I also want to point out that my Fantasy Football team in my big cash league is called The Texas Pro-Pain (my team name last year) F5's. And the logo is Brock Lesnar F5'ing a shark.
The second HHH showed up I tweeted at my buddies "HHH face turn here on Rollins." and bam, 3 minutes later we get the best free ending we've seen in years.
I feel bad for you in a way then because we've been hoping HHH would do this for a while after they've coddled Rollins for so damn long. This was brilliant.
The second HHH showed up I tweeted at my buddies "HHH face turn here on Rollins." and bam, 3 minutes later we get the best free ending we've seen in years.
The second HHH showed up I tweeted at my buddies "HHH face turn here on Rollins." and bam, 3 minutes later we get the best free ending we've seen in years.
I think the best story to tell is have HHH be against Stephanie and Mick and with Owens, but have Owens be reluctant and almost angry that HHH helped him as he'd want to do it all on his own, and this is why HHH loves him. Because Rollins always begged for help and many times still lost, whereas Owens won so much alone.