Your sense of awe

Three times I remember vividly.

I was struggling with a family issue and was praying at church for some guidance. A verse in the next hymn literally answered my question. Best guidance I’ve ever received.

Hiking the Narrows at Zion Canyon and looking up the walls of the canyon.

Visiting the Pyramids in Egypt and standing at the vertex looking up and seeing how high it went.
We take advances in Medicine for granted. The pain of bad backs and knees that people just had to live with 100 years ago had to be miserable.

When people say "I wish I lived back in earlier times", I don't think they really considered everything
Not everything has changed for the better though. We never locked our doors growing up. Paper not plastic and recycled glass milk and soda , or pop bottles, as we called them. People walked much more. And there was a respect for life. Church was a much important part of life. Many today seem to agree with president Adams and want to change and twist our constitution.
On October 11, 1798, John Adams wrote to the Massachusetts Militia

Because We have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by morality and Religion. Avarice, Ambition, Revenge or Gallantry, would break the strongest Cords of our Constitution as a Whale goes through a Net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
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Interesting question. I have seen things I can't explain, but they usually CAN be explained by some black project the military is running. I don't believe in extraterrestrial beings visiting this planet. We are a speck of dust in the middle of an immense void, and any life with the intelligence to come here would be seeking food and nothing more because we would have nothing to offer them. Unless watching the stupidity of our politics was amusing to them.


Humans are beings that have figured out space flight. We’re not great at it but we can get up there. We’ve been sending out signals for decades telling the universe we have life essentially inviting whatever is listening. It’s not too far fetched that other beings have conquered flight and would use it to come study us. I mean, we have people who devote their lives to studying ants. What do those ants have to offer? Enough to warrant attention it seems.
Agree with many about being on the ocean . But will never forget my trip from Munich through Vienna , Insbruck , Venice , Florence , Rome and Pisa Italy up to Monte Carlo Monaco and driving through the St. Bernard Tunnel (This is is where the dog breed was said to have originated, depicted in a 1690 painting there ) into Switzerland and back through Geneva and Bern and back to Munich. A trip of a lifetime and enough history to study for a couple of lifetimes. I have been greatly blessed.
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My sense of awe is going out the dead end road I grew up on.

My grandpa always use to say, “this is the best place in the word to live son, it’s just the people who ruin it.”

That rings true, more and more each day.
Three times I remember vividly.

I was struggling with a family issue and was praying at church for some guidance. A verse in the next hymn literally answered my question. Best guidance I’ve ever received.

Hiking the Narrows at Zion Canyon and looking up the walls of the canyon.

Visiting the Pyramids in Egypt and standing at the vertex looking up and seeing how high it went.
Yeah, as far as travel (50+countries) the Pyramids. Went inside. Crawled through a tunnel to a room. No way I could physically do that now.
Those pyramids seem to be everywhere in Egypt.
watching my children being born
Watching my wife walk down the aisle
the love that my Grandparents had for each other
Sunsets over the ocean
Sunrises over the lake
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Probably a cheesy answer, but my two sons. One is 17 and will probably be leaving home soon. When he was little I always wondered if my love/ feelings would change as he got older, but of course he still lights up my world as much as he did when he was a baby. It amazes me that God (in my opinion) instills that kind of love in us for our children.

A more practical answer is people that have a skill or a craft and know how to create something. I’m in the education field. I’m proud of what I do, and I believe it’s very important, but I don’t know how to actually MAKE anything. For instance, someone being able to wire a house for electricity or build a house or something like that. Or a mechanic knowing how to fix what’s wrong with a car.
Probably a cheesy answer, but my two sons. One is 17 and will probably be leaving home soon. When he was little I always wondered if my love/ feelings would change as he got older, but of course he still lights up my world as much as he did when he was a baby. It amazes me that God (in my opinion) instills that kind of love in us for our children.

A more practical answer is people that have a skill or a craft and know how to create something. I’m in the education field. I’m proud of what I do, and I believe it’s very important, but I don’t know how to actually MAKE anything. For instance, someone being able to wire a house for electricity or build a house or something like that. Or a mechanic knowing how to fix what’s wrong with a car.
Mommies and their babies. You can be 100 and them in their 70-80s, and they will still be your babies.
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I make this drive twice a year to my parents through the Vermillion Cliffs, and I have a spiritual experience every time. On the way home you're heading south down the mountain from Jacob Lake, winding through switch backs with huge pine trees all around, and out of nowhere, all of a sudden you can see forever, and forever is filled with this in all directions (no picture can do it justice):


It's astonishing
Placing my finger on the spot where triple bypass was performed on my chest at Vanderbilt Hospital 3 years ago always makes me stop & think. Thank the Lord, theose doctors & nurses, & my family for helping me through it.
I was talking to the Cardiologist who performed my surgery. He does it all day long all week.
I said "To you it's just like changing the oil in a car" His calm reply was 'Yeah, except with the engine running".

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