Your Qb Is Interested In Us

I'd like to see BS do well. Too bad it didn't work out for him at UT but as most have said here, he appeared to be unwilling to accept any role but starter.

If he does well at A&M - all the better. Any success for A&M under Franchione will just aggravate Bama fans even more. :neener:
BS is very talented but I don't think he was willing to work hard enough to earn the starting position (I think he expected it to be handed to him), and if he had been willing to play somewhere else they would have done that (see James Banks WR convert from QB) BS's problems were more off the field I think , and I don't think anybody hates him , I just hate the fact that he squandered an opportunity. He will contribute alot to someone's program whereever he ends up.
I wish him the best and don't blame him for the transfer. The best he could have hoped for this year was second but realistically he would have been 3rd string. Then you look at JC coming in?! He made the right move if he truly wants to be a QB. I think he would be a great DB or WR and returning kicks. He is better than Reggie McNeil so A&M would be wise to get him if they can. He is a very talented young man and I hope he stays out of trouble and recognizes the opportunity that he has. The window of enjoying it is small and closes too fast.
Originally posted by Aggie99@May 17, 2005 1:31 AM
Thanks for the insight.  I appreciate all of your comments.  It is discussions like this that keep me coming back to your board.  When I want to know about Vol Football, I know this is the place to go.


You are right, we did get Brandon Stewart from you guys.  That could have been better for us, but he did win us a Big 12 I guess I would have to say "Thanks."  Here is to hoping that this turns out as good as that did.

That ended up working well for both schools. Stewart transfers to A&M, leads them to the Big 12 title in 1998, and helps UT get into the Fiesta Bowl that year, and play a less deserving team like FSU.

KSU would have been a tougher opponent that year, IMO.
It's been said from the start the Brent thinks he is (or should be) a starting QB. We tried to move him around some to utilize his speed and elusiveness (certainly his strong suit -- the passing game, esp. in the pocket, needs work), but he was not interested. Anyone who thinks they are going to make a hundred million dollars in the NFL one day as the field general will NEVER be happy running full steam into a stampede of special teams players.

His work ethic and now conduct problems have been his downfall and (in my opinion) a nice way to get out of a "backup role" situation.

Best of luck to him, and to you guys if you get him. He's certainly talented and could become a heckuva ball player if he can get straightened out.
Originally posted by The Swamp@May 16, 2005 9:11 PM
if you dont have an insightful respnse, please do not respond

Just remember September is just around the corner!!!! :thefinger:


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oh ainge, i (along with the rest of the Gator Nation) am counting down the days :D

REVENGE!!! :gun: :thefinger:
and we'll be eating gator gumbo outta Leak's helmet!!!!!!!!!!!!

GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just make sure you put your tennessee car window flags away as you drive north in shame.

we apologize for any future humiliation
who ever gets Brent schaffer is going to have a very good qb in the next 3 years. At times last year he was spectacular. lets not forget he was a freshman. Not every qb plays like a heisman winner when they are freshman. we just got very lucky to come out with the two best qb recruits in the nation last year. now Brent is gone and he will be very good on whatever team he goes on.
Originally posted by The Swamp@May 16, 2005 10:11 PM
if you dont have an insightful respnse, please do not respond

Since when does a gator come to the Vol board and decide who should post what? Typical, I suppose. :nono:
He's a good athlete but he needs some mental conditioning.

Once he lands somewhere for good, he'll most likely end up being a good QB. He always scared me, though, because he seemed to always want to run with the ball.

He needs to be in a true option-type offense where he can freeze linebackers and then do his thing. He'll be okay but I don't think he'll end up being a major factor for a program...more of a slashing. make things happen every so often on his own QB.

Originally posted by volmanbill@May 17, 2005 8:44 PM
Since when does a gator come to the Vol board and decide who should post what? Typical, I suppose. :nono:

you would be suprised at how many vols are on Gator boards just to stir things up, please get a clue, if you dont like what im saying, dont respond, if my post doesnt make sense or wasnt logical, please tell me...what, you cant take a different opinion?
Originally posted by The Swamp@May 17, 2005 9:23 PM
you would be suprised at how many vols are on Gator boards just to stir things up, please get a clue, if you dont like what im saying, dont respond, if my post doesnt make sense or wasnt logical, please tell me...what, you cant take a different opinion?

Never once did I question your opinion about anything. If there are UT fans doing that on the UF board then they are wrong. I just think the best place for your posts is on the UF board....but hey....that's just MY opinion. Quite simply, I don't care to have a gator on the UT board. I don't go to the UF board and have absolutely no desire to do so. For you to come here and tell our posters what to do is simply arrogant. I'm sure there are those here who do not share my opinion, but it is what it is.
Originally posted by The Swamp@May 17, 2005 8:23 PM
please get a clue, if you dont like what im saying, dont respond

This is a Tennessee board last I checked
EVERYONE, offtopic posts need to go in the pub.
Whoever gets Brent will get a great WR/Kick Returner. He doesn't have the arm to play QB at the D1 level. His arms lacks strength, but more importantly it lacks accuracy. He also doesn't understand the position. He is an amazing athlete and I hope he matures, show some humility and come to grips that his best position is not QB and start a learn a position that could take him to the NFL.

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