You smell that?

Refreshing to have a non-volunteer fan not be a troll, knowledgeable, and sane. Best to the Dawgs except when you play us, otherwise "Beat Bammer"! I'll definitely have to catch the Clemson/UGA game. Thanks for being a good sport! GBO!

Fade has been coming around here for years. He's always been classy.
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Is that as in "You're in" or as in "Urine". I always felt sorry for those guys when they would chant "Gooooo Peay"! I grew up about 40 miles SW of Clarksville in Houston County. Still own 1 1/2 acres there but don't get there but about once a year. Love that Tennessee though; will always be a Tennessee Hillbilly. Growing up could go 4 miles west or 6 miles east to get the real 100% clear moonshine, if you knew the right people of course; in a dry county too. Ha! Ha! Don't know what the proof was but it not only would put hair on your chest, it would take it off too. Good Ole Days! Don't know any of those guys anymore.

Those guys are all on tv making moonshine on "reality tv".
Refreshing to have a non-volunteer fan not be a troll, knowledgeable, and sane. Best to the Dawgs except when you play us, otherwise "Beat Bammer"! I'll definitely have to catch the Clemson/UGA game. Thanks for being a good sport! GBO!

I'd say that there is a higher % of Vol fans that are trolls than visiting fans that are trolls.

Just offering a differing (but well supported) opinion doesn't make them a troll.

Too many Vol fans here simply respond with a "SMH" or start nega versus posivol arguments and ragging on current/former players.

To be dead honest, I'd far sooner buy 99gator or Fadeproof a beer than many if not most Vol fans here. They're good guys.
Is that as in "You're in" or as in "Urine". I always felt sorry for those guys when they would chant "Gooooo Peay"! I grew up about 40 miles SW of Clarksville in Houston County. Still own 1 1/2 acres there but don't get there but about once a year. Love that Tennessee though; will always be a Tennessee Hillbilly. Growing up could go 4 miles west or 6 miles east to get the real 100% clear moonshine, if you knew the right people of course; in a dry county too. Ha! Ha! Don't know what the proof was but it not only would put hair on your chest, it would take it off too. Good Ole Days! Don't know any of those guys anymore.

I give great credit to the Peay folks for having fun with it rather than putting a negative spin on the name. It shows they have a sense of humor about the homonyms pee and Peay. "Go Peay" has always elicited a chuckle from me.
TN and Georgia both have some early heavy lifting to do in representing the SEC out of conference, I think Dawgs will do alright with Clemson...but it will be tough, but I got to think we have a rougher job in Eugene. May we both represent the SEC well.
Good to see you around, Fade. It really is my favorite time of the year.

Always good to be here doc. I hope things are going well and I hope you have time to enjoy your team this year.

I am going to try and make the game this year. Would love to introduce you to my nephew and share a beer if possible.

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