WSB Dedicated Thread

And the President appoints that Fed chair and has great influence over their actions. Trump had Powell cutting rates before the pandemic even hit

The amount of influence is probably a futile debate as we'll never know, but I suspect if Trump had any real influence over Powell he would have exercised it in private instead of whining about it in the MSM.
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And only has about another 95% left to drop. I feel bad for those kids that bought in the last few days, they really got suckered.

You know some of them stuck their college funds in this garbage
I heard a lot of people were putting their stimulus money in - no clue if accurate
Yeah, I lost interest when I heard him talk about a merger between Norfolk-Southern Railroad and CSX. Ran it by my dad, a former Norfolk-Southern electrician, and he pretty much horse laughed me.

Did you run it by the bag lady with the Kroeger shopping cart at the corner of plus and minus? See what she says?

And only has about another 95% left to drop. I feel bad for those kids that bought in the last few days, they really got suckered.

You know some of them stuck their college funds in this garbage
I don't feel sorry for them at all.
That was the shares traded over the entire day. The technical minded guys, the high frequency traders, or the market maker/fund managers in The Pub’s stock thread can provide better insight than I am able. In this case the security soared in the light, after hours and pre-open trading sessions. Then the profit taking after that early surge depressed the stock price throughout the day. If there are more orders initiated and accepted from the sell side traders than the buy side then the price will fall, even if the volume of shares traded is higher than usual. The early price surge was met with selling pressure all the way until the 4pm regular session close by profit taking (sellers were initiating the orders). As far as the laws of supply/demand, with stock equities it should be perfectly balanced. Every share traded has a buyer and a seller. Except when the hedge funds and brokers break the rules and allow naked short transactions to occur and shares are sold that were never borrowed or existed. The artificial, illegal imbalance of missing share supply backfired on the GameStop shorts. The Reddit bros saw it and destroyed the hedge funds with their buy side orders. Wall Street money came to the rescue of the side that was caught cheating.

The supply of shares does not run out in a fair system. Other factors affect the market price, primarily a company’s ability to generate revenue and earnings (silver is a commodity though and the supply-demand of the actual metal should determine the prices of the various, related securities).
You can't buy physical silver right now for under $40 right now. The conventional wisdom with regards to SLV is that it gets you "exposure" to silver and tracks the price without you having to take delivery.

How good of a job has SLV done so far in tracking the true silver price?
Banks (specifically one private bank owned by its member banks) facilitates government overspending by manipulating interest rates and buying treasuries when there are no buyers. The same private bank (owned by its member banks) developed QE to save its member banks from the toxic assets on their balance sheets. The only government involvement I remember with QE was the congressional hearings that were held to determine the legality. Bernanke reminded congress they were his b!t*h and they didn't do squat about it.

This cannot be overstated.
You can't buy physical silver right now for under $40 right now. The conventional wisdom with regards to SLV is that it gets you "exposure" to silver and tracks the price without you having to take delivery.

How good of a job has SLV done so far in tracking the true silver price?

I don’t pay attention. That’s for the arbitrageurs to handle.

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