Anytime a player or a parent of a player says to a coach, you just need to let them play their game, I always like what the General Bobby Knight has to say about that, Quote "I never meet a player with a game that was any good" quote. Coach Knight is right, and so is Coach Summitt for telling this ego driven player to hit the road. Players don't run the programs or the teams. Coaches do, they are the boss. You are going to have bosses in life that you will like and dislike. This would be a good leason for Gatewood to learn, however she will never understand because she couldn't get her way. To bad, tuff.
Like an earlier poster said, there are young women who would give a right arm just to be part of the LADY VOLS program. It is a privlege, not a right.
Gatewood will be watching form some living room, when the Lady Vols cut down the nets, and show off the National Championship Trophy. In her sick little peanut brain, she will say to herself, I screwed up.