George Floyd Protest/Riots

This is about as dumb as it gets. antifa is not a group. It’s not an organization. It’s just as idiotic as someone trying to call the conservative movement or the civil rights movement a terrorist organization.
Let's see how it pans out. If people are committing terrorism, which they are, then they need to be held accountable. Gitmo for all of them.
Nah. Memo came down from the politburo yesterday. That meme of Trump where he confirms everyone is out to get you but he's "just in the way" terrified us and we're getting out of the fake picture game.
Lol no way in hell your girls give up the fake picture game. It’s a top 3 play in the play book 😂
They're everywhere and they're coming for us apparently.

That response right there shows exactly what the legal workaround to the "Posse Comitatus Act" will be. It doesn’t need one because it’s called federal martial law. Put state National Guard on Title 10 orders and the full time uniforms can provide supply and logistics support only, no violations with that.

He’s already hinted at that response being a viable option in his playbook and these stupid instigating shites appear very willing to call his hand on it and force it to happen. ( insert head shakes and profanity laced rant here )
This is about as dumb as it gets. antifa is not a group. It’s not an organization. It’s just as idiotic as someone trying to call the conservative movement or the civil rights movement a terrorist organization.

That response right there shows exactly what the legal workaround to the "Posse Comitatus Act" will be. It doesn’t need one because it’s called federal martial law. Put state National Guard on Title 10 orders and the full time uniforms can provide supply and logistics support only, no violations with that.

He’s already hinted at that response being a viable option in his playbook and these stupid instigating shites appear very willing to call his hand on it and force it to happen. ( insert head shakes and profanity laced rant here )
That sounds good and very possible to me
Yes and vote in the person that called black people Super Predators in 1994 and is backing violence and destruction by antifa? Lolololololololol

The Super Predators statement is true, and people on the Right and Left, as well as the Super Predators themselves, know it's true.
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For the liberals that are in support of the protests and chaos. Do you understand that these people that are committing these acts of violence and creating total chaos, they will turn on you just as quickly as they have turned against LEOs and most conservatives.

They do not give a damn about your progressive values or ideas. They are not willing to listen to voices of reason or debate you on certain topics. Good luck with them as your future base of voters.
For the liberals that are in support of the protests and chaos. Do you understand that these people that are committing these acts of violence and creating total chaos, they will turn on you just as quickly as they have turned against LEOs and most conservatives.

They do not give a damn about your progressive values or ideas. They are not willing to listen to voices of reason or debate you on certain topics. Good luck with them as your future voter base.
They will stay on the reservation since they're being paid by George Soros
I mean, I wrote it out, but people who see riots and think "OH NO I'M DISTRACTED, GOTTA FORGET ABOUT FLOYD'S MURDER NOW" didn't care about the murder in the first place. People who actually give a **** (including UT, apparently) can easily address the police brutality issue without "getting distracted" or "forgetting."

People are generally capable of focusing on two things at once. Those pushing this false dichotomy of "oh no, I can only focus on EITHER the murder or the riots, and now these thugs are making me choose the riots" are, again, making bullsh*t excuses to tune out the issues that led to Floyd's death. No one is making them get "distracted" but their own damn selves.
Lol at the UT comment. They don’t care, they put out a statement written by a marketing firm to take the news off Tim Jordan getting arrested for dealing drugs 😂
That sounds good and very possible to me

He was getting a lot of push to do it early in the virus, so much so, that calls from inner circles got made along with notices from top uniforms to get prepared for it. He pushed back on it and in turn goaded the states into creating their own lockdowns.

This on the other hand, with the domestic terrorism classification, is a whole different kettle of fish and becomes a question of national security. A lot more normal average citizens would be more understanding of it under the current circumstances than they would have been due to the virus. Still sucks either way, but if the left thinks it would cost him the election, they’ll force it and be sadly mistaken because folks are sick to death of this rioting bull crap and want him to do something.

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