Reigns, Wyatt, Lesnar and Sheamus. Wyatt and Lesnar take each other out, set up their own WM match, Reigns goes to Mania.
Goodness lol, VN at its finest. I just said I've always liked Triple H and it makes me happy to see someone from my generation with the belt again.
Which is fine, you're just in a very small minority who enjoys old past their prime wrestlers stealing spots and time from ones that deserve it. Thats all. Lol
The crap today is just so watered down man. Gotta bring back the beer trucks and grocery store brawls. The one younger guy who deserves it more than any IMO is Daniel Bryan.
I agree with it being watered down, but they can't just keep bring back old guys. Theyre lazy. There so much talent on the roster but they're constantly buried and booked like crap. If WWE would actually push these past stars aside and let a Owens, a Ambrose, A Ziggler, A Cesaro take the main spots and take the handcuffs off them hey could be legit stars.
Dude don't compare Brett Farve to the Attitude Era. Favre blows, the Attitude Era didn't.
I get what you mean and respect your opinion. The problem is, it's like they won't commit to a young guy to step into that role. Ambrose had a good push for a while, there's just not that dominant younger champ right now. Maybe it will be Styles?
The wrestlers aren't what is waterd down. WWE being PG/Anti-Bully/Family Oriented/etc are watering down.
DX, Stone Cold, Full-On Rock, Foley, etc wouldn't fly in today's WWE writing/creative plans either.