didn’t do. It doesn’t matter what has transpired over the last 13 years. Stop trying to shift the blame from where it belongs. Which is with whatever fans threw crap.

In all fairness, it was business. I saw the pic of the golf ball. They were trying to contact him about his car warranty.

(FTR, it was an ugly and embarrassing scene)
Surely OP is trolling.
Some blue font yes. But google Lane kiffin throws clipboard. Numerous cute examples at telecast games for college kids to follow. Even the media hams it up. But prosecute college students for essentially the same thing. Lane does it to celebrate. College students to protest a call. Neither should throw things. Double standard and he has set a bad example. Maybe he should be fined.
Some blue font yes. But google Lane kiffin throws clipboard. Numerous cute examples at telecast games for college kids to follow. Even the media hams it up. But prosecute college students for essentially the same thing. Lane does it to celebrate. College students to protest a call. Neither should throw things. Double standard and he has set a bad example. Maybe he should be fined.
PSA: No animals were injured in the making of this video.

Some blue font yes. But google Lane kiffin throws clipboard. Numerous cute examples at telecast games for college kids to follow. Even the media hams it up. But prosecute college students for essentially the same thing. Lane does it to celebrate. College students to protest a call. Neither should throw things. Double standard and he has set a bad example. Maybe he should be fined.
You’ve repeated this so often. Well done
There is TV video of Lane throwing his visor at Tn fans in the stands at Neyland Saturday night, on exiting the stadium. This is just as dangerous as Vol fans throwing empty Dasani water bottles on to the field. If someone up there was not paying attention, the edge of the visor could strike someone's eye and damage it. Lane in previous games has thrown his clipboard way into the air with no one knowing where it will land. That is dangerous too. He is a representative of Ole Miss and is sending the message that tossing stuff is ok. Why has he not been reprimanded and fined by the SEC commissioner, say $10k. Lane, from now on you are only allowed to throw your visor or clipboard directly to the ground. See, it is all a matter of wording and perspective. Am with the group of fans who do not condone or believe anyone should throw things in the stadium, especially a head coach who is setting an example for the fans. Be considerate of your fellow fans. Of course it is ok to throw a football on the field of play. GO VOLS!!!
He does that after every game and how is throwing a visor dangerous??...Get real
So which one of you swooned Kiffin for his visor like a housewife for an Elvis scarf? I’m sure the culprit is in this thread?

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