I don’t rely on the ff but I have mixed feelings right now on the staff. We made the playoff with no passing game to speak of and horrible offensive tackles. Our d line was dominant earlier but seemed to regress a little but competition improved as well. Our secondary was improved but still got exposed a couple of games.
I still don’t think the coaches always put the players in the best position to win. Our wrs were covered a lot but it seemed like there were a lot of curls etc. Hard to get open but no team thought we could go deep either. So again mixed feelings.
I’m not crazy about Banks but he got owned against OSU and UGA. Thought he had a good plan against Bana.
Overall we made the playoffs beat our two rivals but they were down this year. So how do you gauge it? I’m still happy we’re a bettter program considering where we were.
Let’s see what staffing changes (if any) are made. I really hope they run more motion etc. that can only help Nico.
Portal hasn’t been exciting but maybe it picks up after the championship game. Still needs some wrs and linemen..
I know it’s the zone so sorry I didn’t talk about poop or food recipes.
IMO JMO GBO Waterworld