WWE Thread II

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This would of been insane 12 years ago ... Now it's getting to the point of just three sad old man with alzheimer's Trying to remember there glory years
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It's currently two guys that the crowd wants to cheer both and they're stuck together in a match that has no build-up and makes no sense because they have no rivalry.
Shane's last promo was have said to be changed a handful times including literally right before he went out.

I'm going to assume this was the same issue.

Vince, Shane O Mac and Taker all stumbled through that.
This is what happens when you fail to develop new / upcoming talent at the sake of feeding your manufactured top baby face. Then, when that cog, the only cog, of your machine is missing, you decide the best remedy is to strap a 46 year old wrestler to try and put over your next force fed baby face.

They are now reaping what they've been sowing for about the last 7-8 years. And the nostalgia can't bail them out anymore.
This is what happens when you fail to develop new / upcoming talent at the sake of feeding your manufactured top baby face. Then, when that cog, the only cog, of your machine is missing, you decide the best remedy is to strap a 46 year old wrestler to try and put over your next force fed baby face.

They are now reaping what they've been sowing for about the last 7-8 years. And the nostalgia can't bail them out anymore.

Except this was supposed to go to Rollins. HHH vs Rollins. And Rollins went down.

It was even designed to then go Reigns/HHH before Cena bolted for surgery. So yeah.
This is what happens when you fail to develop new / upcoming talent at the sake of feeding your manufactured top baby face. Then, when that cog, the only cog, of your machine is missing, you decide the best remedy is to strap a 46 year old wrestler to try and put over your next force fed baby face.

They are now reaping what they've been sowing for about the last 7-8 years. And the nostalgia can't bail them out anymore.

Punk left. Bryan retired. Cena, Rollins and Orton are hurt. They haven't exactly had good luck.
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Just finished watching. Ouch, this was not a good Raw coming off of Roadblock. Here's some of my thoughts:

1. New Day vs League of Waste? Kalisto vs The Ryback? What have these 2 challengers done to deserve a Title match at Mania? I'm at a loss of words.

2. I really liked the Ambrose/Mick Foley segment. It was like a "passing of the torch" moment.

3. Reigns has returned now? I'm surprised that they brought him back this soon. I'm a Reigns fan, but that whole segment with him was awful. You know the current booking of him is not working when my girlfriend (who is Roman's #1 fan) wants him to turn heel.
Punk left. Bryan retired. Cena, Rollins and Orton are hurt. They haven't exactly had good luck.

CM punk left a few years ago, they've had plenty of time. Even when they had him, most of his entire title reign was in the mid card. Unless it was against Cena or The Rock.

Daniel Bryan would be in an IC title match, at best, in hour #1 of mania this year even if 100% healthy. Reigns is finally going over with fireworks at Mania and they have shown they won't change it again. Last year's RR was proof enough for my point.

Orton.... One of the best / consistent workers on the roster and he's had a great career. If he's in the ME picture right now no one is an iota more interested.

Cena, good point, he would probably boost the attendance by at least 20,000 seats if facing Taker or 3 way ME title match with HHH or Reigns. He was the aforementioned "cog". His absence was helping my entire point.

Rollins, he legit was going to a huge focal point and biggest draw on that list at WM32.
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* my point was about new and upcoming talent. The youngest person on that list (besides Legit loss in Rollins) is DB at 34 and then Randy Orton at 35.....

There's a chance I'm dead wrong about the inability to develop new talent which would've boosted a huge mania like this... Just my opinion.
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* my point was about new and upcoming talent. The youngest person on that list (besides Legit loss in Rollins) is DB at 34 and then Randy Orton at 35.....

There's a chance I'm dead wrong about the inability to develop new talent which would've boosted a huge mania like this... Just my opinion.

I agree that WWE has been stupid with building young talent over the past few years, but I've become convinced that there's no way that there's fewer than 100k at mania. There are so many fans worldwide that want to travel and experience A Wrestlemania that it's probably nearing a sellout already. If not, I'm sure they'll start dropping ticket prices to Vandy football levels to get that sellout number.
You're probably right, and I'm holding out hope that the card and show delivers much like WM30, which had me just as skeptical leading up to it.
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I know a few of you thought it was a work but it looked bad "Live" and it looked to me that Jericho knew something wasn't right and they rushed the ending now the WWE has confirmed that Neville suffered a fractured ankle and possible a shin bone as well!
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I know a few of you thought it was a work but it looked bad "Live" and it looked to me that Jericho knew something wasn't right and they rushed the ending now the WWE has confirmed that Neville suffered a fractured ankle and possible a shin bone as well!

Wow, another injury. :banghead2:


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Yeah, I saw Neville rolling out of the ring on his own, so assumed it was a work. I guess I marked with how well Jericho sold being an a**
I hate that Neville got injured, but I'd rather have Zayn vs Owens mano a mano anyway. Neville could've been awesome in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal
You're probably right, and I'm holding out hope that the card and show delivers much like WM30, which had me just as skeptical leading up to it.

That's exactly how I feel. I'm hopeful that the show will end up being good because that's what WWE has done for the last 4 years.
Lackluster build to the biggest show of the year, put all their creative effort into the night of the show, pull it off, rinse repeat. They basically have fallen into a rut of knowing people will watch based on the word Wrestlemania on the marquee.
Just watched the Reigns/HHH brawl on the 90 minute Hulu Raw. Was expecting that they would tinker with the sound after reading about all the boos, but was really surprised at how loud and consistent the crowd heat comes across. And this is who Vince wants as the baby face of the company. Talk about being divorced from reality.
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