lol Winston might be almost retarded. Get this kid a speech therapy coach and some acting lessons STAT.
"We champions. We can share that. We are champions together. And through everything that we went through. Through all the haters. Through every single thing, we came our victorious. God did this. Im so blessed. Hes so blessed. All the stuff that he handled with Ethan (Fisher, the coachs son) and he come out here and coach us? That touched me. And its nobody but God. Its nobody.
I've read and heard a ton of criticism about the kids speech and lack of articulation. I tend to agree, but I'd rather specifically blame FSU for not getting him prepared for the Heisman ceremony. That speech was atrocious. I'll excuse him right after a hard fought game while he's still on the field, but they had a few weeks to prepare him for the Heisman. Instead, all we got out of that was that he "truss n da praw-sess".
I've heard him in interviews where he sounded like he at least knew the alphabet, but more often than not he sounds like he's majoring in eligibility at Free Shoes U.
Dis tread stong, god blessed himself, trew bawl, jesus above goal posts,only god above god himself jebus son, I run wit legs, sky blue grass green, turpentine mcdonkadunk foosball.
Dis tread stong, god blessed himself, trew bawl, jesus above goal posts,only god above god himself jebus son, I run wit legs, sky blue grass green, turpentine mcdonkadunk foosball.
He just led his team to a last minute NC win. The kid's mind was probably all over the place and they want him to stand there and do a live interview. I'll cut him some slack on this one.
He just led his team to a last minute NC win. The kid's mind was probably all over the place and they want him to stand there and do a live interview. I'll cut him some slack on this one.
Not an uncommon sentiment, but she's got to know that she can't put that on twitter. It's completely classless; especially for the Mother of a kid that gets scrutinized in the same way.
I'd hate to hear what I'd sound like at age 20 with a microphone in my face.
I'd cut him some slack too if he'd atleast used the cliches that nearly every single freaking program in the country informs their players to use. For God's sake there is a script for these idiots to follow to avoid this kind of stuff.
Fought hard
Team made plays
Stuck together
Great adjustments by the head coach
never quit believing
Thanks to God/Mom/grandparents
Battled through adversity
At the same time......
Best fans in the country
Hats off to......
Its really not that hard. Winston maybe a choir boy for all I know, but I can listen to him and tell that he most likely struggles with counting to 100 and saying the alphabet without someone playing an Elmo "Sing Along" recording. Someone would have to draw him a map in crayon on how to get from the locker room to where he eats on campus.