Wow, Is USC now Bama-West



Senior Member
Jan 7, 2005
This is very damaging for USC.

If the letter exists and can be proven that USC officials were aware of this transaction, this could merit major sanctions.

I think it's becoming clearer by the hour that Bush lied through his teeth.

This may be one reason Houston passed on him. Integrity does matter at that dollar value.
It's all water under the bridge. The only thing that would matter is significant schlarship reductions, or the death penalty, for USC.
Bama West? Please. Alabama flat-out bought players.

At the same time, there's still zero evidence to even insinuate USC even knew about any of this, so punishing them would be wrong too. If all this is true, I think Bush ought to be stripped of the Heisman. But if USC did nothing wrong, as is apparent right now, then don't do anything to them.
If, as the agent insisted, that USC was offered the opportunity to sit in on the discussions with
the Bush family about the payoff, then they would have had knowledge. Now, at this point, I realize
that hasn't been proven. But it has been alleged.
(VolunteerHillbilly @ Apr 29 said:
It's all water under the bridge. The only thing that would matter is significant schlarship reductions, or the death penalty, for USC.
i agree with you that it is water under the bridge, but i dont think they deserve the death penalty
(OldVol @ Apr 30 said:
If, as the agent insisted, that USC was offered the opportunity to sit in on the discussions with
the Bush family about the payoff, then they would have had knowledge. Now, at this point, I realize
that hasn't been proven. But it has been alleged.
It's just an allegation. You have to remember who is making these statements. The attourney, Watkins, is representing one Lloyd Lake, who the article states, is a well-documented gangster. I know it also said he is a long-time friend of Reggie's but it's clear they are on very opposite sides of this issue. Now that we know we're dealing with gangsters (or those who represent them) making these accusations, you have to take that, coupled with the possibility that Bush's family is being extorted (as reported by some). That HAS to raise a red flag on the accusing side of this. Given the people we're dealing with, would you be suprised if they tried to drag in USC, wether the University was truly involved or not?
(milohimself @ Apr 30 said:
It's just an allegation. You have to remember who is making these statements. The attourney, Watkins, is representing one Lloyd Lake, who the article states, is a well-documented gangster. I know it also said he is a long-time friend of Reggie's but it's clear they are on very opposite sides of this issue. Now that we know we're dealing with gangsters (or those who represent them) making these accusations, you have to take that, coupled with the possibility that Bush's family is being extorted (as reported by some). That HAS to raise a red flag on the accusing side of this. Given the people we're dealing with, would you be suprised if they tried to drag in USC, wether the University was truly involved or not?

You know they're guilty Pacman, just accept it and move on. :whistling:
:lol: I know there are a lot of SEC fans who really are licking thier chops, hoping USC does get tried and convicted of something.
Why am I not surprised at this thread? A good portion of our fan base is rabidly defensive of a head coach who is an admitted rat. I bet a lot of the folks on this board are the types who call the police because the party at their neighbor's house is too loud.
(hatvol96 @ Apr 30 said:
I bet a lot of the folks on this board are the types who call the police because the party at their neighbor's house is too loud.

That used to happen to me all of the time. It got to the point where we would go door to door and let the neighbors know that we would be having a party and if it gets too loud, just call us and not the police.

They always called the police anyway. :wacko:

But I still say Give me Fulmer or give me death. :wavey:
(milohimself @ Apr 30 said:
It's just an allegation. You have to remember who is making these statements. The attourney, Watkins, is representing one Lloyd Lake, who the article states, is a well-documented gangster. I know it also said he is a long-time friend of Reggie's but it's clear they are on very opposite sides of this issue. Now that we know we're dealing with gangsters (or those who represent them) making these accusations, you have to take that, coupled with the possibility that Bush's family is being extorted (as reported by some). That HAS to raise a red flag on the accusing side of this. Given the people we're dealing with, would you be suprised if they tried to drag in USC, wether the University was truly involved or not?

All I know is; often where there is smoke, there is fire. Don't be fooled into thinking that USC is in the clear on this.

However, the fact that I'm not going to stick my head in the sand and declare USC free and clear is also not an indication that I wish hamr on them.

My best case scenario is that there's never anymore cheating by anyone, anywhere.

That being impractical, it does remain to be proven whether or not USC was aware of these deals. It is a very serious offense to use a player who has been in contact with an agent prior to his eligibility being expired. All of that remains to be determined. I have nothing to gain if they are penalized or not.

And, I'll respond here to another of the flatulating sphere of ignorance released elsewhere here. (not to you MILO) Some people would set themselves up to be people of character, then they ridicule a man for doing what is right. If their neighbor were to RAT on the thief crawling out THEIR window, then their neighbor would be a HERO.

As Mr. Einstien said, "Everything is relative."
(OldVol @ Apr 30 said:
All I know is; often where there is smoke, there is fire. Don't be fooled into thinking that USC is in the clear on this.

However, the fact that I'm not going to stick my head in the sand and declare USC free and clear is also not an indication that I wish hamr on them.

My best case scenario is that there's never anymore cheating by anyone, anywhere.

That being impractical, it does remain to be proven whether or not USC was aware of these deals. It is a very serious offense to use a player who has been in contact with an agent prior to his eligibility being expired. All of that remains to be determined. I have nothing to gain if they are penalized or not.

And, I'll respond here to another of the flatulating sphere of ignorance released elsewhere here. (not to you MILO) Some people would set themselves up to be people of character, then they ridicule a man for doing what is right. If their neighbor were to RAT on the thief crawling out THEIR window, then their neighbor would be a HERO.

As Mr. Einstien said, "Everything is relative."
First, it is in no way a violation of NCAA rules for an athlete to have contact with an agent. They can discuss issues as much as they want. A violation only occurs if the athlete signs an agreement or receives benefits. Second, I keep my home secure. I don't need some loser, busybody neighbor watching my place. Phil Fulmer=The Sammy "The Bull" of College Football.
(milohimself @ Apr 30 said:
:lol: I know there are a lot of SEC fans who really are licking thier chops, hoping USC does get tried and convicted of something.

not looking good since another allegation came out now involving Jarrett rooming up with Leinhart in an almost $4k a month apartment

click here
(hatvol96 @ Apr 30 said:
First, it is in no way a violation of NCAA rules for an athlete to have contact with an agent. They can discuss issues as much as they want. A violation only occurs if the athlete signs an agreement or receives benefits. Second, I keep my home secure. I don't need some loser, busybody neighbor watching my place. Phil Fulmer=The Sammy "The Bull" of College Football.

I guess that 3000 square foot house the Bushes were living in was imaginary.

Speaking to an agent is not a violation, but if you knew anything, you'd know that all schools educate their kids to stay away from agents.

But, I'm sure you knew that.

And, you sound like such a great neigbor. :p
(OldVol @ Apr 30 said:
I guess that 3000 square foot house the Bushes were living in was imaginary.

Speaking to an agent is not a violation, but if you knew anything, you'd know that all schools educate their kids to stay away from agents.

But, I'm sure you knew that.

And, you sound like such a great neigbor. :p
They also tell them to stay away from alcohol, drugs, and unprotected sex. So what? I am a great neighbor. Nobody has to worry about me nosing around in their business. All busybody, neighborhood watch types should have their eyes poked out with jagged glass.
(Maize and Blue Fan @ Apr 30 said:
yeah....most top flight programs have work in the gray area to getting these top flight players to their school

Remember what your momma said? "Just because everyone else does it, doesn't make it right."
(NCGatorBait @ Apr 30 said:
not looking good since another allegation came out now involving Jarrett rooming up with Leinhart in an almost $4k a month apartment

click here
That seems petty... Reminds me of last year, when the UGA fans were trying to raise money for the family of that one Boise State lineman to fly out to Athens to catch their son's game, and the NCAA ruled it a violation. Yeah, it's against the rules, but how petty can you get?

I've noticed a lot of fingers being pointed at USC by SEC and ACC fans in recent history, and it's over petty stuff. USC gets caught taking their players out to a lunch or one of the players dad's helps out another one by funding an apartment for his own son and a teammate? Seems petty, and in some cases wildly hypocritical (Alabama).
(milohimself @ Apr 30 said:
That seems petty... Reminds me of last year, when the UGA fans were trying to raise money for the family of that one Boise State lineman to fly out to Athens to catch their son's game, and the NCAA ruled it a violation. Yeah, it's against the rules, but how petty can you get?

I've noticed a lot of fingers being pointed at USC by SEC and ACC fans in recent history, and it's over petty stuff. USC gets caught taking their players out to a lunch or one of the players dad's helps out another one by funding an apartment for his own son and a teammate? Seems petty, and in some cases wildly hypocritical (Alabama).
While the NCAA, being the Gestapoesque organization they are, can interpret their rules to reach the result they desire, I'm not sure that any violation occured in the Lienart/Jarrett case. Lienart's father can certainly pay for as much of his son's apartment as he wishes. It's not like Jarrett lived there for free. It's stuff like this that makes me wish the top 50 football playing schools would finally tell the NCAA to go to he!! and create their own organization.
Petty?! Come on Milo, don't tell me that you can't see how a situation like that where a well to do parent is subsidizing an apartment for someone else could be a problem. I agree it's probably stupid, but still . . .

I think it's just typical post National Championship stuff though. After we won the title, we spent a couple of years deflecting allegations from Lisa Bensel-Meyers, Tee Martin and the Alabama insurance agent, tutorgate etc. etc. etc. It all just comes with the territory.
(GAVol @ Apr 30 said:
Petty?! Come on Milo, don't tell me that you can't see how a situation like that where a well to do parent is subsidizing an apartment for someone else could be a problem. I agree it's probably stupid, but still . . .

I think it's just typical post National Championship stuff though. After we won the title, we spent a couple of years deflecting allegations from Lisa Bensel-Meyers, Tee Martin and the Alabama insurance agent, tutorgate etc. etc. etc. It all just comes with the territory.
This is an example of why the NCAA should be ground into a fine powder and cast to the wind. SC received no advantage from Lienart's dad paying 1/2 of the rent on that apartment. What they are essentially saying is that less well to do kids shouldn't live in nice apartments. This is what happens when you have a bunch of old, fat, white, pointy headed, pencil necked university presidents making rules to govern something they know nothing about. If Matt Lienart were an architecture student and let his best friend live with him, there would be no issue. The NCAA headquarters in Indianapolis would be a good place for us to try out the next generation of ballistic weapons.
The problem though is what happens when a parent becomes a de facto booster and his subsidizing another player's rent is effectively a "special benefit"?

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