Will Butch be like...

Its amazing how many people convince themselves this is factual. Not liking someone is one thing, but the fact was, he could recruit just fine. Zook had Florida to recruit in. It's arguably the best state for recruiting behind texas (Texas Florida, Georgia, California.)

But, facts aren't useful for the blind dooley haters and supporters, just those of us in the middle.

And you notice how DD haters manage to inject that hate into any thread no matter what the topic is? These people just can't let go. Even a rattlesnake strikes then withdraws. But certain cobras bite and chew to inject as much venom as possible.
He could recruit just fine if you were happy winning 6 or 7 games a year at most. He couldn't recruit well enough to win anything of value at UT. The fact that he's been handed a roster filled largely with sub-SEC level talent is a big part of why its going to take Jones a few years to start turning things around here.

His recruiting was good considering our situation at the time. His player development skills were virtually nonexistent and that was a bigger problem IMO. But to say he can't recruit (like the poster earlier said) is just not accurate.

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