Why isn't Paul Harris in the game?

Nothing like a poster who has no clue what the Richardson family financial situation is like.

Cmon Fade...She has a job and has sustained thus far correct? Another year to ensure the Richardson family for a few generations never has to work again would be the smart move. I hope you aren't one of those that cashes his 401k in every 5 years.
Paul Harris is NOT being red-shirted!!! I saw him in one of the games, in which, after a special teams play, he came off the field and bUTch was talking to him on the sidelines.

He has already played this season on special teams....

Also, my cousin works at the same job as "Tiny's" mother, in Mt. Pleasant, Tn. A few days ago, his mother said that she would drag her son to meet whomever he needed to meet in order to get him to declare for the draft.

So, we can all be assured that "Tiny" is gone!!!!!

Momma wanna get PAID!!!

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Cause they're Dooley recruits (Bowles for sure), and thus they're not actually that talented.
Damn folks. Can't you do a little research before you start spouting pure non-sense?

Both Harris and Bowles were 4* recruits.

Drae Bowles

Paul Harris - Yahoo! Sports

Even the best teams year round, only score a few 5* in a given class. If you are raking in 4*WR's, you should be able to coach 'em up and get some production out of them.

Not playing these guys, at least after North and Croom's injuries, says more about Azzani's inability to coach than it does the level of talent
....we are throwing deep balls to midgets, when we have a 6'4" WR sitting on the sideline? North and Croom are out, so what excuse could it possibly be.

Azzani really pisses me off :banghead2:. Him and his damn frat boy goatee. Must have his little favorites. Paul Harris was a 4* recruit....and I simply cannot believe he and Drae Bowles suck this bad that they cannot see the field at all.

Thank you for the season ending laugh.
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Harris is being red shirted. Our best receiver is Devron Young...now.

once you play in a game past the 6th game, your redshirt is gone. he played versus Carolina and Alabama.

he has struggled with consistency
There is a reason you are on VN and the coaches get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

I know that you probably hear this a lot, but there is much more than what you, me, and the rest of the posters on here see.
Goobers like you say this garbage EVERY time someone questions the current staff, in any way. Problem with your logic is that coaches...wait for it....wait for it....get fired as often as they get hired. They are as prone to error as they are sound judgement. Just because they are coaching currently, doesn't mean they are making the right decisions or can actually coach. Kiffin and Dooley make that case abundantly clear.

Unlike Charlie Baggett, Azzani doesn't have the most impressive credentials as a WR coach. Even under Dooley, I never felt the need to question Baggett's coaching. But here we have 3 BIG WR's we can throw at an opponent, on any given down, and Azzani refuses to do so, ALL year long.

Mizzou is riding the shoulders of their tall WR corps, this year...and we are not. They are winning....and we...are not. Very telling. I know we have had QB issues, late in the season, but it's been like this all year long.
once you play in a game past the 6th game, your redshirt is gone. he played versus Carolina and Alabama.

he has struggled with consistency
And Josh Smith has not? How can he (Harris) struggle with consistency, when he doesn't even get a chance to see the field? Heck, look at Croom. Azzani was playing Josh, Sir Drops-A-Lot, more than him. But with North out, Croom showed just how valuable he can be, if you just get him on the field and throw him the damn ball.

Same with Devrin Young. Have been wondering, until this game, if he REALLY was that bad, that he couldn't even get any snaps at Slot WR. He too, had a BIG game!

This tells me that Azzani doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground, as a WR coach. Both Croom and Young were making big, big plays tonight, and they've been seldom utilized until now.

You can see some mention about Paul Harris during the Rivals camp...toward the end of the video, the guy says Paul was the best WR at the camp. Guess Azzani isn't seeing what all the services were seeing.

VTO Richmond Recap - Rivals.com Video
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