Ynet (Israel news agency) says Adolph Hitler listened to Jewish, Russian music

Since I can no longer see my signature I assume that I have been "Tachy-goes-to-Coventried". I am familiar with this software. The mods know what I am talking about.

Considering the Nazi-like viciousness of the attacks from the mods I assume that this message board is run by a major media outlet and cannot afford to criticize Israel - since the owner or primary stockholder of your media outlet is probably a Zionist.

Can I use this as my signature? :pepper:
Hitler founded ESPN and came up with the theme music using Jewish composers.

Just throwing it out there with the other crap posted.
I've actually heard that his parents were Jewish, but that they were lost in a nasty smelting incident in his youth. As a follow on, he was ritualistically shorn......
Like they said - conspiracy theories.

Embarrassing or risky as the subject may be the general public needs to become more aware of Israel/Jews when you have got a U.S. government that:

1). used the attacks of 911 as a pretext to attack, invade, and occupy the country of Iraq when they had nothing to do with the attacks and posed no threat to us.

2). won't release the video from the Va. Dept. of Transportation or the convenience mart across the highway of the craft (projectile) that hit the Pentagon.

3). just made a $35 BILLION commitment to a country who:

-- a). is known to run "false flag" attacks (i.e. the USS Liberty) on us and who is constantly waging war on its neighbors and willing to commit genocide against the Palestinian people.
-- b). uses an event that happened 65 years ago as a tool to elicit sympathy and vast amounts of taxpayer money from the American people when the chief Jew hater (from their own news service) may not have hated Jews as badly as portrayed.

In light of the above for the American people to look the other way would be irresponsible or worse.

Yeah right, how dare Israel feel like they have the right to defend themselves against daily aggression. I mean really the nerve of the Jewish people thinking that the daily missle attacks, blown up discos and buses and pizza parlors is reason enough to justify some military action, they should just let that stuff go.
Good grief, everybody's entitled to their opinion, but you are waaaaaaaaaay out there.

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