While highly recruited and rated the #1 all-purpose back coming out last year, it has always been a stretch that Mixon might actually play, let alone start, in 2014.
Yes, Stoops has a history of playing talented freshmen if they earn it but Mixon is up against some quality returning RB's who will be very hard to beat out, including Keith Ford & Alex Ross.
As far as the situation Mixon finds himself in, Stoops has a reputation for dealing with these types of issues fairly & consistently. When a player deserves it, Stoops has never hesitated to cut him loose (the best example being in 2005 when he kicked our starting QB & a starting O-lineman off the team two weeks before the season started.). On the other hand, Stoops has done a great job of managing the maturation and rehabilitation process on certain players who have gone on to be outstanding citizens.
From all reports, Mixon is a great kid who was confronted with a situation that many would have failed to handle properly. The young lady in question was drunk and apparently verbally & physically accosted Mixon, spitting in his face and calling him the N word. Unfortunately, he reacted in a clearly thoughtless manner. It remains to be seen just how law enforcement and eventually OU will handle the situation.
The Vol D will have enough to worry about on 9/13 whether Mixon is suited up or not.