WTF, really......... Stephen Hawking: Abandon the Earth

This maybe your trouble OE in selling your house.

Everybody is abandoning the mother ship earth.

Location! Location! Location!
On the contrary I think with more of a focus being put on the privatization of space we will see an explosion of innovation over the next several years. SpaceX has a promising future when it comes to delivering cargo into space at a price the government could never imagine. Virgin Galactic is still a few years away from achieving low earth orbit, but they have done a lot in the last 5 years alone to get where they are today. With greedy profit being the motivational force behind space exploration private companies will push the envelope to the extreme. That's something that's simply impossible for the government to do.

The Shuttle program is over 20 years old now. What advances in manned space exploration have we seen over the last 20 years? Very little.

The last major thing I can even recall being mentioned was when Bush proposed the trip to Mars. And that was probably 7 years ago, if not 8.
The last major thing I can even recall being mentioned was when Bush proposed the trip to Mars. And that was probably 7 years ago, if not 8.

That and when was the last time we had a man on the moon? I remember growing up thinking of lunar colonies. With the issues of Hubble and the ISS, we've been tied up using duct tape and staples these past few decades.
Hawken may be on to something!!!!


Okay, the tag under that thing is hilarious. It reminds me of the Muslims in "Pitch Black" when they did their prayers. They figured out which way was "East" on this alien world and I was like, "what's the point of that?"
He's going to be pissed when he finds out that Mars doesn't have wheelchair access.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
On a side note, did you ever see the MAD spoof on STTNG?

I forget who is attacking the enterprise but Picard is being a diplomat and Riker is in the back ground with his eyes coming out screaming attack about ready to have a heart attack!


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