Why not suspension?

From what I heard this is his third offense with plagerism. I just don't get why people think he shouldn't be expelled. It's not a basketball issue but a university policy. This is cut and dry. He cheated, he is out.
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From what I heard this is his third offense with plagerism. I just don't get why people think he shouldn't be expelled. It's not a basketball issue but a university policy. This is cut and dry. He cheated, he is out.

People think that because he's an athlete and should get special privileges. I on the other hand think that the university did the right thing since he did it multiple times.
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I would say it's either that Trae got caught once, and was reported to SJA, or he was suspected of cheating in the past and got caught now, or there was a cover-up. I would say each is as viable as the last.

Sentinel John Adams?
From what I heard this is his third offense with plagerism. I just don't get why people think he shouldn't be expelled. It's not a basketball issue but a university policy. This is cut and dry. He cheated, he is out.

I think they think that way because they treat Tennessee athletics the same way they do a pro sports franchise. Academics isn't even an afterthought. It's a never thought.
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I think getting expelled for "plagiarism" for a class that Trae probably never cared to be in, is crazy.

I HIGHLY doubt that Mr. Golden was going to "publish" his work. That's when plagiarism should be big deal. Copyright infringement/re-mixes, etc.. are a BIGGER deal.

The profressor needs to be canned!

right. can the professor for doing his job. you're a maroon.

do you know how easy it is NOT to plagiarise? all you have to do is change the wording and sentence structure of whatever references you're using and make sure that it's actually listed in the reference section and you're fine.
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This story is just strange. At face value, it's a plausible reason for dismissal, but it seems like there has to be more to it.
From what I heard this is his third offense with plagerism. I just don't get why people think he shouldn't be expelled. It's not a basketball issue but a university policy. This is cut and dry. He cheated, he is out.

He's fortunate he wasn't expelled on his first offense. If proven, plagiarism should result in an automatic F for the course and possible suspension of the semester depending on the severity. Standards should be the same for every student regardless if they are an athlete or not.
Steven Pearl continues to say it was multiple plagiarism incidents. Says he talked to Martin and Martin said do you really think I'd just kick him off the team, I have no other option on my roster. Pretty much makes it sound like martins hands were tied and this was pretty cut and dry.
If it's cheating/plagiarism, it wasn't a one-time thing--nobody gets kicked out of school for a single offense. He had to have cheated multiple times. I'm lucky I wasn't booted when I was at UT. I was an athlete and took statistics with a buddy who knew the teacher/proctor. We didn't study, had no clue--and the guy gave us Bs or better on chapter tests. Then somebody got wise and moved us to another teacher, who couldn't understand why we were suddenly getting 40s on her tests. Luckily, the course was two-third over when the switch took place!
:banghead2:Dont seem fair the little pussy cats cheat all the time and they get by with it, so 1 time he is out.
:banghead2:Dont seem fair the little pussy cats cheat all the time and they get by with it, so 1 time he is out.

Thats right. Read nothing, take nothing in, listen to no one and just blither your meaningless reply. Are you incapable of reading? Do we need to alert the authorities to this fact and get you expelled from school as well?

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Here's the deal though. Why was Trae never suspended early on? There is NO way Martin didn't know about the first couple of times. You would think CCM would suspend him for a few games.

Maybe it's possible that Martin wasn't TOO harsh on penalties which allowed Trae to think it wasn't a big deal.

Or, maybe Trae didn't care about the consequences?
:banghead2:Dont seem fair the little pussy cats cheat all the time and they get by with it, so 1 time he is out.

They might be smart enough though not to directly copy other people's papers, essays, or works....more than once
Can't believe people are still trying to blame Martin or anyone other than Trae for this one.
Here's the deal though. Why was Trae never suspended early on? There is NO way Martin didn't know about the first couple of times. You would think CCM would suspend him for a few games.

Maybe it's possible that Martin wasn't TOO harsh on penalties which allowed Trae to think it wasn't a big deal.

Or, maybe Trae didn't care about the consequences?

Maybe the previous plagiarism incidents were under pearl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think getting expelled for "plagiarism" for a class that Trae probably never cared to be in, is crazy.

I HIGHLY doubt that Mr. Golden was going to "publish" his work. That's when plagiarism should be big deal. Copyright infringement/re-mixes, etc.. are a BIGGER deal.

The profressor needs to be canned!

lulz, wut?

So plagiarism only matters if you're going to publish? It's OK to coast through school by stealing other people's thoughts and words, passing your courses without doing the work, eventually receiving a degree? And meanwhile, those who put in the hours in the library and do their own thinking (and learning) and cite other people's thinking get the same degree?


eta: sorry, I just saw that this thread is several days old. I didn't mean to be starting it all up again. :hi:

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