

Chalupa Batman
Oct 24, 2004
Well I was just looking ahead to the 05 season and well we have 9 starters back on offense and 9 starters back on D thats 18 starters back for next year!! Not even including Wilhoit as the kicker!

Not including everybody we rotate in at WR, Antwan Stewart back on D, Colquitt's brother as the punter, Kevin Simon in at LB, and the New freshman class that is coming in!

With all that being said we still will not be picked to win the East Florida will be :banghead:
Yeah, we have the same team back next year. Just think, EA and BS have played almost a year with the WR's. The OL and DL will almost all be back. The secondary should be better (I hope) and RB should not be a problem, especially if Riggs runs like he did against Auburn. Do you really think that they will pick UF to win the East. I think it could be another crazy year for them.
well you know how the media will be in love with Urban down at UF and they have 16 starters back and the "All world" QB Leak at the helm of his aggressive style of offense so that is why I said that we would not be picked to win the East
Originally posted by Vols4life@Dec 6, 2004 12:49 PM
well you know how the media will be in love with Urban down at UF and they have 16 starters back and the "All world" QB Leak at the helm of his aggressive style of offense so that is why I said that we would not be picked to win the East

Well, that is true. We weren't picked to win it this year and looked what happened. I think that UF could struggle next year getting used to things. I also think that Urban has another thing coming if he thinks he will go undefeated in the SEC all of the time.
although I don't think UF will win the east next year I do think that we would be mistaken to overlook them...

1. Tennessee 11-0; 8-0
2. Georgia 9-2; 7-1
3. Florida 8-3; 6-2
4. So. Carolina 7-4; 4-4
5. Vanderbuilt 4-7; 1-7
6. Kentucky 3-8; 1-7

[/QUOTE]Knoxville, TN (AP Sports) December 1, 2005_ Coach Phillip Fulmer picked up his latest SEC Championship trophy today. Fulmer's career at Tennessee has been the epitomy of consistency as is highlighted by this most recent additon to the Vol trophy case.

This year's team which finished 11-0 in the regular season with close victories over LSU and Georgia, is again in the hunt for the BCS MNC. Stellar performances by Riggs, Foster, Meachem, Smith, Schaeffer and Ainge on offense has provided the momentum needed to bring the Vols to their strong finish.
let year we go undefeated and end up in the sugar bowl or something. then the year after we win the title..go vols!!!!!!!!!!!!! :beer:
the future's so bright... I gotta wear shades! GO VOLS!!!!!!!! and before you say anything TT :biteme:
1. SEC teams play 8 conference games
2. UT's schedule is not conducive to and undefeated season
3. UF may or may not have that many starters back, personally I look for some to leave or get booted.
4. UGA will have big teeth
5. LSU will be the class of the west next year
6. The SEC East is the toughest division in the toughest conference in the SEC and no one will go undefeated in the EAST.
o but we will...great RBs, great WRs, great Qbs, great fans, a good defense, and neyland...add them all up and you get BCS
6. The SEC East is the toughest division in the toughest conference in the SEC and no one will go undefeated in the EAST.

First time Aggie poster here. And I've got to say that I don't agree with either part of this sentence. Compare SEC East to Big 12 South...

Tennessee 7 1 9 3
Georgia 6 2 9 2
Florida 4 4 7 4
South Carolina 4 4 6 5
Kentucky 1 7 2 9
Vanderbilt 1 7 2 9


Oklahoma 8 0 12 0
Texas 7 1 10 1
Texas Tech 5 3 7 4
Texas A&M 5 3 7 4
Oklahoma State 4 4 7 4
Baylor 1 7 3 8

Matching position to position, I'd guess that Vandy-Baylor game might be interesting, but the Big 12 team is probably a favorite in every other matchup.

That being said, if OU can go 5-0 in the Big 12 South, UT can CERTAINLY go 5-0 in the SEC East.

Gig'em and here's to a A&M - UT re-match in New Orleans on Jan 5, 2006. :D
No offense to yourself but I would take the Big XII South anyday over the SEC East.

Would take OU over us right now.
Georgia over UT by a lot....
Florida over Tech.....
And A&M over USC would be a good game....

Not sure how you think the Big XII is favored in every other game outside of OU/UT.
Originally posted by CapCityAg89@Dec 6, 2004 4:39 PM
That being said, if OU can go 5-0 in the Big 12 South, UT can CERTAINLY go 5-0 in the SEC East.

Uh.... the Vols DID go 5-0 against the SEC East this year.

beat Florida 30-28
beat Georgia 19-14
beat South Carolina 43-29
beat Vanderbilt 38-33
beat Kentucky 37-31
I think we've got a case of UT dylexia going on. I think Cap meant Texas and Allvol (who obviously knows that we're the UT that doesn't pee our pants in big games) meant Tennessee.
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Dec 6, 2004 12:00 PM

1. Tennessee 11-0; 8-0
2. Georgia 9-2; 7-1
3. Florida 8-3; 6-2
4. So. Carolina 7-4; 4-4
5. Vanderbuilt 4-7; 1-7
6. Kentucky 3-8; 1-7

Knoxville, TN (AP Sports) December 1, 2005_ Coach Phillip Fulmer picked up his latest SEC Championship trophy today. Fulmer's career at Tennessee has been the epitomy of consistency as is highlighted by this most recent additon to the Vol trophy case.

This year's team which finished 11-0 in the regular season with close victories over LSU and Georgia, is again in the hunt for the BCS MNC. Stellar performances by Riggs, Foster, Meachem, Smith, Schaeffer and Ainge on offense has provided the momentum needed to bring the Vols to their strong finish.
Who would be our opponent in the Rose Bowl?
Probably Michigan or Ohio State since the Big Ten winner always goes to the Rose Bowl.
For the championship? I see USC playing for the national title again. Leinart will probably be coming back for his senior year, Lendale White and Reggie Bush will both be back for their junior years, and 7 of their 9 recievers will be back. I think 5 of the returning ones are freshmen and sophomores, as well.

And on defense... Well, they have Pete freakin' Carroll. The guy is a complete defensive guru, and can shut down damn near any offense in the second half.
Let's see
UT - Fulmer - NC
UGA - Richt
UF - Meyer
USC - Spurrier - NC

LSU - Saban - NC
Auburn - Tuberville
AlaBama - Shula
Miss State - Croom
Arkansas - Nutt (Big XII Killer)

OU - Stoops - NC
Texas - Brown
Texas A&M - Franchione
Originally posted by milohimself@Dec 7, 2004 5:17 AM
For the championship? I see USC playing for the national title again. Leinart will probably be coming back for his senior year, Lendale White and Reggie Bush will both be back for their junior years, and 7 of their 9 recievers will be back. I think 5 of the returning ones are freshmen and sophomores, as well.

And on defense... Well, they have Pete freakin' Carroll. The guy is a complete defensive guru, and can shut down damn near any offense in the second half.

If Norm Chow leaves to take a head coaching job.... mark it down.... no matter which players that USC has, they will NOT be playing for the MNC next year.
Originally posted by milohimself@Dec 7, 2004 10:42 AM
That's a pretty big if, as well. From what I know, I doubt it. Where would he go, anyways?

First and foremost BYU, where he was an assistant for 27 years. Also, his name is starting to 'pop up' regarding the openings at Notre Dame, Washington, Indiana, Mississippi, etc.

He has coached at BYU, NC State and now USC. We now see where BYU is since he left, Philip Rivers production dropped off after Chow left NC State, and Chow turned Carson Palmer from a mediocre QB into a heisman trophy winner. BYU will definately come calling and Notre Dame will take a hard look at him after all their other high profile established head coach candidates say 'no thank you'.


Norm Chow bio
Leaving his spot as basically co-head coach with Pete Carroll would be a tough sell, especially if they know they've got a team this young who's playing in the National Championship.

BYU is in the Mountain West, leaving his spot would be a recession -- You have to go undefeated there to gain any notoriety for your team, which would mean getting past Utah, which will probably still be strong (not BCS strong) even after Meyer leaves.

Any coach with a brain in their skull will realize that Notre Dame is a death sentence. Their academic standards are too high for most athletes to meet, nobody really wants to play there anymore, and boosters will be expecting a 10 win season the moment he puts his foot through the door. Expectations of any high profile coaching job there would be way too high, and I'm sure he, and the rest of the coaches in the country, realized that after witnessing what happened to Ty Willingham.

So, BYU is a maybe at best, although I don't know why he would.
Originally posted by allvol@Dec 7, 2004 8:44 AM
I also forgot Utah, where Chow played his college ball.

Played at Utah and coached at BYU? As there is a heavy mormon population around here, we usually put a lot of kids through BYU, and their rivalry with Utah is INTENSE. That's like playing for Alabama and coaching at Tennessee.

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