Why Liberals Hate GWB



Rational Thought Allowed?
Mar 9, 2006
Bush has accepted that he operates in the age of white guilt. He appoints minorities at every opportunity and to the highest levels of government. His faith based initiative directly addresses poverty through the institution of the black church. His "bigotry of low expectations" statement offered a new direction for social reform and a new theory: dissociation from the racist past through principle and individual responsibility rather than at the expense of these things. Bush is the first conservative president to openly compete with the left in the arena of ideas around poverty, education, and race. He has attempted to establish conservatism as a philosophy of social reform.

For this Bush has endured a remarkable degree of contempt. One reason for this is that he sits atop a historical, cultural, and even political correction that is much larger than himself. And this correction--this historical pressure to correct for the many excesses of the age of white guilt--harshly judges people on the dissociational left. It tells [the left] they were wrong, that they refused to enforce demanding principles or to ask for more responsibility from those they claimed to feel compassion for.

What is more, there is an utter confidence at the center of this corrective. It has spawned an entire alternative media that scolds, belittles, and even scorns the dissociational left twenty-four hours a day. And whenever people feel shamed, there is a blowback

--Shelby Steele
Over a week and no comment from the usual suspects on this one? Steele must have hit the bullseye with that one.
you gotta be kidding. W is the most liberal president we've had since FDR. This man has pissed more money away than any administration in history. I suspect you just want the liberals to hate W. Inside I suspect they are laughing. No way does Kerry outspend W on anything including new entitlements. Kerry lost but the Democrats actually won.

In addition, W is not as dumb as he sounds, well not quite. He has a majority of "conservatives" (call em conservatives, they AREN"T Republicans) believing and defending his every word. It is unfortunate that this Yalie only has about a 20 word vocabulary. W is one of the 3 worst Presidents in my 50 years. Carter and LBJ are the other 2. JMO
I just don't think it's possible to hate a man that calls himself "The Decider"..
I have no idea why liberals hate bush, he is basically the same as clinton. I guess they hate him because he puts that little R by his name.
clinton lied about getting head ......... wow big freeking deal

W lies about everything under the sun

(volnuts @ Jul 13 said:
clinton lied about getting head ......... wow big freeking deal

W lies about everything under the sun

IMO...If a guy constantly lied and cheated on his wife, what makes you think he would be honest with the rest of America? :fool:
(overseasorange @ Jul 13 said:
IMO...If a guy constantly lied and cheated on his wife, what makes you think he would be honest with the rest of America? :fool:

Like Bush is Mr. Truth.. Give me a break. :crazy:
People have to much faith in their politicians.

Is a lie a lie, or are there degrees of measurment of which a lie is worse than another?
(volnuts @ Jul 13 said:
clinton lied about getting head ......... wow big freeking deal

W lies about everything under the sun

Trusting the intelligence that the CIA provides you as president and acting on it, is not a lie. It is your duty as president.
I did not vote for him. I'm pretty sure that makes me one of those liberals many of you are so convinced are the reason for all that you see as wrong with the current state of the country.

I didn't vote for him, but he is the elected leader of a country that I'm quite fond of, and so was deserving of my respect and support. He had both for quite some time. Both have waned.
I no longer see a man trying to forge a path, but rather a man trying to salvage a legacy. President Bush staked his place in history on Iraq. Decades will pass before the wisdom of his positon is pronounced by history, but from my seat it was a poor bet placed against long odds and paid with American lives.

He said trust me, so I did. He was wrong and took far too long to concede that fact, and then only begrudgingly. More missteps followed within his administration, yet always were answered with an indignity that we who knew so little should question those placed so highly.

I'm weary of it all. It is not hatred. It is lack of trust.
It will be over soon, and I look forward to that day.
Trusting the intelligence that the CIA provides you as president and acting on it, is not a lie. It is your duty as president.

What is an oath, right?

I did not vote for him. I'm pretty sure that makes me one of those liberals many of you are so convinced are the reason for all that you see as wrong with the current state of the country.

Naw, just a lack of personal responsibility and accountability by the nation as a whole.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 13 said:
Like Bush is Mr. Truth.. Give me a break. :crazy:

I never said that. I'll tell you what. If you don't put words in my mouth, I will return the favor. Thanks!!!! :gun:
(overseasorange @ Jul 13 said:
I never said that. I'll tell you what. If you don't put words in my mouth, I will return the favor. Thanks!!!! :gun:

Ok, I think we're making progress.

Let's just agree that most politicians lie more than GaVol's wife after a long night out and be done with it.
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 13 said:
Got to watch those liberals.......just teasing OWB...... :air_kiss:

Why is that? We're just sitting around doing nothing at the moment.
(orange+white=heaven @ Jul 13 said:
I did not vote for him. I'm pretty sure that makes me one of those liberals many of you are so convinced are the reason for all that you see as wrong with the current state of the country.

I didn't vote for him, but he is the elected leader of a country that I'm quite fond of, and so was deserving of my respect and support. He had both for quite some time. Both have waned.
I no longer see a man trying to forge a path, but rather a man trying to salvage a legacy. President Bush staked his place in history on Iraq. Decades will pass before the wisdom of his positon is pronounced by history, but from my seat it was a poor bet placed against long odds and paid with American lives.

He said trust me, so I did. He was wrong and took far too long to concede that fact, and then only begrudgingly. More missteps followed within his administration, yet always were answered with an indignity that we who knew so little should question those placed so highly.

I'm weary of it all. It is not hatred. It is lack of trust.
It will be over soon, and I look forward to that day.

The only real point of departure I have from your view is that trying to succeed in Iraq now isn't just trying to salvage a legacy. It is a critical thing. Whether or not going was the right thing to do, somehow we must do all we can to stablilize the situation.
(volinbham @ Jul 13 said:
The only real point of departure I have from your view is that trying to succeed in Iraq now isn't just trying to salvage a legacy. It is a critical thing. Whether or not going was the right thing to do, somehow we must do all we can to stablilize the situation.

Ok, lets just all sit around and hold our breath until the middle east is stablized. 4000 years and counting...
(volinbham @ Jul 13 said:
The only real point of departure I have from your view is that trying to succeed in Iraq now isn't just trying to salvage a legacy. It is a critical thing. Whether or not going was the right thing to do, somehow we must do all we can to stablilize the situation.

Clearly in a complicated world, nothing is "just" any one thing. Your position is completely accurate. I have a hard time seperating his motives any longer.
Further, I think the President truly believed that an Iraqi nation tight under the thumb of a Hussein regime would flock to an American style democracy.
He was wrong again. Now we are here on a message board essentially saying that we have to see it through, that we have no choice but to make it work... to make Bush be right in the end. If a democratic Iraq emerges from the tumult in the long run, the success will belong to our commitment to making a right out of a wrong. Not, in my opinion, to Bush being correct all along.

(volnuts @ Jul 12 said:
clinton lied about getting head ......... wow big freeking deal

W lies about everything under the sun

it's attitudes like this that are expediating the demise of this country. I am no fan of Bush, he is not near conservative enough for me, but the idea that Clinton only told little lies and a person's moral behavior doesn't have any effect on their leadership abilities is ridiculous.
(orange+white=heaven @ Jul 13 said:
Clearly in a complicated world, nothing is "just" any one thing. Your position is completely accurate. I have a hard time seperating his motives any longer.
Further, I think the President truly believed that an Iraqi nation tight under the thumb of a Hussein regime would flock to an American style democracy.
He was wrong again. Now we are here on a message board essentially saying that we have to see it through, that we have no choice but to make it work... to make Bush be right in the end. If a democratic Iraq emerges from the tumult in the long run, the success will belong to our commitment to making a right out of a wrong. Not, in my opinion, to Bush being correct all along.

I agree and I don't hope and pray for success in Iraq to make Bush right. My position is that success there would be the best thing for all of us. However history remembers him is of little concern to me.

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