WWE Thread II

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My guess is next week is that Rollins/Cena is announced. Cena does the US title challenge and loses after Rollins cost him.
Here's another transcript of what Hulk Hogan said that was released:

“****ing n*gger… he had Jamie Foxx coming in on the 22nd track…”

“I didn’t even tell Brooke about it. ***** her. Brooke and (name withheld by Radar and The ENQUIRER) met in Miami.”

“Brooke *****s up a ten million dollar deal I had with the Saudis. Brooke says, ‘***** you dad.’ She’s never said that. She flipped a bird at me.”

“I have this huge *****ing house in Miami. My family never comes home. They went to LA. ***** ’em.”

are those 5 star words actually supposed to be 4-letter words? cause if not, I'm SO lost
Would mark out if Leo Kruger walked out tonight

With Bray Wyatt

Said it before, Adam Rose is a badass wrestler. Great athlete. His gimmick has ruined his shot currently, but look what a change did for Husky Harris and Wade Barret to Bad News Barret.

Hide Adam Rose until Summerslam, have him wrestle in the pre show or the first match and lose to someone terrible. Have his groupies and partiers leave him alone and he walks, slowly, battered, dejected, to the back.

Have Wyatt and his group lose with whoever they make their 3rd person being the key point. Have Wyatt hit them with a Sister Abigail and cut ties with them.

On Raw have Wyatt do a promo of needing strong allies with no conscience. Of knowing many with proven potential but one who stands out, who is at their lowest and can be rebuilt stronger and more powerful than ever. Have Adam Rose wrestle that night against the same person and start to lose, then the lights go out and we see Wyatt and Harper at the top of the ramp, Wyatt sitting in a new rocking chair. Have Both of the fighters see them and freak out, but have Rose suddenly start fighting better, even viciously, and win with his old Leo Kruger finisher or just a new one in general.

Three count. Lights go out as it hits three. The Wyatt family is in the ring next to him now and he's still on the ground and he's scared but not terrified of them. Harper extends his hand and helps him up, Wyatt smiles and nods his head, Adam Rose smiles a crazy psychotic grin, lights go out again and they disappear.

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Am i the only person still not impressed with Barret?

And it would take a Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner transformation for me to give any ****s about Adam Rose/Leo Kruger.
Time to watch the IWC meltdown on social media. :popcorn:

I hate this label as much as "smarks"

Also Cena finishes a professional wrestling match with an injury. GOAT.

Next on the list to be elevated, Seth Rollins. And it started with a TV loss. Nice. Maybe John will put him over like he did Owens by tapping in the middle of the ring.... Oh wait. He already did. WHC tapping clean on TV. "YEEAAH, now that's RAW, pal"

But hey, at least they will have 15-18 false finishes and be MOTY guaranteed, right?
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Said it before, Adam Rose is a badass wrestler. Great athlete. His gimmick has ruined his shot currently, but look what a change did for Husky Harris and Wade Barret to Bad News Barret.

Hide Adam Rose until Summerslam, have him wrestle in the pre show or the first match and lose to someone terrible. Have his groupies and partiers leave him alone and he walks, slowly, battered, dejected, to the back.

Have Wyatt and his group lose with whoever they make their 3rd person being the key point. Have Wyatt hit them with a Sister Abigail and cut ties with them.

On Raw have Wyatt do a promo of needing strong allies with no conscience. Of knowing many with proven potential but one who stands out, who is at their lowest and can be rebuilt stronger and more powerful than ever. Have Adam Rose wrestle that night against the same person and start to lose, then the lights go out and we see Wyatt and Harper at the top of the ramp, Wyatt sitting in a new rocking chair. Have Both of the fighters see them and freak out, but have Rose suddenly start fighting better, even viciously, and win with his old Leo Kruger finisher or just a new one in general.

Three count. Lights go out as it hits three. The Wyatt family is in the ring next to him now and he's still on the ground and he's scared but not terrified of them. Harper extends his hand and helps him up, Wyatt smiles and nods his head, Adam Rose smiles a crazy psychotic grin, lights go out again and they disappear.


it would have to end with Wyatt hitting Sister Abigail on him as like of like being jumped into a gang
I'm sure it's been mentioned but Iron Shiek dropped a bunch of N-bombs on the Stern show. As long as nobody brings it up, I'm sure the WWF doesn't care. Not like Vince is gonna fire himself either for his N-word bit that he as the owner went along with.

Hogan seems like a jerk in real life but to take him out of the 'Hall'... I don't know. I don't consider it a real hall of fame, more like a celebrity getting a star in Hollywood because it's a popularity contest. Wrestlers like celebs are being honored for being popular more so than anything. You're not gonna see Rob Van Dam or The Hardy Boys in the hall even though they were far more exciting than Hogan body slams and stinky leg drops. Hogan had the appearance and gimmick to win the fans over. It's not like anyone watched Hogan fights and had their minds blown by his amazing skills in the ring.

I just wonder where the line is drawn. Once you're in the hall in sports, isn't it impossible to remove someone? Hollywood wouldn't even remove Cosby's star. Not sure WWF made the right choice to remove Hogan. At least it gives Vince an even bigger piece of the center stage while taking all of the credit. He hated sharing credit with Hogan putting the WWF over the top. Many people view Hogan as the biggest wrestler of all-time to push the industry to another level.

Vince is so in need of validation that he even takes credit for the Undertaker character even though Undertaker used the gimmick before ever even joining the WWF. Guess Taker doesn't care since he was made the man put over every year on the biggest stage, Wrestlemania. So, why would he care? I wouldn't if I were him. But since I'm not him, I find Vince to be unbearable in his quest to be WWF. The stuff he's done to his employees. The way he's assassinated characters and destroyed peoples careers because of vengeance and or getting some sick joy out of it... dude's ego knows no bounds.


That's Mark Calloway with a different company before he joined the WWF in 1990. Yet Vince takes credit for coming up with the idea of the Undertaker. Vince is a real piece of work. Probably just bitter that Macho Man may or may not have his plowed his under aged daughter before Triple H decided to take a turn.

RIP Macho. FU Vince.

Also... lol @ Iron Sheik speaking out against Hogan when he himself used the N-word on Stern. No wonder I've always thought Sheik sounded like a complete dumbass. Even when Scott Hall showed up drunk, Sheik seemed like a clown. At least Scoot Hall wasn't sober... Scott Hall also killed a man! WWF don't got time for that though.

Iron Sheik didn't take news of Hulk Hogan scandal well | FOX Sports

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I hate this label as much as "smarks"

Also Cena finishes a professional wrestling match with an injury. GOAT.

Next on the list to be elevated, Seth Rollins. And it started with a TV loss. Nice. Maybe John will put him over like he did Owens by tapping in the middle of the ring.... Oh wait. He already did. WHC tapping clean on TV. "YEEAAH, now that's RAW, pal"

But hey, at least they will have 15-18 false finishes and be MOTY guaranteed, right?

If you don't like the product, then why continue to watch it?
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If you don't like the product, then why continue to watch it?

I like enough of it to hold on after 20 years, guy. the Divas when not featuring the Bellas are good, Brock, Ambrose, Rollins, Owens, Cesaro, Wyatt, Orton when not fueding Cena, Adrian Neville, etc.

The talent is there, but it's not there to develop a new era or a new transcendent star. It's there to feed to John. No matter what the ratings continue to do month after month, year after year.
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Here's a video of Iron Sheik dropping the N bomb. Fast forward to 1:05 and a few seconds later you'll hear him say "I hate that n-word".


Now he's telling Hogan he wants to kick his ass for using it. How about the WWF removes him from their history first and then he can "try" to kick Hogan's ass. Hogan would throw that lard ass around like a red headed stepchild.
I'm sure it's been mentioned but Iron Shiek dropped a bunch of N-bombs on the Stern show. As long as nobody brings it up, I'm sure the WWF doesn't care. Not like Vince is gonna fire himself either for his N-word bit that he as the owner went along with.

Hogan seems like a jerk in real life but to take him out of the 'Hall'... I don't know. I don't consider it a real hall of fame, more like a celebrity getting a star in Hollywood because it's a popularity contest. Wrestlers like celebs are being honored for being popular more so than anything. You're not gonna see Rob Van Dam or The Hardy Boys in the hall even though they were far more exciting than Hogan body slams and stinky leg drops. Hogan had the appearance and gimmick to win the fans over. It's not like anyone watched Hogan fights and had their minds blown by his amazing skills in the ring.

I just wonder where the line is drawn. Once you're in the hall in sports, isn't it impossible to remove someone? Hollywood wouldn't even remove Cosby's star. Not sure WWF made the right choice to remove Hogan. At least it gives Vince an even bigger piece of the center stage while taking all of the credit. He hated sharing credit with Hogan putting the WWF over the top. Many people view Hogan as the biggest wrestler of all-time to push the industry to another level.

Vince is so in need of validation that he even takes credit for the Undertaker character even though Undertaker used the gimmick before ever even joining the WWF. Guess Taker doesn't care since he was made the man put over every year on the biggest stage, Wrestlemania. So, why would he care? I wouldn't if I were him. But since I'm not him, I find Vince to be unbearable in his quest to be WWF. The stuff he's done to his employees. The way he's assassinated characters and destroyed peoples careers because of vengeance and or getting some sick joy out of it... dude's ego knows no bounds.


That's Mark Calloway with a different company before he joined the WWF in 1990. Yet Vince takes credit for coming up with the idea of the Undertaker. Vince is a real piece of work. Probably just bitter that Macho Man may or may not have his plowed his under aged daughter before Triple H decided to take a turn.

RIP Macho. FU Vince.

Also... lol @ Iron Sheik speaking out against Hogan when he himself used the N-word on Stern. No wonder I've always thought Sheik sounded like a complete dumbass. Even when Scott Hall showed up drunk, Sheik seemed like a clown. At least Scoot Hall wasn't sober... Scott Hall also killed a man! WWF don't got time for that though.

Iron Sheik didn't take news of Hulk Hogan scandal well | FOX Sports

honestly I'd be shocked if both the Hardyz and RVD aren't eventually in the Hall. The Hardyz for their role in the first TLC matches and RVD really just for his entire body of work
I'm sure it's been mentioned but Iron Shiek dropped a bunch of N-bombs on the Stern show. As long as nobody brings it up, I'm sure the WWF doesn't care. Not like Vince is gonna fire himself either for his N-word bit that he as the owner went along with.

Hogan seems like a jerk in real life but to take him out of the 'Hall'... I don't know. I don't consider it a real hall of fame, more like a celebrity getting a star in Hollywood because it's a popularity contest. Wrestlers like celebs are being honored for being popular more so than anything. You're not gonna see Rob Van Dam or The Hardy Boys in the hall even though they were far more exciting than Hogan body slams and stinky leg drops. Hogan had the appearance and gimmick to win the fans over. It's not like anyone watched Hogan fights and had their minds blown by his amazing skills in the ring.

I just wonder where the line is drawn. Once you're in the hall in sports, isn't it impossible to remove someone? Hollywood wouldn't even remove Cosby's star. Not sure WWF made the right choice to remove Hogan. At least it gives Vince an even bigger piece of the center stage while taking all of the credit. He hated sharing credit with Hogan putting the WWF over the top. Many people view Hogan as the biggest wrestler of all-time to push the industry to another level.

Vince is so in need of validation that he even takes credit for the Undertaker character even though Undertaker used the gimmick before ever even joining the WWF. Guess Taker doesn't care since he was made the man put over every year on the biggest stage, Wrestlemania. So, why would he care? I wouldn't if I were him. But since I'm not him, I find Vince to be unbearable in his quest to be WWF. The stuff he's done to his employees. The way he's assassinated characters and destroyed peoples careers because of vengeance and or getting some sick joy out of it... dude's ego knows no bounds.


That's Mark Calloway with a different company before he joined the WWF in 1990. Yet Vince takes credit for coming up with the idea of the Undertaker. Vince is a real piece of work. Probably just bitter that Macho Man may or may not have his plowed his under aged daughter before Triple H decided to take a turn.

RIP Macho. FU Vince.

Also... lol @ Iron Sheik speaking out against Hogan when he himself used the N-word on Stern. No wonder I've always thought Sheik sounded like a complete dumbass. Even when Scott Hall showed up drunk, Sheik seemed like a clown. At least Scoot Hall wasn't sober... Scott Hall also killed a man! WWF don't got time for that though.

Iron Sheik didn't take news of Hulk Hogan scandal well | FOX Sports

I read an article earlier that said Vince almost gave Calloway the Gobbledy Gooker gimmick.
honestly I'd be shocked if both the Hardyz and RVD aren't eventually in the Hall. The Hardyz for their role in the first TLC matches and RVD really just for his entire body of work

Really? I stopped watching wrestling so long ago that I guess I'm out of the loop. Hard Boyz were a tag team that while popular, not very popular cause tag teams rarely are more popular than single wrestlers. And RVD, I loved him back in ECW but after the merger of all 3 companies, I slowly faded out over time. I stuck around for a while but it got to the point I thought with no competition, it went stale. Jmo.
I like enough of it to hold on after 20 years, guy. the Divas when not featuring the Bellas are good, Brock, Ambrose, Rollins, Owens, Cesaro, Wyatt, Orton when not fueding Cena, Adrian Neville, etc.

The talent is there, but it's not there to develop a new era or a new transcendent star. It's there to feed to John. No matter what the ratings continue to do month after month, year after year.

Am I still allowed to watch?

I'm sorry. To me, it sounded like in your post that you were fed up with WWE period. As far as you still watching because there are some wrestlers you like, I have no problem with that (Hell, I'm the same way). Whenever there's a wrestler that I don't care for that pops up on my TV, I usually change the channel.
I read an article earlier that said Vince almost gave Calloway the Gobbledy Gooker gimmick.

Wow... that would have been a mistake. In the video, Callaway is actually the 2nd guy with the guy playing the Undertaker and not the Undertaker. So yeah, seems WWF just took the gimmick and gave it Callaway when he joined. I know Vince takes credit for it though.

And yeah... Vince loves to bury wrestlers. He made Dusty Rhodes wear pokadots... I mean. Embarrassing.

Making JR kiss his ass in front of his home state when JR begged him not to out of character. He said anywhere else but there. But nah... Vince needs to put people in their place.

He was gonna put Triple H in his place for break character with the Clique until he stuck it to Steph. Then he became fam. Like joining the mafia.

Firing Matt Hardy because Lita cheated on with Edge and Edge was more popular.

Though I hate Lita since she cheated and find it funny... the way they canned her. Bringing out a box of dildos bahaha. Tramp
I'm sorry. To me, it sounded like in your post that you were fed up with WWE period. As far as you still watching because there are some wrestlers you like, I have no problem with that (Hell, I'm the same way). Whenever there's a wrestler that I don't care for that pops up on my TV, I usually change the channel.

I "cheat" now. I have friends that still watch the entire show, and they will text me if something cool is on. I do watch the monthly specials because of the wrestling format.

Just seeing Ambrose laying down for Big Show and Cena tapping Tyler Black and Kevin Steen, in 2015, gets me a little angry. My apologies.


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Speaking of tramps, you should go on youtube and check out interviews about Tammy Lynn Sytch. She was cheating on Candido with everyone back in ECW and continued to in the WWF. She'd blow guys like Raven, Perry Saturn, Sandman, Sabu etc. for pills.
Am i the only person still not impressed with Barret?

And it would take a Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner transformation for me to give any ****s about Adam Rose/Leo Kruger.

I've been a Barrett fan since Nexus.

Did you see Kruger? It is a night and day character difference compared to Rose
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