Will Schaffer Transfer??

For all the rumors about Shaeffer not going to class?? the report is that NO player on the team fell victim to the 6 hour rule. Therefore, Shaeffer at least did the minimum? He has also been released to practice and has been splitting reps in practice with Rick Clausen.

Ainge has been doing some activities in practice, but has not yet been cleared by the doctors.
Schaeffer is not big enough to play in "the league" and not tall enough to play in our "pro style" offense. (Using the phrase phrase "pro style" is somewhat comical I know) Ainge is here and Crompton is coming and ClausenIII will be next. Sorry brent but your odd man out. Go elsewhere and have a nice carreer. Also start going to class because that is priorty #1.
Schaeffer is 6'3 190, Casey Clausen was 6'3 223. An off season of weight training and Brent could easily break 200. I like what Brent can bring to our offense. I like a QB who is mobile. I know that a mobile QB doesn't fit into our offense. It sure seemed to work in 98 though. But I agree, school should be first.
Brent is a great quaterback ever time he touches the ball it is exciting i know well see him in the orange and white again next year i cant wait to watch him in the bowl game....
Originally posted by GoVolsDogg@Dec 11, 2004 6:00 PM
I remember that it came down to either Tennessee or Kansas State for Schaeffer, wonder if he'll give KSU another look if he's thinking about transferring.

I also know some Hurricane fans that want him down in Miami if he does in fact transfer, along with other florida schools such as UCF and USF.

It was NC State not Kansas St and I think NC State is set up pretty well at QB. I wonder if he would consider a move to WR? I doubt it but if he did that would get him on the field, but I think he transfers in the end.
Listen guys. Shaeffer is a wonderful qb and if he does leave we should all be pissed off. if it werent for shaeffer we would have lost to south carolina. he ads a spark to a team kinda like vick. this kid could play any postion on the field. look at antwan randel el.the coaching staff needs to keep this guy around. and oh yeah STEFAN LEFORS is a senior and didnt even play as a freshmen get ur info right. Brian Brohm is the freshmen for louisville and he plays sparingly. GO VOLS BEAT THE AGGIES.
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Dec 19, 2004 11:56 AM
I know that a mobile QB doesn't fit into our offense

Brent seemed to fit into our game plan pretty well at USC.

I agree. I like Brent and what he brings to our team. He is good for our offense, which is so conservative and dull at times.
Opening up an option offense would be wonderful for the game plan, but there is unfortunately no room on the roster for two starting QB's. Schaeffer could go on and be great, but Ainge is the safer bet right now -- Brent has been too unpredictable, while Ainge plays pretty consistently.

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