Actually, I believe that there is a major Pacific current that flows from Japan to the San Fran area. At least, that's what the History Channel taught me a few weeks ago.
I just don't see how you train for something like this and not be in amazing shape. Compare her to most people who row. I don't get it unless she is purposefully packing on the pounds like a sumo.
Baumstein, who was recruited as a rower by the University of Wisconsin-Madison before a car accident derailed her athletic career, expects to burn up to 10,000 calories a day and has gained 40 pounds for the trip.
Unless she gets sick/hurt, runs out of provisions or the biggest threat, her mind beats her. I don't see why she shouldn't make it.
A guy is trying to swim the Pacific?
That's why communications will be vital. Those dumbasses drove right into that storm.