Here are my predictions for Battleground:
Kickoff Show match:
-King Barrett vs. R-Truth: I'm hoping that R-Truth wins so that Barrett can get rid of the King gimmick.
WWE Tag Team Championship
Prime Time Players vs. The New Day: The New Day wins. They are getting more reactions from the crowd, and it just isn't ptp's time to have the belts.
-Randy Orton vs. Sheamus: Toss up. I could see either one winning.
-Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt: My pick comes down to 2 senarios.
1. If they are going to continue this feud into Summerslam, then it's likely that Wyatt will win (Reigns could win and the feud still continues, but I don't see it happening).
2. If this is a one PPV feud, then Reigns will win.
WWE Intercontinental Championship
Ryback (c) vs. The Big Show vs. The Miz: Since this match won't be happening due to Ryback being out, I could see a #1 contender match between the Miz and Big Show. In that match, I'd pick the Miz.
WWE United States Championship
John Cena (c) vs. Kevin Owens: As much as I like the Cena US Open challenges, I'm picking Owens.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Brock Lesnar: Toss up. There's so many different things that could happen that I'm not going to even attempt to guess.