Will the GOP victimology never end? The latest insanity



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
Victimology is defined as:
  • the possession of an outlook, arising from real or imagined victimization, that seems to glorify and indulge the state of being a victim.
That is, in a nutshell, the entire Republican platform. Whoa is us because we're being victimized and targeted by the big bad FBI, or now, the banks.


19 Republican states accuse JPMorgan of closing bank accounts and discriminating against customers due to their religious or political beliefs

Really? Chase is out there in some systemic way closing accounts based on politics or religion? And hey, let's suppose they were. What happened to the GOP stomping their feet that the cake maker should be allowed to refuse service to gay couples? Remember that? Private business, you said. They can do what they want, you said.
Victimology is defined as:
  • the possession of an outlook, arising from real or imagined victimization, that seems to glorify and indulge the state of being a victim.
That is, in a nutshell, the entire Republican platform. Whoa is us because we're being victimized and targeted by the big bad FBI, or now, the banks.


19 Republican states accuse JPMorgan of closing bank accounts and discriminating against customers due to their religious or political beliefs

Really? Chase is out there in some systemic way closing accounts based on politics or religion? And hey, let's suppose they were. What happened to the GOP stomping their feet that the cake maker should be allowed to refuse service to gay couples? Remember that? Private business, you said. They can do what they want, you said.
Was there collusion?
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Was there collusion?

None has been proven. I am currently of a mind that if there was it was not very coordinated or even appreciated by the Trump team at the time as to what was going on.

I am much more concerned about Trump in the future and his apparent willingness to kneel before Putin.
None has been proven. I am currently of a mind that if there was it was not very coordinated or even appreciated by the Trump team at the time as to what was going on.

I am much more concerned about Trump in the future and his apparent willingness to kneel before Putin.
Yes, I know. “Ask him each and every time, every day, every interview.” You’ve made that exceedingly clear.

What happened to “Collusion in plain sight”, was that just wrong?
None has been proven. I am currently of a mind that if there was it was not very coordinated or even appreciated by the Trump team at the time as to what was going on.

I am much more concerned about Trump in the future and his apparent willingness to kneel before Putin.
I guess you'd rather have Biden kissing zelenskyy's a$$ and shelling out billions in the process.
None has been proven. I am currently of a mind that if there was it was not very coordinated or even appreciated by the Trump team at the time as to what was going on.

I am much more concerned about Trump in the future and his apparent willingness to kneel before Putin.

So your saying that the 4 miniscule years sandwiched in between President Obama and President Biden where Putin did absolutely nothing is just because President Trump was his puppet? Lmao
Yes, I know. “Ask him each and every time, every day, every interview.” You’ve made that exceedingly clear.

What happened to “Collusion in plain sight”, was that just wrong?

As I say, I think perhaps the Russians were just a lot craftier than the Trump people they dealt with. Many people here who are Trump supporters have remarked that they believe Trump is simply being manipulated by Putin and that Putin has found that he can appeal to Trump's ego to the point that Trump keeps seeking his approval and reinforcement of Trump's own sense of self worth.

So it's not that Trump or his team planned it nefariously, it's that they just kinda got suckered. Given their general lack of experience in such things this theory I have read here is starting to make a lot of sense.
As I say, I think perhaps the Russians were just a lot craftier than the Trump people they dealt with. Many people here who are Trump supporters have remarked that they believe Trump is simply being manipulated by Putin and that Putin has found that he can appeal to Trump's ego to the point that Trump keeps seeking his approval and reinforcement of Trump's own sense of self worth.

So it's not that Trump or his team planned it nefariously, it's that they just kinda got suckered. Given their general lack of experience in such things this theory I have read here is starting to make a lot of sense.
So the claims of “collusion in plain sight”. Misplaced?
Victimology is defined as:
  • the possession of an outlook, arising from real or imagined victimization, that seems to glorify and indulge the state of being a victim.
That is, in a nutshell, the entire Republican platform. Whoa is us because we're being victimized and targeted by the big bad FBI, or now, the banks.


19 Republican states accuse JPMorgan of closing bank accounts and discriminating against customers due to their religious or political beliefs

Really? Chase is out there in some systemic way closing accounts based on politics or religion? And hey, let's suppose they were. What happened to the GOP stomping their feet that the cake maker should be allowed to refuse service to gay couples? Remember that? Private business, you said. They can do what they want, you said.
The banks are an arm of the govt. That is what you fail to understand. We live in a fascist/corporatist/cartelist system.

Your bakery analogy doesn't hold water here.
As I say, I think perhaps the Russians were just a lot craftier than the Trump people they dealt with. Many people here who are Trump supporters have remarked that they believe Trump is simply being manipulated by Putin and that Putin has found that he can appeal to Trump's ego to the point that Trump keeps seeking his approval and reinforcement of Trump's own sense of self worth.

So it's not that Trump or his team planned it nefariously, it's that they just kinda got suckered. Given their general lack of experience in such things this theory I have read here is starting to make a lot of sense.
I'm sincerely asking since some of you are convinced trump only beat Hillary because of Russia. What did they do exactly to convince more people to vote for him over her? I think some of you just can't accept he beat her, not that he was better, just that more people didn't want her.
I'm sincerely asking since some of you are convinced trump only beat Hillary because of Russia. What did they do exactly to convince more people to vote for him over her? I think some of you just can't accept he beat her, not that he was better, just that more people didn't want her.

I believe I've always been clear: there is no way to quantify what difference Russian efforts made, if any. You cannot possibly trace the effect, ie Trump won this state or that due to Russian efforts.

All you can really take from it is either that they really, really, hated HRC, or really like Trump being POTUS.
I believe I've always been clear: there is no way to quantify what difference Russian efforts made, if any. You cannot possibly trace the effect, ie Trump won this state or that due to Russian efforts.

All you can really take from it is either that they really, really, hated HRC, or really like Trump being POTUS.
I just don't, not have I ever, understood how billy Bob voting for trump was because of Russia. It's not like they crossed the border illegally, was signed up by a particular party, and voted👀🤣.

* Anybody know what happened to Mick? He used to brag about picking them up in Georgia, and taking them to vote. Hopefully he's okay, may have been a Luther Alt 🤣
I just don't, not have I ever, understood how billy Bob voting for trump was because of Russia. It's not like they crossed the border illegally, was signed up by a particular party, and voted👀🤣.

* Anybody know what happened to Mick? He used to brag about picking them up in Georgia, and taking them to vote. Hopefully he's okay, may have been a Luther Alt 🤣

Had to do with flooding social media with right-leaning messaging, as I understand it. Basically just parroting anti Clinton and pro Trump stuff.
Had to do with flooding social media with right-leaning messaging, as I understand it. Basically just parroting anti Clinton and pro Trump stuff.
Same tactic the MSM had saying Russian Collusion, Steele Dossier (fancy name for validity), impeachment etc. flood viewers with those key items for distractions to divide country with no validity of truth.
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Had to do with flooding social media with right-leaning messaging, as I understand it. Basically just parroting anti Clinton and pro Trump stuff.

Did any of these flood of right leaning messaging use footage of Hillary calling half the country deplorable?

Asking for a friend
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Same tactic the MSM had saying Russian Collusion, Steele Dossier (fancy name for validity), impeachment etc. flood viewers with those key items for distractions to divide country with no validity of truth.
That's kinda what I was going to ask, and @lawgator1 I'm being sincere. I mean Twitter and Facebook literally banned almost anything conservative. I get what you're saying, that it's possible, probably likely that Russia hacked and posted pro trump stuff on social media. At the same time, most social media platforms on their own was banning anything that was against Democrats, Biden, fauci even. I just don't see being outraged by one, and not the other. We got two posters who have done nothing but have a mental breakdown since musk bought Twitter, and allowed conservatives to post again. They're not crying about "misinformation", they're just mad both sides can post. Trump is a goober, I'll never argue otherwise, but it seems the left wants a political controlled social media, that only allows what they approve. I think both parties have news hacks that only focus on what's going to make their party look like the good guys, and I think it's silly. To have only one sides "truth" is dangerous, and the real threat to our country. Twitter banned trump supporters for being a threat to America, yet allowed posts of "death to America" every day. If the biden administration has legit proof that Russia did something, why not shut up about trump, and sanction Russia? If liberal media would quit with the trump stuff, it would help. I remember watching for two days, two days literally, CNN having a meltdown, because trump got two scoops of ice cream at some shop, and everyone else got one. I just don't get it, they talk about trump, and being fair so do you guys, more than trump supporters.
That's kinda what I was going to ask, and @lawgator1 I'm being sincere. I mean Twitter and Facebook literally banned almost anything conservative. I get what you're saying, that it's possible, probably likely that Russia hacked and posted pro trump stuff on social media. At the same time, most social media platforms on their own was banning anything that was against Democrats, Biden, fauci even. I just don't see being outraged by one, and not the other. We got two posters who have done nothing but have a mental breakdown since musk bought Twitter, and allowed conservatives to post again. They're not crying about "misinformation", they're just mad both sides can post. Trump is a goober, I'll never argue otherwise, but it seems the left wants a political controlled social media, that only allows what they approve. I think both parties have news hacks that only focus on what's going to make their party look like the good guys, and I think it's silly. To have only one sides "truth" is dangerous, and the real threat to our country. Twitter banned trump supporters for being a threat to America, yet allowed posts of "death to America" every day. If the biden administration has legit proof that Russia did something, why not shut up about trump, and sanction Russia? If liberal media would quit with the trump stuff, it would help. I remember watching for two days, two days literally, CNN having a meltdown, because trump got two scoops of ice cream at some shop, and everyone else got one. I just don't get it, they talk about trump, and being fair so do you guys, more than trump supporters.
Biggest threat to democracy is media manipulation or selective information.
I believe I've always been clear: there is no way to quantify what difference Russian efforts made, if any. You cannot possibly trace the effect, ie Trump won this state or that due to Russian efforts.

All you can really take from it is either that they really, really, hated HRC, or really like Trump being POTUS.
Trump had a better campaign and strategy. This really isn’t that hard.
None has been proven. I am currently of a mind that if there was it was not very coordinated or even appreciated by the Trump team at the time as to what was going on.

I am much more concerned about Trump in the future and his apparent willingness to kneel before Putin.
Can you regurgitate a dumber statement

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