It makes great sense. Total chaos going into Mania season. None of y'all know anything except somehow Rollins gets HHH and Big Show gets Shaq. Vince and Trips have screwed over every rumor site because anything is still on the table less than 3 months away.
All I know is Randy Orton better lose that main event spot to a debuting Joe who beats the absolute piss outta him or it's a stupid decision. Plain and simple.
Would of rather Reigns won by far and I hate Reigns. Lol
You would rather Roman main event Mania three straight years? Even Austin never did that.
I'm not saying this was the best or even a good option to go with, but it could mean a title run for Bray.
As for Joe there is no reason for him to have not been there. Absolute bulls***.
You would rather Roman main event Mania three straight years? Even Austin never did that.
I'm not saying this was the best or even a good option to go with, but it could mean a title run for Bray.
As for Joe there is no reason for him to have not been there. Absolute bulls***.
My hatred for Randy Orton knows no limits. His stupid RKO outta nowhere is 99.9% predictable when it happens. Only one that surprised me in recent memory was the one he did on Seth at WM31. He's just bland. And boring. Has been for 7-8 years.
I had no qualms with how it ended. I think Orton challenges Owens. The Wyatt Family does nothing for me, so why not just blow it up, have Bray and Harper do a program, and close that chapter. Cena/Styles. Trips/Rollins. Reigns/Strowman. Lesnar/Goldberg. Just gotta find a decent opponent for Taker.