Wow, Is USC now Bama-West

(GAVol @ Apr 30 said:
The problem though is what happens when a parent becomes a de facto booster and his subsidizing another player's rent is effectively a "special benefit"?
Right, but that's not what happened here. Jarrett was paying $600+ a month toward the rent. This is another example of the NCAA acting like the Khimer Rouge.
(GAVol @ Apr 30 said:
Petty?! Come on Milo, don't tell me that you can't see how a situation like that where a well to do parent is subsidizing an apartment for someone else could be a problem. I agree it's probably stupid, but still . . .
No, I can see where the problem is. I know it's against NCAA rules, and I'm saying the rule there is stupid. While I do believe in the law and any governing rules somebody has, there has to be some point where you have to look at each issue case by case. Yes, I realize it goes with the territory and USC will probably be deflecting stupid stuff like this for the next few years, coming off back-to-back national titles and all. And then you know there will be people talking this stuff up like USC bought off half their recruits, their families and their coaches.
(hatvol96 @ Apr 30 said:
Right, but that's not what happened here. Jarrett was paying $600+ a month toward the rent. This is another example of the NCAA acting like the Khimer Rouge.

Yeah, BUT the majority of the rent was still being picked up by Lineart's Dad, which could be viewed as a benefit.

Surely there's a precedent for this though. I can't believe this is the first time this has ever happened where kids share an apartment paid for by a parent.
I wanna sit back and see how many more fascist analogies hatvol can come up with for the NCAA. This is pretty entertaining.
(milohimself @ Apr 30 said:
I wanna sit back and see how many more fascist analogies hatvol can come up with for the NCAA. This is pretty entertaining.
I'll save my Myles Brand-Nicloae Ceausescu comparison for the next time the NCAA sends their SS, er enforcement agents out on something else that is none of their business. This is what happens when William & Mary and Wofford vote on rules that affect UT and USC.
Hat makes a pretty good defense.All I know for sure is newspapers would be obselete if there was no news to report . Every since the John Hinckley trial, how the (rabid) media misrepresented the case and made people believe all the cases were pled not guilty by reason of insanity plea. A small % even gets tried with that plea and even a smaller % win their case. LIARS!
The rule prohibiting extra benefits is a good, fair, and honest rule.

If one player can freeload on the money of another player's parents, there's nothing to stop a team from letting rich booster's children walk-on just so they can provide extra benefits to 5 star players.

Leinart's roommate would have had to provide half of everything he used in that situation. Otherwise it was a violation and not a minor one.

hatvol, you'r comment about neighborhood watch groups just shows exactly what kind of person you are.

You're the kind of person who sucks the life out of society. You wouldn't turn your hands to help your neigbors who were being robbed, but you'd be the first to scream for your help, your rights when you're violated.

You should change your name to hatefulvol, or maybe just hatevol.

You're a waste of bandwidth
(OldVol @ May 1 said:
The rule prohibiting extra benefits is a good, fair, and honest rule.

If one player can freeload on the money of another player's parents, there's nothing to stop a team from letting rich booster's children walk-on just so they can provide extra benefits to 5 star players.

Leinart's roommate would have had to provide half of everything he used in that situation. Otherwise it was a violation and not a minor one.
hatvol, you'r comment about neighborhood watch groups just shows exactly what kind of person you are.

You're the kind of person who sucks the life out of society. You wouldn't turn your hands to help your neigbors who were being robbed, but you'd be the first to scream for your help, your rights when you're violated.

You should change your name to hatefulvol, or maybe just hatevol.

You're a waste of bandwidth
I can't imagine anything that matters less to me than your opinion. I love how Baby Boomers like yourself, members of the most self indulgent, egocentric generation of all time, try to lecture anyone on civic responsibility. You're all frauds. Hopefully, we can find a way to crash Social Security before you guys get your hands on any of it. Once the WWII generation is gone, I couldn't care less if any of those who come after get a cent.
(VolunteerHillbilly @ May 1 said:
what's up with the USC backup QB getting arrested for sexual assault?
There hasn't been much information provided. All I've read is that he came back to his apartment complex intoxicated and had an incident with a female that lived there.
Well...I'm waiting for the rush to judgment and it sure as he!! is taking too long. If this was the Duke backup QB and this happened in Durham there would already be a grand jury convened and city wide demonstrations.
(hatvol96 @ Apr 30 said:
This is an example of why the NCAA should be ground into a fine powder and cast to the wind.

They justify it all by throwing around "lack of nstitutional control". There is no justice when dealing with the NCAA. No question about it.
(Lexvol @ May 1 said:
They justify it all by throwing around "lack of nstitutional control". There is no justice when dealing with the NCAA. No question about it.
Don't let OldVol know you said that. He'll label you as some sort of wild eyed anarchist.
(hatvol96 @ May 1 said:
Don't let OldVol know you said that. He'll label you as some sort of wild eyed anarchist.

When faced with the choice of a) Making up rules as we go along (ala the NCAA) or b)not having any rules at all, I would choose b any day of the week.
(Lexvol @ May 1 said:
When faced with the choice of a) Making up rules as we go along (ala the NCAA) or b)not having any rules at all, I would choose b any day of the week.
You're preaching to the choir with me on that one.
(jakez4ut @ May 1 said:
could also be the same for NASCAR....

NASCAR, pro wrestling, and the NCAA. I put them all in the same basket. Even though it is fake, it often gets bloody and that only adds to all of the drama.
(Lexvol @ May 1 said:
NASCAR, pro wrestling, and the NCAA. I put them all in the same basket. Even though it is fake, it often gets bloody and that only adds to all of the drama.
Mr. McMahon is far more competent than Myles Brand.
(hatvol96 @ May 1 said:
Mr. McMahon is far more competent than Myles Brand.
:biggrin2: i would have to :birgits_giggle:
(milohimself @ Apr 29 said:
Bama West? Please. Alabama flat-out bought players.

At the same time, there's still zero evidence to even insinuate USC even knew about any of this, so punishing them would be wrong too. If all this is true, I think Bush ought to be stripped of the Heisman. But if USC did nothing wrong, as is apparent right now, then don't do anything to them.

It doesn't matter if USC didn't know about the house issue - they are responsible under NCAA rules and therefore are candidates for probation. Given the NCAA's enforcement of rules, the bigger wrong would be NOT punishing USC if Bush or his family received improper benefits.

I'm the last guy to defend Bama but they forfeited a season and went on probation because Antonio Langham signed with an agent (on a napkin). Stallings didn't know about it and Langham played the whole year - Bama got hit pretty hard for that one.
12.3 USE OF AGENTS 12.3.1 General Rule. An individual shall be ineligible for participation in an intercollegiate sport if he or she ever has agreed (orally or in writing) to be represented by an agent for the purpose of marketing his or her athletics ability or reputation in that sport. Further, an agency contract not specifically limited in writing to a sport or particular sports shall be deemed applicable to all sports, and the individual shall be ineligible to participate in any sport. Representation for Future Negotiations. An individual shall be ineligible per Bylaw 12.3.1 if he or she enters into a verbal or written agreement with an agent for representation in future professional sports negotiations that are to take place after the individual has completed his or her eligibility in that sport. Benefits from Prospective Agents. An individual shall be ineligible per Bylaw 12.3.1 if he or she (or his or her relatives or friends) accepts transportation or other benefits from: (Revised: 1/14/97) (a) Any person who represents any individual in the marketing of his or her athletics ability. The receipt of such expenses constitutes compensation based on athletics skill and is an extra benefit not available to the student body in general; or "b" An agent, even if the agent has indicated that he or she has no interest in representing the student-athlete in the marketing of his or her athletics ability or reputation and does not represent individuals in the student-athlete’s sport. (Adopted: 1/14/97)

Per -- Agents (yours or not) can't give you or your parents stuff.
(volinbham @ May 3 said:
12.3 USE OF AGENTS 12.3.1 General Rule. An individual shall be ineligible for participation in an intercollegiate sport if he or she ever has agreed (orally or in writing) to be represented by an agent for the purpose of marketing his or her athletics ability or reputation in that sport. Further, an agency contract not specifically limited in writing to a sport or particular sports shall be deemed applicable to all sports, and the individual shall be ineligible to participate in any sport. Representation for Future Negotiations. An individual shall be ineligible per Bylaw 12.3.1 if he or she enters into a verbal or written agreement with an agent for representation in future professional sports negotiations that are to take place after the individual has completed his or her eligibility in that sport. Benefits from Prospective Agents. An individual shall be ineligible per Bylaw 12.3.1 if he or she (or his or her relatives or friends) accepts transportation or other benefits from: (Revised: 1/14/97) (a) Any person who represents any individual in the marketing of his or her athletics ability. The receipt of such expenses constitutes compensation based on athletics skill and is an extra benefit not available to the student body in general; or "b" An agent, even if the agent has indicated that he or she has no interest in representing the student-athlete in the marketing of his or her athletics ability or reputation and does not represent individuals in the student-athlete’s sport. (Adopted: 1/14/97)

Per -- Agents (yours or not) can't give you or your parents stuff.
Given that SC is in the entertainment capital of the world, there's a loophole big enough to drive a truck through here. Bush and Co. should argue that the agent was going to handle his entertainment career, not the marketing of his athletic prowess. Leinart is already lining up parts in movies, why can't Reggie?
Now that Matt Leinart is confirmed to be dating Paris Hilton, I think they ought to give USC the death penalty.
2.8 THE PRINCIPLE OF RULES COMPLIANCE 2.8.1 Responsibility of Institution. [*] Each institution shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations of the Association in the conduct of its intercollegiate athletics programs. It shall monitor its programs to assure compliance and to identify and report to the Association instances in which compliance has not been achieved. In any such instance, the institution shall cooperate fully with the Association and shall take appropriate corrective actions. Members of an institution’s staff, student-athletes, and other individuals and groups representing the institution’s athletics interests shall comply with the applicable Association rules, and the member institution shall be responsible for such compliance. 2.8.2 Responsibility of Association. [*] The Association shall assist the institution in its efforts to achieve full compliance with all rules and regulations and shall afford the institution, its staff and studentathletes fair procedures in the consideration of an identified or alleged failure in compliance. 2.8.3 Penalty for Noncompliance. [*] An institution found to have violated the Association’s rules shall be subject to such disciplinary and corrective actions as may be determined by the Association.

Add this to the receipt of improper benefits from an agent (if confirmed) shows why USC is responsible and punishable.

You can hate the NCAA and think the rules are dumb but this is how it works.
(hatvol96 @ May 3 said:
Given that SC is in the entertainment capital of the world, there's a loophole big enough to drive a truck through here. Bush and Co. should argue that the agent was going to handle his entertainment career, not the marketing of his athletic prowess. Leinart is already lining up parts in movies, why can't Reggie?

I think part A (agent for athletes) and B (even if not planning to rep you for sports) narrows that loophole quite a bit.

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