Y’all go ahead and be miserable

Here we go again with "weak fan" crap. Have you even pulled up the stats for UVA, AP, FLA, and UTSA? I don't think it makes me a weak fan. There's a reason Vegas is rich, and that their lines-- more often that not-- win people money. They create those with stats. I hope we beat the britches off of Sean Beamer, I want it so bad I can taste it. I'm not a weak fan. Fans that have the audacity to criticize ANY critique look extremely hypocritical when they do it to other teams but cannot endure a modicum of scrutiny against their own team.

CRITIQUES are what they are in the eye of the beholder. Too many on here reek of unbridled arrogance and are received just like those loud offerings at HS games that warrant and receive embarrassed eye rolls from the consistently loyal SUPPORTERS win or lose.

FOR EXAMPLE all those incompletions are in JOE’s stats and featured AS SUCH in multiple posts just like yours. Coach addressed them last night and CLEARLY attributed some to Joe but others to receivers route issues. I will go with Coach and add any posts that don’t to another stat, unsubstantiated agenda driven crap.
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Here’s what I think:

Obviously this team isn’t as good as we thought they’d be but on the other hand, we’ve had historically worse teams than this one.

We’re 3-1, ranked #23 in the country, we’ve shown what this team is capable of doing.

There’s a lot of improvement to be made overall but the season isn’t over. There’s plenty of time for us to get back on track.
When did we show what this team is capable of?
If everyone is so convinced we are not going to win from now on, why in the world are even going to watch the games? Is it just so the continual negativity can continue? Is everyone so eager to one up each other with creative ways to say "I told you so" that the actual results mean anything? We beat a lesser team by more than the experts said we should have, but that means nothing. One loss has turned this fickle fanbase from "CJH is the MAN" to "I knew he was in over his head". We deserve nothing better than a bevy of Butch Jones and Derek Dooley's for a coach. None of you could have been fans in the 70s or 80s because you wouldn't have survived, so a large portion on this site must have become associated with this team in the late 90s.
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I am not miserable I am just puzzled. I do not see Milton making the passes that I feel most quality SEC QB's make. Have you seen Joe make a slant across the middle? or a the TE down the seam? or a 15 yd out pattern? That is what I expected to see Heupel have Milton work on in this game and it did not happen. So even though I am happy for the win I am frustrated with the lack of growth I see in the play calls and passing game. It is either throw the WR screen or go 60+ on a pass play and hope the WR can make a play.

This post is spot on! I was watching the UNC game with Drake Maye at QB. This kid is really good. I didn't watch the whole game, but while I was watching, I didn't see him miss a single pass. Not saying they were all completed, but they were very accurate. I just wished we had a QB like this! He also made some timely run to keep the drive alive. Its no wonder they beat USCe so easily in week one. Keeping USCe offense off the field is one way to keep them from scoring. With Milton, not so sure we will be able to do this.
The loss of Pili really worried me when it happened and I think events have borne that out that concern. That was a key loss that reverberates across the whole defensive unit.
Agree but it is also an opportunity for guys to come along faster. I think we saw some of the costs in the UF game. How bad it ultimately hurts depends on how quickly those guys advance. The bad news is that 4 of the 5 LBs are Fr or So. The good new is that they're extremely talented. Not sure if Jalen Smith is behind the others in speed of game but he's another one I was really excited about- tackling machine in HS.

At a minimum, this group becomes a HUGE strength next fall.
While I go ahead and enjoy a victory. I’m continually amazed at the negativity

Sure, a WIN is nice however, when your butt cheeks are clinched so damn tight that you could crack a walnut between them, you know that against real teams from the SEC that we just might, just might kinda suck. Not being negative mind you, it is just what my gut and butt are saying to me. Wish I had listened to those two prior to walking down the aisle 35 years ago!!
Oh tell me your a Titan fan watching all that great offensive play. The NFL is pro’s and you still see teams make bad plays. But college isn’t pro’s everything is much more a work in progress. But if your so sure you seeing the writing on the wall for the Vols by all means go watch the NFL. Go find your flawless team and flawless play. 😆🤣GBO
I actually point out that they make mistakes and are held accountable, but whatever. If you can relate better to 18-21 year olds, you do you.

No, I'm not a fan of the Titans.
Don’t understand why all of the negativity after a win. Yes lesser opponent but a win is a win. GBO
Most of them didn’t leave their Mammas basement till they were 35. The ones younger than that still in basement. If Tenn. wins Sat. they will all go subterranean again waiting for a chance to crawl back out of their holes. They revel in it!
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Here’s what I think:

Obviously this team isn’t as good as we thought they’d be but on the other hand, we’ve had historically worse teams than this one.

We’re 3-1, ranked #23 in the country, we’ve shown what this team is capable of doing.

There’s a lot of improvement to be made overall but the season isn’t over. There’s plenty of time for us to get back on track.
It's so early in the season who really knows how good we are?? We didn't really know how good we were last year until we played Bama. I think the team is still finding themselves. We'll see what we are over these next 4 games
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The thing that chaps my backside about this thread: People have opinions, some think vols will turn it around, others think not this year. Heck, everyone got an opinion, let everyone have theirs without calling them miserable, sunshine pumpers, rainbow riders....what ever the heck you call them. Why does someone always have to be called a name if they don't share your opinion? Just roll with it, all of us want to see them win, regardless of how we think the season is going. And let me add something else, many of these people who you call miserable, are sitting in the stands every home game supporting our team. Carry on.....
I think fans are starting to realize that this isn't a very good team. We have a poor OL. We don't have difference makers at WR. Our secondary is flat out a liability. Milton has started to revert to overthrow Joe status. Our tackling, while better overall, was dismal in that 3rd quarter. Injuries have started to mount and while we have some depth, it's very young and not quite ready. Our schedule has been just awful outside of one average SEC opponent(UF) which we lost. We all watched the games and our future opponents yesterday. We've made comparisons. It's not a comforting thought. We have 2 games that should be guaranteed wins. UConn and Vandy. Outside of that, it's a bit scary. Fans don't have faith in this years team. There's simply no part of the game that you can consider a strength outside of special teams and maybe the running game. Tough road coming in league play.
Don't you know? We should just be happy that we have players willing to come here and make a lot more money than most fans make, for being not very good. We should be happy that we have coaches who will even coach for us for the paltry sums we pay them. We're not supposed to expect anything more than that.
They are immature. They think their feelings matter about the game. They don’t.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how this works. If the fans stop coming to the games, the players and coaches no longer get to buy expensive cars and have big wads of cash to throw at strippers, and it all goes away.

No fans=no football. Pretty basic.
We are not as good as we were last year but we are light years ahead of the Pruitt era. Go Vols. Every game on the schedule is gonna be a dog fight. Nobody in the league looks to have everything figured out.
Pruitt never got blown out by UF.
I think a lot of people just see the writing on the wall and are frustrated.

Really why I’ve gotten more into the NFL the last few years. Grown men, held accountable for their mistakes so they make very few.
Ask Denver fans about the team’s accountability!

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