Not afraid of snakes or pretty much any critter.. EXCEPT the brown recluse.
With my work around old barns those suckers are everywhere. I'm not really scared, just wary of getting bit.
Snakes are large enough and if you give them room or make enough noise to disturb them they will leave. Not so with brown recluse. Pulled 1 little pice of 4 inch wide bead board today and there were 2 of those suckers on it.. and 1 had an attitude. If you get bit by one it's months of recovery.. I know several who have been bitten and it's nasty..
Brown Recluse.. #1 on my list of fears..
Just read an article a couple days ago about a girl who woke up from a coma without her foot after it had to be amputated from a bite
It's a very long walk at 3am from my parking space to my apartment. Spiders love building webs in the wee hours of the morning and my paranoia only increases when I brush against a web.
If I'd seent it, I'd a kilt it too.My wife was screaming for me yesterday like someone was trying to burn the house down. She was outside, and there was the oddest spider I've seen around here. I'd say a little over a nickel in size, and hairy. Gray looking hairy like a little werewolf spider. I kilt it.
Have you ever been in one? I have, it'll make you truly understand how powerful they are. It scared me, but now I'm fascinated by bad storms.
Have you ever been in one? I have, it'll make you truly understand how powerful they are. It scared me, but now I'm fascinated by bad storms.
It's a very long walk at 3am from my parking space to my apartment. Spiders love building webs in the wee hours of the morning and my paranoia only increases when I brush against a web.
There are few things funnier than watching somebody suddenly having a freakout for no apparent reason when they hit a web that's invisible to the person watching.
Now having said that I really don't like scorpions.
Fear of holes could reveal a deep anxiety of parasites | Daily Mail
Looking at those photos literally makes my skin crawl :yuck: