MS DT Fabien Lovett (FSU transferee)

Noose equals Lynching. Why is what he alluded to considered racist by some, or questioned by others you may ask? Because 4,743 people died at the hands of US lynch mobs between 1881 and 1968. 3,446 (nearly three-quarters) of those lynched were black Americans. Mississippi along with Georgia and Louisiana had some of the highest rates of lynching.
Tulsa,OK neighborhood Greenwood considered as (Black Wall Street) in 1921 is were 100-300 blacks were massacred.
He may have been disgruntled at MissSt and was ready to leave, but by Leach mentioning a controversial and sensitive subject as he did, and receiving over 4000 likes shows everyone isn't sensitive to the black plight.
Noose does not equal lynching, it equals hanging. I consider myself very sensitive and sympathetic to the black plight, and those 4,743 lynchings are a national scar and tragedy. However, there were 25,270 suicides by hanging between 2005 and 2014 (edit: just in the US), 79.9 percent of which were white males. You can twist numbers to fit any point but the ones you’re arguing don’t bridge the logical gap.
The picture resembled nothing even close to racism, and no one at that university ever had anything to do with lynching and probably not even the civil rights movement. All that was is a kid that wanted to leave got an opening to use something that he might be able to play immediately with and jumped on it.

Most Americans are insensitive to what a noose represents to black america. The only thing that those who are insensitive could come close to a comparison is religious persecution of those who left England so they could practice their religion freedom in America. Who you know understands the word Chattel without googling it 1st? This has nothing to do with MissSt. Just a horrible part of our past that isn't to be taken lightly, but realize that it wasn't right and those who committed the heinous acts, those who stood by will have to answer to God.
On another note, if he chooses UT let's welcome him with open arms.
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Sir, How many of those "hangings were Voluntary" that you speak of? Those that were lynched weren't afforded the choice of suicide like the white males you speak of. You can forget numbers because your numbers represent suicide while mine represents murder. Kind of hard to castrate, hang, then burn your ownself dont you think?
I’m not saying suicides carry the same weight as lynchings, obviously. Im just saying that lynchings make up a tiny percentage of noose-related deaths. Five times as many suicides just in that recent 9 year data pool, over 60,000 hangings of European “witches,” and hanging has been a primary method of execution since Ancient Rome...and still continues to be in parts of the world. It’s just ridiculous to act like a picture of a noose is exclusive to any demographic or representative of lynching, which accounts for less than 1% of historic noose usage.
Noose equals Lynching. Why is what he alluded to considered racist by some, or questioned by others you may ask? Because 4,743 people died at the hands of US lynch mobs between 1881 and 1968. 3,446 (nearly three-quarters) of those lynched were black Americans. Mississippi along with Georgia and Louisiana had some of the highest rates of lynching.
Tulsa,OK neighborhood Greenwood considered as (Black Wall Street) in 1921 is were 100-300 blacks were massacred.
He may have been disgruntled at MissSt and was ready to leave, but by Leach mentioning a controversial and sensitive subject as he did, and receiving over 4000 likes shows everyone isn't sensitive to the black plight.
So, if it had been a gas chamber reference, should Jewish people have been offended? Millions of them were killed in Nazi concentration camps by that method. Your point would be more relevant if the post had any racial references at all, but it doesn't. Those offended by it are being hyper-sensitive and/or looking for ways and reasons to be offended.
Noose equals Lynching. Why is what he alluded to considered racist by some, or questioned by others you may ask? Because 4,743 people died at the hands of US lynch mobs between 1881 and 1968. 3,446 (nearly three-quarters) of those lynched were black Americans. Mississippi along with Georgia and Louisiana had some of the highest rates of lynching.
Tulsa,OK neighborhood Greenwood considered as (Black Wall Street) in 1921 is were 100-300 blacks were massacred.
He may have been disgruntled at MissSt and was ready to leave, but by Leach mentioning a controversial and sensitive subject as he did, and receiving over 4000 likes shows everyone isn't sensitive to the black plight.

This is just silly. Context IS important. First of all, noose doesn't equal lynching, it equals hanging. This is a wife who wants to kill her husband because they have been stuck in place together too long. This isn't "hey honey, look at this noose I just made. Let's go lynch us some black people.".

There is absolutely no way a reasonable person should look at this cartoon and draw the conclusion that it's racist. it's just not there.

This is ridiculous outrage and further demonstrates the wussification of this country.
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Most Americans are insensitive to what a noose represents to black america. The only thing that those who are insensitive could come close to a comparison is religious persecution of those who left England so they could practice their religion freedom in America. Who you know understands the word Chattel without googling it 1st? This has nothing to do with MissSt. Just a horrible part of our past that isn't to be taken lightly, but realize that it wasn't right and those who committed the heinous acts, those who stood by will have to answer to God.
On another note, if he chooses UT let's welcome him with open arms.
Would you understand the context of slave without googling it?
Bama's NT's
DJ Dale - 6'3, 308 (Starter)
Christian Barmore - 6'5, 310
Stephon Wynn - 6'4, 311
Bama has Sospher as well....6'4, 334

Tennessee's NT's
Emmit Gooden - 6'3, 290
Greg Emerson - 6'3, 300
Kurot Garland - 6'3, 304
Elijah Simmons - 6'2, 340
Omari Thomas - 6'5, 310
Dominic Bailey is also 6'3, 305 sooooooo (Probably won't play NT, but he has the size)

I see a few NT types. Bailey and Thomas will keep growing as well.

Did you forget UGA? But Bama was down this yr on the DL. Remember Q. Williams, Mt. Cody, and so on, and the rest of their crew. How about Auburn with those two dawgs 6'5 326 in Brown and Davidson who is a little bit smaller. Then Jordan Davis at UGA, his bkup is 6'4 320 those are traditional NT. The prototype for NG are Goose from the Ravens who helped make Ray Lewis a multi year pro bowler and Ngata who was his replacement
This is just silly. Context IS important. First of all, noose doesn't equal lynching, it equals hanging. This is a wife who wants to kill her husband because they have been stuck in place together too long. This isn't "hey honey, look at this noose I just made. Let's go lynch us some black people.".

There is absolutely no way a reasonable person should look at this cartoon and draw the conclusion that it's racist. it's just not there.

This is ridiculous outrage and further demonstrates the wussification of this country.
Noose does not equal lynching, but it implies lynching to POC. Non POC and POC have very different experiences in America, both personally and within their family. POC have a different point of view when it comes to lynching especially if it is something that occurred to someone in their family, and they are aware of that history. Why would a non POC argue with a POC about how they should feel about lynching or slavery for that matter? lynchings AND murders of POC happened in this generation, so it is not that long ago. Emmett Till would be 79 this year, if he were not killed when he was 14 years old, and he wasn't lynched (hung from a tree).
If you look at the worldwide history of execution by hanging across thousands and thousands of years, lynchings of black Americans would likely be a minute percentage. If that is considered across the line, we’d better do away with any memes containing ships, whips, handcuffs, auctions, depictions of agriculture, or any other inanimate staple of humanity that is not inherently racist despite having been used for racist purposes in a minority of cases. Leach provided clear context and intent. Kid was either looking for an excuse or is logically challenged.
You should delete are logically challenged.
As a blk man 43 that is married and has college kids and two minor kids at home I for one totally understood the Leach tweet. Yes i understand the nature of the picture but my goodness this generation has been so pussified that its ridiculous. The man made a caption that deliberately explained what he meant and the uproar still happened. I enjoy Leach on twitter and we laugh on group text almost daily about something he has tweeted. Can't wait to see Twitter leading up to the Ole Miss v Miss St gm. This should be EPIC
OK Candace Owens. You and I are the same age. How can you or I invalidate this young mans or his families feelings? He is from Mississippi, and his family may have a different experience as it relates to lynching. We don't know, but to say that HE is pussified is out of order. You built a hill and was ready to die on it for Reggie Grimes, and posted long diatribes if anyone disagreed with you. Are you pussified?
Noose does not equal lynching, but it implies lynching to POC. Non POC and POC have very different experiences in America, both personally and within their family. POC have a different point of view when it comes to lynching especially if it is something that occurred to someone in their family, and they are aware of that history. Why would a non POC argue with a POC about how they should feel about lynching or slavery for that matter? lynchings AND murders of POC happened in this generation, so it is not that long ago. Emmett Till would be 79 this year, if he were not killed when he was 14 years old, and he wasn't lynched (hung from a tree).

Here is why this is silly. Clearly, the intent of this meme is to show how beinging quarantined with there spouse for two weeks is driving them to the point she is knitting a noose to kill her husband. From this meme, you are connecting dots which don't exist.

I get that lynchings are bad and it wasn't that long ago that these types of events happened, but this cartoon has NOTHING to do with lynching.

I assume you are old enough to remember the Pace commercials...New York City? Get a rope. Were we crying or should we have been crying racism on this ad?

Just so silly. The context of this meme is not racist. People are over thinking this because she is knitting a noose?!?
So, if it had been a gas chamber reference, should Jewish people have been offended? Millions of them were killed in Nazi concentration camps by that method. Your point would be more relevant if the post had any racial references at all, but it doesn't. Those offended by it are being hyper-sensitive and/or looking for ways and reasons to be offended.

It's called Antisemitic.....
It's called Antisemitic.....
Which is exactly the point. If the reference had been to a gas chamber, it wouldn't have been any more anti-semitic than the noose reference was racial. You are going way out on a limb to find something to be offended about.
People looking for something to be offended about.

People don't "look" for things to be offended about at nearly the rate some of y'all think. How about let's try and be empathetic and understand why people of different ethnicities and backgrounds might be hurt by something like this and then try to do better? Is it really that difficult to be decent?
Which is exactly the point. If the reference had been to a gas chamber, it wouldn't have been any more anti-semitic than the noose reference was racial. You are going way out on a limb to find something to be offended about.

You do know that the grounds for both Antisemitic and racial persecution are the same right?
You don't joke or dismiss either as though the people that were affected should just get over it. That's the point.
You do know that the grounds for both Antisemitic and racial persecution are the same right?
You don't joke or dismiss either as though the people that were affected should just get over it. That's the point.
No, the point IS that neither scenario (the actual tweet or the hypothetical I proposed) had any racial or anti-semitic tones, at all. Just an image that someone has to go searching for a reason to be offended by either.

If the cartoon in Leach's tweet had a white woman knitting a noose while sitting next to an African-American, then there is a parallel to take offense. If the old couple had a Confederate flag hanging on their wall behind them, I could even see connecting the dots between images for that to be offensive. As it currently drawn, though, there is nothing to be offended by. Nothing.

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