With 9:52 left in the first half....

I also enjoyed all the photos they showed of Joe T and his family, that was so touching.

I LOVE IT!!!!!! My buddy and I kept talking about how JoeT spent his whole life just to get taxed by UT. I mean...51??? We didnt score that on Memphis, but we put that on uga on the road????
Absolute domination on the highest level.
Did anyone else pick up on the announcers, towards the end of the first half, wondering if Fulmer would kick the field goal or go for it, "we'll find out after the break."

It was 3rd down!

I also enjoyed the apparent fact that Demetrius Morley returns kicks for UGA in his spare time and that Joe T does absolutely everything: makes the right calls at the line, makes the right reads, is the defensive coordinator, long snapper, sports photographer for the school newspaper, leads the band at half-time, and teaches every class he is enrolled in. Did ESPN mention that he is 3rd generation Georgia Bulldog?
The one thing I remember the most of the commentators is when Ainge threw a pass to get out of our own endzone for the first down, I clearly heard one of the commentators shout, "Oh No!"
what about the "what a beautiful dog" comments about UGA, Get a room you choads
A naked baby pic of sweet little Joe T would have just been perfect. Had to wait 3 generations to get his butt handed to him. The 2 big passes the announcers were drooling all over themselves about would have been incomplete if not for excellent play by their WRs.
I've said it the last 2 weeks . . . UGA has got to be the most charmed with luck team I've ever seen. Tereshinski was floating balls through defenders' hands, the replay reviews were going their way early on, they had a missed PAT negated due to penalty etc. It was like the football gods weren't going to go down without a fight.
ESPN Announcer: "This Georgia defense is for real"

At least Todd Blackledge(sp) gave Tennessee props even mentioned how we were leading UF by 10 and lost, pointing out how good UF must be.
Georigia played well for about 5 minutes. They got about 10 outlandish calls by the refs. Terestinkski through up prayer after prayer.

I would love to hear a sound bite of what was said by Fulmer at the half. WOW to be a fly on the wall.

What was T-3's stats after the first half???

They cant be good.

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