The rule prohibiting extra benefits is a good, fair, and honest rule.
If one player can freeload on the money of another player's parents, there's nothing to stop a team from letting rich booster's children walk-on just so they can provide extra benefits to 5 star players.
Leinart's roommate would have had to provide half of everything he used in that situation. Otherwise it was a violation and not a minor one.
hatvol, you'r comment about neighborhood watch groups just shows exactly what kind of person you are.
You're the kind of person who sucks the life out of society. You wouldn't turn your hands to help your neigbors who were being robbed, but you'd be the first to scream for your help, your rights when you're violated.
You should change your name to hatefulvol, or maybe just hatevol.
You're a waste of bandwidth