Annual "You should pull for the SEC, it helps Tennessee" debate

I am. And I appreciate that. Don't get me wrong, I hate Florida. I hate their Gator-chomping garbage, their ugly orange and blue combination, etc.

I hate Bama. "ROWWW TAHHHHDDD" sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me. Saban is a tool, and so is Kiffin.

But at this point we've already played them. The results of those games aren't going to change. The only thing that can change is how good those teams are, and therefore the perception of those losses/victories.

I wish Utah State would have finished in the Top 25

I hate that Oklahoma will finish unranked, it makes me sick.

I love that Ole Miss beat Miss State.

I want Bama to win the NC.

Everything I want is for the good of Tennessee. And our 2014 competition (half of which we lost to) being awful and getting destroyed during bowl season in no way helps Tennessee, in fact, it makes Tennessee look worse.

So again, go SEC!!! Go undefeated in bowl season!!!!

While Bama winning another NC might be good for the public perception of the conference, it is still detrimental to UT. It doesn't help UT that more 5 stars will want to flock to Tuscaloosa. It won't help UT that Bama will sell millions of dollars worth of NC swag and gain more bandwagon followers. There are actually two sides to the argument. Both have their points. But I still stick by the fact that who I root for has zero impact on the outcome anyway. So I'll root against Bama . But if they win I won't let it ruin my day either.
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Oregon is one of the media ESPN darlings. Just like liberals and liberal Republicans like that clown Lindsey and his side kick McCain.

Oregon Ohio State is what the ESPN homers would love to see and talk about for a year.

Hopefully Alabama kicks the you know what out of Ohio State and their thug Coach.

Oregon beat FSU would be fine since they have a rapist at QB.

So Alabama hammering Oregon would be good for the SEC, Tennessee, and the good part of the World.

Dude how high are you? Seriously..
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Every fall during football season, we see post after post on here stating the following: "The SEC is the most powerful conference"; "If recruits are smart, they'll try to play in the SEC"; "Why would anyone want to play in any conference other than the SEC?"; "Wow, the SEC teams really know how to play defense!"; etc; etc.

Now, a lot of the same people making those comments are saying they hate all SEC teams other than the Tennessee Vols. How much sense does that make? You can't brag on the SEC in one breath, and say you hate most SEC teams in another.

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One thing I've noticed over the years with having friends and family that pull for different schools is that conference pride is rarely mentioned by the fans of schools that are winning. I live in Alabama unfortunately. You just don't hear many Bama fans saying "I hope you guys beat Iowa for the SEC". It's normally more like "Who is UT playing again?" Followed by something condescending like "is that the toilet bowl or the weed eater bowl? He he derp". So f them,basically.
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So all of you who hate other SEC schools and dont care that they ever win a game should never post that the SEC is dominant over any other conference (Cuz you want us to lose to big 10 and ACC schools). So you want the Big 10 and ACC to win all their bowl games? I am in favor of SEC dominance. I dont care who wins the NC because we are not in it. In fact, I hate FSU and OSU as much as Bama.
Everyone using recruiting as an argument is grasping at straws, IMO. Recruiting is a whole different game. It is influenced by many things. Team A winning a bowl game vs. Team B losing is arguably way down on the list.
One thing I've noticed over the years with having friends and family that pull for different schools is that conference pride is rarely mentioned by the fans of schools that are winning. I live in Alabama unfortunately. You just don't hear many Bama fans saying "I hope you guys beat Iowa for the SEC". It's normally more like "Who is UT playing again?" Followed by something condescending like "is that the toilet bowl or the weed eater bowl? He he derp". So f them,basically.

This is your perception and I guess you think it supports your argument. But those winning SEC bowl teams chanting "SEC! SEC! SEC!" beg to differ.
Everyone using recruiting as an argument is grasping at straws, IMO. Recruiting is a whole different game. It is influenced by many things. Team A winning a bowl game vs. Team B losing is arguably way down on the list.

You don't think that Alabama winning national championships is a positive recruiting tool for them?
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Everyone using recruiting as an argument is grasping at straws, IMO. Recruiting is a whole different game. It is influenced by many things. Team A winning a bowl game vs. Team B losing is arguably way down on the list.

I agree. If it is such a huge recruiting advantage explain UT's recruiting over the past 2 years.

No one will remember who won which bowl game other than maybe a handful of the bowls and the playoffs. I just finished watching the bowl game and I can't tell you which team won. I know they wore red and were the Rajin Cajun's but that's about it. I don't expect them to receive a huge recruiting push over this win.
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I'd rather be in a conference with only a few powerhouses than one dominated by it. I mean, OSU got seed No. 4 and we all know B1G sucks hard
Everyone using recruiting as an argument is grasping at straws, IMO. Recruiting is a whole different game. It is influenced by many things. Team A winning a bowl game vs. Team B losing is arguably way down on the list.

You can honestly say that if UT wins decisively in the Taxslayer that it would have no bearing on recruiting? There are many players on the fence about their destinations and perception matters. Ask South Carolina fans about perception right about now. True recruiting is a complex function but performance is NOT way down the list.
This is your perception and I guess you think it supports your argument. But those winning SEC bowl teams chanting "SEC! SEC! SEC!" beg to differ.

Really not even trying to argue. I stated above that I see both sides. I choose to never pull for Alabama. I might even be inclined to pull for them if it were a lower tiered bowl, but I doubt it. I just doubt there will be much SEC chanting going on here. It will mostly be "16! 16!16!". Which will make me want to barf.
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You can honestly say that if UT wins decisively in the Taxslayer that it would have no bearing on recruiting? There are many players on the fence about their destinations and perception matters. Ask South Carolina fans about perception right about now. True recruiting is a complex function but performance is NOT way down the list.

Very little, if any. What player(s) are on the fence and are going to base their decision on the outcome of the Taxslayer Bowl?
I remember arguing with someone in 1998 with someone on another message board about the bigeast vs sec, back then it was tie that year.
Really not even trying to argue. I stated above that I see both sides. I choose to never pull for Alabama. I might even be inclined to pull for them if it were a lower tiered bowl, but I doubt it. I just doubt there will be much SEC chanting going on here. It will mostly be "16! 16!16!". Which will make me want to barf.

That would be so nice of them to acknowledge Peyton and his accomplishments while at UT!!!!

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You don't think that Alabama winning national championships is a positive recruiting tool for them?

It will help them with some recruits and hurt them with others. They're still limited to the same number of recruits as everyone else and there are too many quality players for Bama to take them all. Saban rebuilt Bama by recruiting when they weren't competing for the national title every year.

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