Leave Gabbie Marshall Alone! Deletes social media due to hate YouTube



Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2020
People shouldn't go on a player social media and attack a player. Women posting video is not a Iowa fan. She posts about women's basketball. Fans giving their opinion on fans message board about play on the court is one thing.

But to attack a player on social media is over the line.
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Schools need to have better protocols around social media for their athletes. This is not the first player we’ve seen this season crying over social media. Coach Sam said something similar regarding JP. UNC men’s team immediately turned comments off on their players accounts following their loss. That sort of immediate and decisive action could stop a lot of the drive by strays players catch. Does feel like we are building to some sort of mental health crisis among college athletes though, and mental health among that age group is already so poor.
Schools need to have better protocols around social media for their athletes. This is not the first player we’ve seen this season crying over social media. Coach Sam said something similar regarding JP. UNC men’s team immediately turned comments off on their players accounts following their loss. That sort of immediate and decisive action could stop a lot of the drive by strays players catch. Does feel like we are building to some sort of mental health crisis among college athletes though, and mental health among that age group is already so poor.
The women's video mentions death threats
Don't know if that happened if so that getting out hand!!!
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I figured she was being sexually harassed by losers.

The last thing I expected...which shows how naive I am...is that she was being harassed over a stupid game. And over one stupid correct call.

Mental health in the US is seriously declining.
Blunder said team made a pledge to stay off social media during the tournament. Gabby should have followed it. Social media is a known cesspool. Put the phone down.
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The Uconn player lowered her shoulder and extended it into the Iowa player. It WAS a foul. Do they call all legit fouls? No. But this foul occurred right in front of the Official and affected the play. Totally reasonable to call it. Totally ASININE to give this girl grief. I think it's related to the Clark/Iowa Hate.
Schools need to have better protocols around social media for their athletes. This is not the first player we’ve seen this season crying over social media. Coach Sam said something similar regarding JP. UNC men’s team immediately turned comments off on their players accounts following their loss. That sort of immediate and decisive action could stop a lot of the drive by strays players catch. Does feel like we are building to some sort of mental health crisis among college athletes though, and mental health among that age group is already so poor.
I saw where the NCAA was patting itself on the back for adding "mental health" services. An organization that can't see a difference between a male and a female wants to help young people's mental health. What could possibly go wrong?
Schools need to have better protocols around social media for their athletes. This is not the first player we’ve seen this season crying over social media. Coach Sam said something similar regarding JP. UNC men’s team immediately turned comments off on their players accounts following their loss. That sort of immediate and decisive action could stop a lot of the drive by strays players catch. Does feel like we are building to some sort of mental health crisis among college athletes though, and mental health among that age group is already so poor.
Don’t think it’s just athletes by any means. Athletes though do have that extra pressure on them as well.
Angel been getting attacked on for the past 2 years…it happens
In fairness Angel acts a jackasš on the court and every time she gets a mic. No idea about how this girl comports herself.. however, either way, it’s never okay to attack people personally. The worst thing people should ever say is “she’s not a good player” or “her attitude sucks” but commenting on anything further is inappropriate imo.
I saw where the NCAA was patting itself on the back for adding "mental health" services. An organization that can't see a difference between a male and a female wants to help young people's mental health. What could possibly go wrong?

Yep, I saw that too. Trying to boost their image; which is in the crapper.
In fairness Angel acts a jackasš on the court and every time she gets a mic. No idea about how this girl comports herself.. however, either way, it’s never okay to attack people personally. The worst thing people should ever say is “she’s not a good player” or “her attitude sucks” but commenting on anything further is inappropriate imo.
Yup no reason for them to be getting death threats or anything extra
Yup no reason for them to be getting death threats or anything extra

Death threats are obviously totally unacceptable; and should be punished! (andI believe that any credible Death Threats are pursued) But when you run your mouth excessively, you open yourself up to criticism.

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