Bracketmatrix 2021-22

Looking at the Net Rankings our worst loss this year was to #28 Alabama, in Tuscaloosa, when we were missing KC and Fulky.

All of our losses our to teams ranked better:
Arkansas #20
LSU #18
Texas #16
Texas Tech #9
Villanova #6
Kentucky #4
Everyone has us as a 3 right NOW after our win over Ky bro, except for SI. Listen, I hope we are a 2 but I have my doubts. If we beat A&M they will just say it wasn't a good metric win, thus no bump to a 2. We were a 2 one time, correct? It doesn't happen often.....its rare, and takes special set of losses by the blue bloods.
I’m not sure what matrix you’re looking at but on the one I’m looking at, as of yesterday there were 29 different people that had us as a 2 seed. For the ones updated this morning, 23 have us as a 2 seed. So there will be more that update tomorrow which will increase that number.
Honestly, Auburn should be a #3 seed. They had a favorable schedule this year and simply had their tougher games at home. They are a huge unknown on the road and after being ousted in their 1st game in the SEC tourney, they should be a huge concern.

Duke has 3 quad 2 losses and even a quad 3 loss. They played in a weak conference and the pressure is getting to them. They should drop to a #3 seed and even then I would say they aren't that good.

Also, upon deeper look, why is Kentucky a #2? Other than their win at Kansas, what other signature wins do they have? In league play they were 0-1 against Auburn, 0-1 against Arkansas, and 1-2 against us. What did they really accomplish to deserve such a high ranking? a win against UNC like us?

We beat UK twice, We beat Auburn, We beat Arkansas, we beat Arizona...we have some nice wins coupled with no bad losses.
Everyone has us as a 3 right NOW after our win over Ky bro, except for SI. Listen, I hope we are a 2 but I have my doubts. If we beat A&M they will just say it wasn't a good metric win, thus no bump to a 2. We were a 2 one time, correct? It doesn't happen often.....its rare, and takes special set of losses by the blue bloods.
There were 29 brackets in the matrix prior to our game today that had us as a 2 seed.
There were 29 brackets in the matrix prior to our game today that had us as a 2 seed.
OK, so glad to hear that. Must be my battered vol syndrome peeking out. hope this holds true. Win today and I hope we get a 2. Next question is.....can we realistically hope for Greenville spot?
I’m fine with all of this. Keep disrespecting this team and watch them play with a chip on their shoulder throughout the tournament. Chalk rarely holds anyway. If we keep winning, we’ll play some lower seeded teams. There is a decent chance the 2 or 1 seed in our bracket is upset before we even play them.

The thing I like about this team is a) guard play and b) defense, defense, defense. Those are the two best traits a team can have going into the NCAAT.
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OK, so glad to hear that. Must be my battered vol syndrome peeking out. hope this holds true. Win today and I hope we get a 2. Next question is.....can we realistically hope for Greenville spot?
You aren’t necessarily wrong to be cynical. The committee does inexplicable things every year. I wouldn’t get my hopes up over anything they do
You aren’t necessarily wrong to be cynical. The committee does inexplicable things every year. I wouldn’t get my hopes up over anything they do
Thing is we could get a three and come out better. The latest ESPN mock with us at three would be a dream come true.
Another random thought I had was how often does the committee try to build in an extra day of rest for teams that play deeper into their tournament?

Like, A&M and Tennessee and Purdue and Iowa play on Sunday while most everyone else finished yesterday or much earlier if they lost. Is there a chance we’ll get a Friday/Sunday schedule?
Another random thought I had was how often does the committee try to build in an extra day of rest for teams that play deeper into their tournament?

Like, A&M and Tennessee and Purdue and Iowa play on Sunday while most everyone else finished yesterday or much earlier if they lost. Is there a chance we’ll get a Friday/Sunday schedule?
They don’t. The dates are pre set for each site and teams are assigned according to distance. I guess a high seed could request a different site for that reason but I’ve never heard of that

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