Coaching Search Update (SIAP)

Ok, so 3_5 plane ride north. Minnesota is 2 hours.... another 1-3 hours of travel would put them in the middle of Canada. Quick lets look at Toronto and Québec for the list of coaching candidates....

Holy Crap! Hart is going to hire Dwane Casey. :popcorn:
Hubbs saying somewhere north was funny to me

Me too. It sounds like hedging his bets. Most candidates are north of UT. Also, you could meet White or Tyndall in a northern location.

Sounds silly. Either you know or you don't.

Was Hubbs tailing them on I-640 and lose them at the 75 split?
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Danny Ainge.

If we're going for crazy conspiracy connections. He's north. Has a family member connection to the University. More substance than Hubbs although that's not saying much...
The direction they flew could have nothing to do with where the person on or persons are from being interviewed. A non-disclosed location could be set to do any or all the interviews.

Look at Cal. They supposedly interviewed Cunozo in AZ. Of course Zo went on what was to be a recruiting trip to AZ on TN's dime.
I don't get why the person has to be coaching in the north just because Hart headed north. People travel for various reasons - could just be meeting someone where they were that day.

Edit: I swear the post above mine wasn't there when I started typing
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I'd say Miller or Mack, hope it's Mack. The way things go with UT searches it could be someone not even mentioned yet.

You are wrong! We will end up hiring a coach from a team that did real well in the N.I.T.

Remember, U.T. won't hire a coach unless they are from a lower level school because they can be purchased at cheap price.
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I hope they met with Archie Miller and he is interested because I think he is our best plausible option. Marshall and Smart would be great but I don't think either will come to UT, especially with the rumored max salary of $2M. Mack would be great but he is coaching at his alma mater. So, it could be hard to get him away from there for almost any program unless the money was shockingly high and/or the offer was for UNC/Duke/UK/KU, etc. I think Cronin is a Cincinnati guy and would be hard to pry away. Also, Cincinatti is a similar quality of job to UT's basketball HC and my guess is that he is well compensated. I'm not excited about Pitino's kid because he's young and our experiences with young, child prodigies (Kiffin and Dooley) have been disastrous. Howland's problems at the end with UCLA are a huge smudge on his resume. That said, he won at Northern Arizona, Pitt, and at UCLA. All in all, Miller has experience recruiting and coaching at the highest levels in his assistant gigs and now has demonstrated he can win big in the tournament (albeit with a favorable draw). He's the best plausible candidate. I think Howland is our most plausible second candidate because he's a demonstrated winner (including three Final Fours in a row with UCLA) and recruiter (he landed big time players at Pity and at UCLA), but he should only be hired of Hart thinks he can prevent player issues he had at UCLA. With either guy, I think UT will have upgraded and will be poised for big things.

How is beating Ohio State and Syracuse a favorable draw?
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How is beating Ohio State and Syracuse a favorable draw?

Fair enough. I was wrong about the favorable draw. For some reason, I just remembered them beating Stanford rather than having to play KU as opposed to remembering the two really good teams they beat in rounds one and two. I'm even more excited about Miller now.

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