I've developed an inferior complex and no longer feel worthy posting among such Valid Victorians of the Zone. I have stepped off of my pedal stool and my only offering is pocket presents.
I've developed an inferior complex and no longer feel worthy posting among such Valid Victorians of the Zone. I have stepped off of my pedal stool and my only offering is pocket presents.
Your morning zoo report is brought to you by the Tenn. dept of employment where they helped 3* land a job as a Wal Mart greeter.
Only two hours into his job he was in trouble and on the termination exit interview he gave his statement as to what happened.
And by
Black Bear Realty And Property Management where fuzzy the bear is looking over things at the cabin till Comp comes back.
And by
Tylenol Cold and Sinus where Sparty is suffering from sinus pressure from a recent head cold and decided to ask Mrs. Sparty for a favor while in bed today.
Your morning report is brought to you by The Senior Centers Of Florida where VIF dropped the MIL off for a bingo tournament yesterday.
By Dole bananas where Nerd admits to eating bananas for their gassy effect while having some fun.
By the University of Kentucky where LC aced his algebra test with flying colors.
By Mane and Tail shampoo where LC met some girl at the stables and managed to shut up long enough to get lucky, but after the Wranglers came off she revealed a surprise.