Andrew Butcher underage drinking

I've not said that he was playing chicken with cars. I've said it's a very serious deal for him to be "running around on I-40 East" (police officer's words, not mine) while drunk. Notice the word "on" in that sentence. He was running around "on" I-40 East.

Would you be less concerned if he was doing it sober?
*sigh* the law is not there to protect the drunk, it's there to protect the innocent family driving home from church, shopping, the amusement park , or wherever from getting killed by a drunk driver.

No. The law should be there to protect the RIGHTS of all. We have drunk driving laws. That is a completely different thing that applies equally to an 18 year old and 88 year old.
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Given your statement that being drunk is illegal, independent of your behavior, I was curious. There is a lot of pearl clutching going on in this thread. I doubt anyone would be making as big a deal out of it if alcohol wasn't involved. He should be punished for breaking the law but people tend to lose all objectivity the second they hear alcohol.
You're right, I should have included blackmail by the feds. Thanks for the help

If that's not what you mean then explain where .08 comes from

I'm guessing you have never known someone who died drunk driving or worse killed someone else drunk driving.
The federal gov't bullied states into this RIDICULOUS LAW. I do not drink. I believe drunkeness is a sin. From a purely pragmatic perspective, there is no good that comes from excessive drinking.

BUT.... it is not MY right and therefore not GOVERNMENT'S right to tell other adults what moral decisions to make or that they cannot risk destroying their lives if they so choose.

For purposes of marriage, most contracts, the military draft, voting, working in an industrial environment, personal guardianship, etc, etc, etc.... 18 is the legal age of adulthood. If an 18 year old can be given control of a weapon and trusted to shoot the right people and not the wrong ones.... then they should be able to drink alcohol if they so choose.
You're arguing for 18 year olds drinking on a thread where an 18 year old was running on the freeway drunk. Good argument.
Sorry, but you have no idea what you are talking about.

You make such a compelling argument :ermm:

You do understand how a discussion works right? Offering zero in the way of evidence and then declaring victory is like a bammer national title claim
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I've not said that he was playing chicken with cars. I've said it's a very serious deal for him to be "running around on I-40 East" (police officer's words, not mine) while drunk. Notice the word "on" in that sentence. He was running around "on" I-40 East.

Cmon you're arguing that we think the same thing and he was not playing in traffic, but instead was on foot inside the property owned by the government known as I-40. That he was "running around" over in the grass or in the safety lane?

Maybe he was being even more stupid and he saw a cooler full of beer in the median that had fallen off a truck and he was running across I-40 to retrieve it for the party?
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That had zero to do with my point. We don't need laws passed based on an emotional response to an isolated incident

If the US regressed to an absolute monarchy tomorrow and you found yourself the king, would you merely elevate the BAC necessary for a DUI from .08 or abolish the entire concept?
Cmon you're arguing that we think the same thing and he was not playing in traffic, but instead was on foot inside the property owned by the government known as I-40. That he was "running around" over in the grass or in the safety lane?

Maybe he was being even more stupid and he saw a cooler full of beer in the median that had fallen off a truck and he was running across I-40 to retrieve it for the party?

Dang Walk, all I'm saying is that him being drunk and running on I-40 at night is a problem and more of an issue than if he'd been in his dorm room drunk. That's it. Not trying to make this hard. Not splitting hairs.

Edit: has picked up on the story.....

"Sometimes when a player runs into legal trouble we address it here because of its serious nature or impact on his team's outlook. With less serious offenses, sometimes it's the details that bring the violation to our attention.

Sunday's incident with Tennessee freshman Andrew Butcher falls into the latter category, thanks to the specifics of his arrest.

According to WATE in Knoxville, Butcher "was "running around" Interstate 40, near James White Parkway, when authorities spotted him around 1:45 a.m. as a "danger to himself and to others." Butcher was charged with public intoxication, underage possession of alcoholic beverages and controlled access roadway violations.

"We are aware of the situation involving Andrew Butcher and this matter will be handled internally," a school spokesperson said in response to the news.
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I'm here to tell you people there is more to this story, a blind man could see this. You guys are crucifying this kid before getting all of the information. No wonder Butch has had it with the media and the sensationalism in ktown. Take a breath and let the facts present themselves before passing judgement.
I'm here to tell you people there is more to this story, a blind man could see this. You guys are crucifying this kid before getting all of the information. No wonder Butch has had it with the media and the sensationalism in ktown. Take a breath and let the facts present themselves before passing judgement.

Do you know first or second-hand? What do you think it is?
Do you know first or second-hand? What do you think it is?

Neither as I live out of state but the current facts presented don't make a whole lot of sense. If he got hammered and decided to "run" on 40 then yes that is very poor judgement, but neither you or I know the circumstances. KPD nor KNS show no favoritism towards our team for certain and I have seen police blunder many a report. That is all I am saying.
You're right, I should have included blackmail by the feds. Thanks for the help

If that's not what you mean then explain where .08 comes from

Research with the intent of relating BAC to sensory impairment. Obviously.

Someone related the two things together with a function, graphed it, decided what a minimum amount of impairment was, and decided what the minimum corresponding BAC was.

I've heard a lot of conspiracy theories. Never heard one based around a number not sounding whole enough, LOL.

Thanks for the chuckle though.
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Research with the intent of relating BAC to sensory impairment. Obviously.

Someone related the two things together with a function, graphed it, decided what a minimum amount of impairment was, and decided what the minimum corresponding BAC was.

I've heard a lot of conspiracy theories. Never heard one based around a number not sounding whole enough, LOL.

Thanks for the chuckle though.
If that's true then why had it changed and is still being pushed to change. Are our tolerances getting lower? Is science just that much more advanced now? Can our blood just not handle the hard stuff anymore?

I never said anything about "a number not sounding whole enough" in any of my posts. What are you talking about?
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