Don't get why they didn't just let Bryan drive him back to the ring like SCSA driving the zamboni and then have the finisher off the forklift and pin. The illogical recovery and fire stunt was just lame.
I actually enjoyed the kid, though I think it should've been a hundred of them or so like last week. Him all alone seemed to scare him a bit.
I'm still hoping against all hope that his "own fans" (the kids) turning on him makes him go all monster mode and we finally get to see a year or two of Heel Cena before he finally starts to decline as an athlete. And no matter whether you like the guy or not, you can't deny he's one of the best athletes WWE has ever had. Gonna be a shame once he stops being able to do some of the stuff he does.
some good news according Lords Of Pain:
Since Batista isn't going to get the belt, he's leaving "for a while" so that he doesn't look weak when his movie comes out. There is also news that if Ric Flair "gets his house in order," he's going to get a lot more air time and be a lot more involved. No word on how though.
The Batista stuff is so up in the air that supposedly that caused the Kane revival last night. Rumors of an actual buried alive match if they have to cancel having Batista there. I'm all for continuing stories, but I hate to see it with Kane/Bryan. Where does the Shield go from here? The Wyatt storyline seems like the next obvious thing to me, but from all reports from last night Cena/Wyatt are nowhere near the finish line. Would hate to see the Shield be the deciding force that gives Cena the edge over the Wyatt family. The Raw where Bray had Cena in his lap had the Shield save Cena after Raw went off the air.