WKU game

I believe this will be a very close game. Western has 3 or 4 all americans on that team. Should the vols lose this I hope no one sinks to the level of that crying Georgia fan!
I know the 12:21 kickoff is NBC in Tri Cities and think it is CBS in Knoxville.

Is this also true on BTES? Haven't lived here long at all and things seem different a bit on BTES. Would assume if on local network station it should be, just trying to make sure
I'm curious as to what you're basing this off of.

The fact they let Kensucky gain over 400 yards of offense and thier starting RB only gained 99 yards on 20 carries. The game made it look like they were awesome but it's really just Kensucky was just that bad. Austin Peay would have gave them a run for thier money.

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