WWE Thread II

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I agree that the championship match ends in DQ. They've already merged 2 belts. They don't need to attach the lowest belt (that's not the Divas championship) to the WWEWHC. DQ allows both to retain.

For the Wyatts, how long is Rowan out? I could see him coming out and falling back in, if he's close to healthy.

It pains me that, yet again, the 3 NXT women will be watered down because they have to put the Bellas and Foxx and Naomi into the fight.

Something shocking has to happen. It's SummerSlam. The shock could be who interferes in the WHC match. I don't think Sheamus does it, but I think Sheamus capitalizes. I think we could see this be the 2nd time in a few months that a person loses to Orton, then wins the WHC belt later that night.

Sheamus needs to either lose that brief case or lose when he cashes in and then proceeds to be buried forever
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Sheamus needs to either lose that brief case of lose when he cashes in and then proceeds to be buried forever

I feel like we haven't had a briefcase change hands in forever. I'd be perfectly fine with it. I thought it was going to be the stipulation Ambrose put on his match with Rollins last year when he won the right to pick a stipulation.
I feel like we haven't had a briefcase change hands in forever. I'd be perfectly fine with it. I thought it was going to be the stipulation Ambrose put on his match with Rollins last year when he won the right to pick a stipulation.

I can only dream he enters a fued with Cesaro and loses it to him. Haha
So, who challenges Balor next for the NXT title?

I'd love to see a Samoa Joe/Balor fued with Joe moving more toward anti-hero just because those two could tear down the house.

One scenario I've seen (nothing rumors wise but some fans just talking) is that it will be revealed that Balor actually attacked Itami and that will be to set up a Balor/Itami fued with Balor heel. Balor is actually a better heel than face.
One scenario I've seen (nothing rumors wise but some fans just talking) is that it will be revealed that Balor actually attacked Itami and that will be to set up a Balor/Itami fued with Balor heel. Balor is actually a better heel than face.

That's what I was thinking. It would make perfect sense, as Itami was originally scheduled in that triple threat match that made Balor the #1 contender. And Balor could take the cheap way out and blame the demon for the attack.

Other than Itami or Corbin, I think the other obvious answer is Tyler Breeze. The guy is due for it.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev

Who I think should win: Rusev should win this in my opinion because he needs a little momentum. It should be a solid match and I expect some Lana/Summer Rae shenanigans. The story is lame but at the very least these two can go in the ring.

Who will win: Ziggler gets the win because it will make the crowd happy and Lana gets her "revenge moment" I guess.

How I would book it: Ziggler is about to win, Lana distracts him somehow, Rusev gets the win. Lana takes down Summer Rae, slaps Ziggler, aligns with Rusev, and we pretend this never happened.

Shemaus vs. Orton

Who should win: If we are going to have Sheamus, future WWEHC holder, then you have to give him some momentum. Orton can afford a loss.

Who will win: Orton wins because nothing pops a crowd like an RKO...OUT OF NOWHERE.

How I would book it: A clean as a whistle Sheamus win over Orton. Backstage, a certain based Aitch comes out and says he was really impressed with his victory and they shake hands...

Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens

Who I think should win: Cesaro is starting to get over again, WWE needs more babyfaces, and Cesaro is a guy that needs a monster win. Kevin Owens is a future superstar heel, has lost a little momentum from his first win, and is 0-4 in PPV matches since his Cena win. ****. I don't know.

Who will win: I think Cesaro pulls it off in what I believe is the match of the night. It wouldn't shock me if Owens got the win, but I think Cesaro is going to get a big push this fall to keep fans interested.

How I would book it: Cesaro gets an incredibly tough win with the announcers putting over Owens' toughness and will after such a tough loss last night.

Stephen Amell/Neville vs. Stardust/King Barrett

Who I think will win: Stardust/Barrett intrigues me and I'd actually give them the win and see if this tag team can take off.

Who will win: I know that Amell/Neville win.

How I would book it: **** it, it doesn't matter.

Shield 66% vs. The Wyatt Family

Who I think should win: The Wyatt Family should win in my opinion. Bray could use a big win here and this would be a great time to bring back Rowan if he's ready to go.

Who I think will win: Shield 66% gets the win with Roman getting the pin on Harper.

How I would book it: There's two ways: 1) Wyatt is about to win. Lights go out. Crows start chirping. Sting appears. Dean gets the roll up win. Wyatt/Sting rivalry begins. 2) Dean is struggling. Roman is trying to get the tag in but Dean ignores him, takes a risk, and loses on the Wyatt pin. Roman helps Dean up and then BOOM SUPERMAN BUNCH and we get the heel turn that must happen.

Team PCB vs. Team B.A.D. vs. The Bellas

Who I think should win: I'll tell you what REALLY should happen, but Team B.A.D. with Sasha making the champ tap makes the most sense to me.

Who I think will win: The Bellas. Because there is no God.

How I would book it: Sasha, Becky, and Charlotte, along with all three Bellas are left. The NXT women are in the ring why the Bellas think they got this. They all look at each other, they join forces, grab chairs, and lay the Bellas out to waste as they raise their hands together with Sasha being the main girl.

WWE Tag Title Match

Who I think should win: NEW..DAY ROCKS!!!

Who will win: NEW...DAY ROCKS!!!

How I would book it: NEW...DAY ROCKS!!!

WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Who I think should win: Nobody likes him, but I actually think the Miz should win after Ryback shellshocks Big Show. Miz throws him out the ring and gets the pin.

Who will win: I think the Ryback push continues and he pins Big Show after a massive shellshock.

How I would book it: Miz wins by taking advantage of a Ryback shellshock on Big Show. Big Show announces his retirement from wrestling, as we all celebrate that there is a God that cares about wrestling fans.

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena: Title for Title

Who I think should win: If this was me, Seth Rollins wins. Clean. After a massive curbstomp from the top rope.

Who will win: Cena wins...by DQ thanks to a Kane interference. No titles changes hands and we get Cena vs. Kane vs. Rollins for the title at NoC.

How I would book it: I would have Rollins win clean with the curbstomp. If not, here's my other idea. Cena wins by DQ after a low blow by Rollins (no Kane interference). Rollins celebrates keeping the title as Triple H comes out. Triple H "congratulates" Rollins in the ring as Cena *****es. As Cena walks away, Triple H hugs Rollins. Then turns him around and pedigrees him. Sheamus comes out, shakes HHH hand, and cashes in.

Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker

Who should win: Squash City, *****. Lesnar destroys Undertaker. Undertaker lays there, but doesn't get up. Druids come out, take the Undertaker away in a coffin. Undertaker is the headliner for the 2016 WWE Hall of Fame in Dallas.

Who will win: Brock Lesnar breaks the Undertaker's undefeated Wrestlemania streak. The guy who gets the rub from Lesnar? The Undertaker. Vince McMahon everybody.

How I would book it: Other than Taker's retirement, Undertaker hits the tombstone. He's about to call for the second one. The lights go out. It's Bray Wyatt with Harper and Rowan. They attack Taker, leave him for Lesnar, and Lesnar gets the victory. Wyatt and the Family watch as Lesnar leaves, the Wyatts are about to utterly destroy Undertaker. Then...lights go out, crows start chirping, and it's Sting with a baseball bat in the ring with Taker as they fight off the Wyatt's.
That's what I was thinking. It would make perfect sense, as Itami was originally scheduled in that triple threat match that made Balor the #1 contender. And Balor could take the cheap way out and blame the demon for the attack.

Other than Itami or Corbin, I think the other obvious answer is Tyler Breeze. The guy is due for it.

I'm a huge Tyler Breeze mark and think he's got big time potential. I'd have no problem with him taking the belt of Balor. Those two had a great match earlier.
Watching some old Summerslam and **** was Punk/Lesnar and Bryan/Cena incredible.
My thoughts:

Orton/Sheamus: Orton wins. Sheamus still has the MITB win or lose so a loss here doesn't set him back.

Ziggler/Rusev: Coming back from his "injury" (WWE Studios film role), Ziggler gets the win. Maybe Lana finally ditches the Russian gimmick on Raw.

Cesaro/Owens: Cesaro needs the win more than Owens, IMO. Cesaro has already been on the yo-yo (get hyped up, then fade to the background) too long and a loss here continues that trend. Cesaro has never been hotter so WWE should capitalize on that. Owens is the newer guy, therefore, he takes the fall but still gets props for putting on a great match.

Neville & Amell/Stardust & Barrett: No doubt about Amell getting a clean pin on Stardust, I just hope he looks passably competent in the ring.

Shield/Wyatt Family: Don't know about this one. Maybe an Ambrose turn on Reigns......leading to The Rock coming in for the save........leading to Rock/Reigns vs. Wyatt/Ambrose at WrestleMania? The Rock is supposed to be in attendance or backstage, so I'm sure he'll have an official presence.

Diva Match: PCB probably wins, although after last night's NXT show, I could see Sasha linking up with them in some fashion.

Tag Team Championship Match: Don't really care about this one. New Day probably wins. Tag team division needs an energy boost and a legitimate tag team, not just random singles guys thrown together in pairs or groups of three.

Ryback/Big Show/The Miz: There's no reason for Ryback not to win, there's no reason for Big Show to win, but I'm one of the few that likes The Miz. He's good on the mic and could be a good heel Intercontinental champ. In the end, Ryback retains.

Cena/Rollins: I don't see them putting both belts on one guy right now, so there's going to be outside interference in some fashion. Cena is granting his 500th Make-a-Wish on Raw tomorrow night, so it's not the right time for a heel turn...BUT...it might be the right time for an Authority face turn.

Lesnar/Undertaker: The way it has played out since Undertaker's return says that Brock will win, but then you have to consider how many matches does Undertaker have left and if he's going to go out on his back at WrestleMania, then he probably doesn't get pinned tonight. I say Undertaker gets DQ'd after relentlessly beating Brock and the ref with a chair or whatever, and then he continues beating on Brock until the crowd is ready for his (Taker's) blood. Brock then gets the win at Mania, Undertaker goes out on his back. End scene.
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Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev

Who I think should win: Rusev should win this in my opinion because he needs a little momentum. It should be a solid match and I expect some Lana/Summer Rae shenanigans. The story is lame but at the very least these two can go in the ring.

Who will win: Ziggler gets the win because it will make the crowd happy and Lana gets her "revenge moment" I guess.

How I would book it: Ziggler is about to win, Lana distracts him somehow, Rusev gets the win. Lana takes down Summer Rae, slaps Ziggler, aligns with Rusev, and we pretend this never happened.

Shemaus vs. Orton

Who should win: If we are going to have Sheamus, future WWEHC holder, then you have to give him some momentum. Orton can afford a loss.

Who will win: Orton wins because nothing pops a crowd like an RKO...OUT OF NOWHERE.

How I would book it: A clean as a whistle Sheamus win over Orton. Backstage, a certain based Aitch comes out and says he was really impressed with his victory and they shake hands...

Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens

Who I think should win: Cesaro is starting to get over again, WWE needs more babyfaces, and Cesaro is a guy that needs a monster win. Kevin Owens is a future superstar heel, has lost a little momentum from his first win, and is 0-4 in PPV matches since his Cena win. ****. I don't know.

Who will win: I think Cesaro pulls it off in what I believe is the match of the night. It wouldn't shock me if Owens got the win, but I think Cesaro is going to get a big push this fall to keep fans interested.

How I would book it: Cesaro gets an incredibly tough win with the announcers putting over Owens' toughness and will after such a tough loss last night.

Stephen Amell/Neville vs. Stardust/King Barrett

Who I think will win: Stardust/Barrett intrigues me and I'd actually give them the win and see if this tag team can take off.

Who will win: I know that Amell/Neville win.

How I would book it: **** it, it doesn't matter.

Shield 66% vs. The Wyatt Family

Who I think should win: The Wyatt Family should win in my opinion. Bray could use a big win here and this would be a great time to bring back Rowan if he's ready to go.

Who I think will win: Shield 66% gets the win with Roman getting the pin on Harper.

How I would book it: There's two ways: 1) Wyatt is about to win. Lights go out. Crows start chirping. Sting appears. Dean gets the roll up win. Wyatt/Sting rivalry begins. 2) Dean is struggling. Roman is trying to get the tag in but Dean ignores him, takes a risk, and loses on the Wyatt pin. Roman helps Dean up and then BOOM SUPERMAN BUNCH and we get the heel turn that must happen.

Team PCB vs. Team B.A.D. vs. The Bellas

Who I think should win: I'll tell you what REALLY should happen, but Team B.A.D. with Sasha making the champ tap makes the most sense to me.

Who I think will win: The Bellas. Because there is no God.

How I would book it: Sasha, Becky, and Charlotte, along with all three Bellas are left. The NXT women are in the ring why the Bellas think they got this. They all look at each other, they join forces, grab chairs, and lay the Bellas out to waste as they raise their hands together with Sasha being the main girl.

WWE Tag Title Match

Who I think should win: NEW..DAY ROCKS!!!

Who will win: NEW...DAY ROCKS!!!

How I would book it: NEW...DAY ROCKS!!!

WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Who I think should win: Nobody likes him, but I actually think the Miz should win after Ryback shellshocks Big Show. Miz throws him out the ring and gets the pin.

Who will win: I think the Ryback push continues and he pins Big Show after a massive shellshock.

How I would book it: Miz wins by taking advantage of a Ryback shellshock on Big Show. Big Show announces his retirement from wrestling, as we all celebrate that there is a God that cares about wrestling fans.

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena: Title for Title

Who I think should win: If this was me, Seth Rollins wins. Clean. After a massive curbstomp from the top rope.

Who will win: Cena wins...by DQ thanks to a Kane interference. No titles changes hands and we get Cena vs. Kane vs. Rollins for the title at NoC.

How I would book it: I would have Rollins win clean with the curbstomp. If not, here's my other idea. Cena wins by DQ after a low blow by Rollins (no Kane interference). Rollins celebrates keeping the title as Triple H comes out. Triple H "congratulates" Rollins in the ring as Cena *****es. As Cena walks away, Triple H hugs Rollins. Then turns him around and pedigrees him. Sheamus comes out, shakes HHH hand, and cashes in.

Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker

Who should win: Squash City, *****. Lesnar destroys Undertaker. Undertaker lays there, but doesn't get up. Druids come out, take the Undertaker away in a coffin. Undertaker is the headliner for the 2016 WWE Hall of Fame in Dallas.

Who will win: Brock Lesnar breaks the Undertaker's undefeated Wrestlemania streak. The guy who gets the rub from Lesnar? The Undertaker. Vince McMahon everybody.

How I would book it: Other than Taker's retirement, Undertaker hits the tombstone. He's about to call for the second one. The lights go out. It's Bray Wyatt with Harper and Rowan. They attack Taker, leave him for Lesnar, and Lesnar gets the victory. Wyatt and the Family watch as Lesnar leaves, the Wyatts are about to utterly destroy Undertaker. Then...lights go out, crows start chirping, and it's Sting with a baseball bat in the ring with Taker as they fight off the Wyatt's.

I got a question. You say that Reigns should turn heel, but is that really going to help him in the long run?

Also, i can't see Shield 66% winning.
I got a question. You say that Reigns should turn heel, but is that really going to help him in the long run?

Also, i can't see Shield 66% winning.

This is just my opinion, but A) I think Reigns can thrive as a heel and B) I don't think the crowd will ever get behind him as a babyface until he turns heel.
I'm a huge Tyler Breeze mark and think he's got big time potential. I'd have no problem with him taking the belt of Balor. Those two had a great match earlier.

I hate Tyler Breeze, i wish he would retire.

Z, did you see my comment earlier about Dbake?
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